Theory of Computer Science - Basic information

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1 Theory of Computer Science - Basic information
Dr inż. Robert Brzeski room 404 Consultation: or Monday – 17.30 Wednesday – 12.00

2 Theory of Computer Science - Basic information
Aim of the subject: Getting knowledge: - about basic concept of Computer Science. - that help you to understand another subject during your study.

3 Theory of Computer Science - Basic information
Syllabus of the subject: 1. [RB] [26.02] Algorithms 2. [RB] [05.03] Turing machine 3. [KT] [12.03] Formal grammars 4. [RB] [19.03] Basic components of a computer 5. [RB] [26.03] Von Neumann's architecture, Introduction to machine W 6. [RB] [09.04] Designing an instruction set for machine W 7. [KT] [16.04] Designing the program control unit for the machine W 8. [KT] [23.04] Additional aspects of von Neumann's architecture and introduction to programming in assembly language of machine W 9. [RB] [30.04] Input / Output functionality 10. [RB] [7.05] Interrupts 11. [KT] [21.05] and 12. [KT] [28.05] Introduction to operating systems, problems of management of resources and synchronization 13 [RB] [04.06] or [13.06] test - about 10 theoretical question

4 Theory of Computer Science - Basic information
Few of the lectures are going to provide: mgr inż Krzysztof Trocki Beside lecture, you will have classes, and during next semester laboratory.   mgr inż. Michał Gorawski mgr inż. Aleksander Chrószcz

5 Theory of Computer Science - Basic information
Classes: 1. Algorithms, 2. Turing machine 3. Formal grammars 4. Designing instructions for machine W 5. Programming in assembly language of machine W 6. Management of resources and synchronization

6 Theory of Computer Science - Basic information
Laboratory: 1. Designing instructions for machine W 2. Programming in assembly language of machine W 3. Machine W - Input/Output 4. Machine W - Interrupts 5. Data access methods 6. Formal grammars

7 Theory of Computer Science - Basic information
Literature: Tanenbaum, Andrew S.: "Structured Computer Organization" Hennessy, John L., Patterson, David A. and Goldberg, David: "Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach" Stallings, William: "Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance„ Stefan Węgrzyn: “Podstawy Informatyki” PWN 1982 Praca zbiorowa „Wykłady z Podstaw Informatyki” prof. Stefan Węgrzyn, Gliwice 2003

8 Theory of Computer Science - Basic information
Web page: -> Makrokierunek Automatyka i Robotyka, Elektronika i Telekomunikacja, Informatyka -> Theory of Computer Science [Makro] : also:

9 Theory of Computer Science - Basic information
To complete this semester you need to pass classes and lecture. At the and of semester you will have test. During the lecture test, you can use your own, hand-written notes.

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