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Pobieranie prezentacji. Proszę czekać

EU-Bureau, Federal Ministry of Education and Research PT-DLR Königswinterer Str. 522 D-53227 Bonn Tel: +49 228 447-642 Fax: +49 228447-649

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Prezentacja na temat: "EU-Bureau, Federal Ministry of Education and Research PT-DLR Königswinterer Str. 522 D-53227 Bonn Tel: +49 228 447-642 Fax: +49 228447-649"— Zapis prezentacji:

1 EU-Bureau, Federal Ministry of Education and Research PT-DLR Königswinterer Str. 522 D-53227 Bonn Tel: +49 228 447-642 Fax: +49 228447-649 Piotr.Swiatek@dlr.de www.eubuero.de Problemy europejskiego rynku pracy naukowców Piotr Świątek

2 KPK Zadania: Integracja nauki niemieckiej z Programami Ramowymi Uni Europejskiej, współpraca bilateralna z EU-Bureau (EU-Büro des BMBF -EUB) International-Bureau (Internationales Büro des BMBF -IB)

3 Gratuluję Państwu ! ?

4 Nowe spojrzenie na ludzki potencjał Międzynarodowy charakter pracy naukowej 3%-objective => w 2010 bedzie nam w Europie brakowało 700.000 naukowców Kanada – w ciagu nabliższych 7 lat 30% profesorów przejdzie na emeryture ! EU produkuje wiecej absolwentów S&T niż US/ JP ale mniej z nich zostaje naukowcami (5,36/ 1000, US: 8,66, JP: 9,72) Brak standartów dla określenia potencjału ludzkiego w nauce (HRST)

5 Nowe spojrzenie na ludzki potencjał Kryzys Nation-States –Zrównywanie sie systemów nauki i szkolnictwa –Konkurencja wśrod studentow, pracownków i naukowców –Wzrost przeplywu ludzkiego potencjału Erozja Welfare-State –Zmniejsza sie rola państwa w systemie rynkowym –Maleje państwowe dofinansowanie w wielu dziedzinach, także w nauce i szkolnictwie wyższym Wpływ neo-liberalnej ideologii –Praktyki marketingowe wpływaja coraz bardziej na działalnośc uniwersytetów i jednostek badawczych

6 Nowe spojrzenie na ludzki potencjał Konsekwencje: poprawienie pozycji naukowca w spoleczeństwie uatrakcyjnienie zawodu naukowca w oczach młodych ludzi wspieranie mobilności w Europie

7 Wymiana studencka na świecie 28,000 178,000 10,000 3,000 120,000 20,00027,000 2,700 15,000 108,00024,000 1,800 27,000 Other Europe -92,500 EU (1) +371,000 US + Canada +409,700 Asia + Oceania -474,800 Latin America - 48,000 Africa - 165,400 49,000 4,500 3,400 302,000 1,000

8 Nowe spojrzenie na ludzki potencjał –Ploteus –ECTS –EUROPASS –Quality of mobility

9 Funding, Funding, Social Security Social Security Pension Pension Unemployment Unemployment Teaching Duties Teaching Duties Parental Leave Parental Leave Taxes Taxes Net Monthly Income Net Monthly Income Pytania...

10 JRC, training through research training through research scheme, which targets: researcher at postgraduate level researcher at post doctoral level Info: Pani Joanna Rosińska, KPK

11 JRC, training through research Age limit: 35 years or less. Nationality:The candidate must be national of a Member State or an Associated State or residing in the Community for at least the last five years. Duration of the contract (subject to other cumulative limits): from 6 months to 3 years Contributions to the Researcher (depending on each JRC site as linked to national researchers:from 2.300 to 5.000 /month. Travel expenses and mobility allowance, if applicable The project to be executed during the contract of training through research must fall within the JRC s research areas (http://www.jrc.cec.eu.int)

12 JRC, Visiting scientist scheme Age limit:The applicant shall not have reached 65 years bythe starting day of the visit Nationality:The Visiting scientist (VS)scheme is open to researchers and scientists from any country The project must fall within the JRC s research areas (http://www.jrc.cec.eu.int)

13 TEMPUS Description –A Higher Education Cooperation scheme between EU Member States and Partner Countries Management –Programme managed by EC, DG Education and Culture, Unit Tempus, EU/USA, EU/Canada, Erasmus Mundus –Technical assistance provided by European Training Foundation in Turin Implementation –First phase launched in 1990 to meet HE needs in CEEC –Tempus II, Tempus II bis and Tempus III (2000-2006)

14 TEMPUS Objectives –European Common Projects (implemented by consortia) –Individual Mobility Grants (for workers in HE) Eligible institutions –HE and non-HE institutions (NGO, enterprises, public bodies) Participating countries –Western Balkans (CARDS) –Eastern Europe and Central Asia (TACIS) –MEDA (as of 2002)

15 ERASMUS MUNDUS Objectives –To improve the quality of higher education in Europe –To promote intercultural understanding through co-operation with third countries Eligible institutions –HEI –Students having obtained a first degree awarded by a HEI –Scholars and professionals who lecture or conduce research –Staff directly involved in HE 230 million Euro for a five-year period

16 ERASMUS MUNDUS Description –Programme of cooperation between EU and the United States of America in the areas of HE + VT Management –Programme managed by EC, DG Education and Culture, Unit Tempus, EU/USA, EU/Canada, Erasmus Mundus Implementation –Launch of the programme scheduled for Spring 2004 –Duration of the programme: 5 years (2004-2008)

17 ERASMUS MUNDUS Participating countries –Current/New EUR-25 + candidate + EFTA/EEA countries (for actions 1-3-4) –All other countries = 3rd countries (for actions 2-3-4) Actions –Action 1: support of Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses –Action 2: scholarship scheme for incoming third-country nationals –Action 3: partnerships between Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses and third-country HEI, involving scholarships for outgoing EU nationals –Action 4: activities to enhance attractiveness of European HE

18 Przykład rynku pracy dla naukowców Job Market for Chemists in Germany 4,3 Mio Unemployed 250 000 academics (5,3%) 3700 Chemists (0.78 ) 700 Recently graduated Chemists 90% of all german Chemists hold a Dr.

19 Dziekuję Państwu za uwagę

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