Rozdział 7: Drukarki i skanery

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1 Rozdział 7: Drukarki i skanery
Cisco Networking Academy Program IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software v4.0 Chapter 7: Printers and Scanners IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software v4.0

2 Wstęp Drukarki tworzą papierowe wersje dokumentów elektronicznych.
Kopie papierowe w dalszym ciągu są bardzo istotne. Skanery pozwalają użytkownikom zamienić dokumenty papierowe na elektroniczne. Slide 5 - Introduction 7.0 Chapter Introduction Printers produce paper copies of electronic files. Scanners allow users to convert paper documents into electronic files. Many government regulations require physical records; therefore, hard copies of computer documents are often as important today as they were when the paperless revolution began several years ago. A technician must understand the operation of various types of printers and scanners to be able to install and maintain them, as well as troubleshoot any problems that may arise. After completing this chapter, students will meet these objectives: Describe the types of printers currently available Describe the installation and configuration process for printers Describe the types of scanners currently available Describe the installation and configuration process for scanners Identify and apply common preventive maintenance techniques for printers and scanners Troubleshoot printers and scanners

3 Typy drukarek Technicy komputerowi powinni znać i wiedzieć jak wybrać i serwisować drukarki. Klient może zapytać technika o: Wybór drukarki Zainstalowanie i konfigurację drukarki Rozwiązanie problemów z drukarką Slide 6 - Types of Printers 7.1 Describe the types of printers currently available As a computer technician, you may be required to purchase, repair, or maintain a printer. The following are tasks that a customer may request from you: Select a printer Install and configure a printer Troubleshoot a printer After completing this section, students will meet the following objectives: Describe characteristics and capabilities of printers Describe printer-to-computer interfaces Describe laser printers Describe impact printers Describe inkjet printers Describe solid-ink printers Describe other printer types

4 Drukarki: Szybkość i wydajność
Obecnie dostępne drukarki to: Drukarki laserowe uużywające technologii elektrograficznej Drukarki atramentowe uużywające technologii natryskiwania elektrostatycznego Drukarki igłowe technologia „nacisku igieł” Używane gdzie potrzeba wiele kopii papierowych dokumentu Szybkość mierzona w liczbie stron na minutę (ppm): Cena drukarki zależy w głównej mierze od szybkości i wydajności. Slide 7 - Printers: Speed and Capacity 7.1.1 Describe characteristics and capabilities of printers Printers available today are usually either laser printers using electrophotographic technology or inkjet printers using electrostatic spray technology. Dot matrix printers using impact technology are used in applications that require carbon copies. Printer capacity and speed are factors to consider when selecting a printer. Inkjet printers are usually slower, but they may be adequate for a home or small office. The speed of a printer is measured in pages per minute (ppm). Inkjet Printer ppm Laser Printer ppm Price of a printer reflects its capacity and speed: Inexpensive, personal laser printer may be sufficient for a small business. These print up to 8 ppm, and approximately 200 pages per week. A mid-range, workgroup printer is designed to print up to 24 ppm, and approximately 1000 pages per week. A production printer is designed to print up to 200 ppm, and approximately 50,000 or more pages per week.

5 Drukarki: Kolory i jakość
Wybór między drukarką czarno-białą oraz kolorową zależy od potrzeb klientów. Drukarka tworzy kolory poprzez mieszanie składowych. Oko ludzkie widzi kolory będące mieszaniną kilku kolorów składowych na papierze. Kolory to: cyan, magenta, yellow, and black (CMYK). Jakość mierzy się w punktach na cal (dpi). Im więcej dpi tym wyższa rozdzielczość Color wheel Slide 8 - Printers: Color and Quality 7.1.1 Describe characteristics and capabilities of printers A computer monitor produces colors through the additive mixing of dots that are displayed on the screen. The eye picks up the colors directly. The dots produce the color range using red, green, and blue (RGB) dots. A printer produces colors using subtractive mixing. The eye sees a color that reflects from the combination of colors on the paper. The colors are cyan, magenta, yellow, and black (CMYK). The choice between a black-and-white printer and a color printer depends on the needs of customers: For printing letters, a black-and-white printer may be sufficient An elementary school teacher might need a color printer to add excitement to lessons. Quality is measured in dots per inch (dpi). The more dpi, the higher the resolution Higher resolution means text and images are usually clearer To take advantage of high resolution, use high-quality ink or toner and high-quality paper

6 Drukarki: Niezawodność i koszty
Elementy wpływające na niezawodność: Warunki gwaranci Regularne serwisowanie Współczynnik MTBF Współczynnik TCO zawiera Ceną zakupu Koszty materiałów eksploatacyjnych Koszt druku jednej strony Koszty utrzymania i serwisu Koszty gwarancji Ilość materiału do druku Przewidywany czas życia urządzenia Slide 9 – Printers: Reliability and Cost 7.1.1 Describe characteristics and capabilities of printers Reliability - To find a reliable printer, research the specifications of several printers: Here are some options: Warranty - Identify what is covered within the warranty Scheduled servicing - Servicing is based on expected usage Mean time between failures (MTBF) - There is an average length of time that the printer will work without failing Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) includes more than just the initial cost of the printer. The total cost of ownership includes: Initial purchase price Cost of supplies, such as paper and ink Price per page Maintenance costs Warranty costs When calculating the TCO, you should also consider: The amount of material to be printed The expected lifetime of the printer

7 Interfejsy drukarek Aby uzyskać dostęp do drukarki, komputer musi mieć interfejs zgodny z drukarką. Typy interfejsów: Szeregowy przesyłanie danych jest ruchem pojedynczych bitów informacji w jednym cyklu Równoległy przesyłanie danych jest ruchem wielu bitów informacji w jednym cyklu Transmisja równoległa jest szybka od szeregowej. SCSI używa komunikacji równoległej do osiągania szybszych poziomów transmisji danych. USB jest popularnym interfejsem drukarek i skanerów. Slide 10 – Printer to Computer Interfaces 7.1.2 Describe printer to computer interfaces To access a printer, a computer must have a compatible interface with the printer. The following are common interface types: Serial data transfer is the movement of single bits of information in a single cycle Serial ports are D-shell and are either male or female ports The number of pins for each port may vary. Serial cables may have either a 9-pin connector or a 25-pin connector either end The maximum length of a serial cable is 50 ft (15 m). Parallel data transfer is the movement of multiple bits of information in a single cycle Parallel data transfer is faster than serial data transfer IEEE 1284 is the current standard for parallel printer ports. Enhanced Parallel Port (EPP) and Enhanced Capabilities Port (ECP) are two modes that allow bi-directional communication. IEEE 1284 standard allows for cable length up to 30 ft (10 m); for data reliability, 15 ft (4.5 m) cable lengths are recommended. Parallel cables may have a 1284 Type-A 25-pin DB 25 connector on one end, and a 36-conductor Centronics connector on the other end. The Type-A connector connects to a computer, while the Centronics connector connects to a printer. Small Computer System Interface (SCSI), pronounced “scuzzy”, uses parallel communication to achieve high data-transfer rates. Some types of SCSI: SCSI pin connector SCSI 2 (fast SCSI) - 50 pin connector SCSI 2 (wide SCSI) - 68 pin connector SCSI 3 (fast/wide SCSI) - 68 pin connector Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a common interface for printers and other devices Speed and simple setup has made USB very practical. Newer operating systems offer plug and play (PnP) USB support, which automatically detects the device and installs the driver. A USB printer cable is a four-wire cable that has two unique ends, labeled A and B. Rectangular A connector usually connects with the computer. Square-shaped B connector connects to the printer. 127 USB devices can attach to a single bus.

8 Pozostałe typ interfejsów
Firewire znany także jako i.LINK lub IEEE 1394 jest szybki i niezależny od platformy. Urządzenia Firewire są typu hot-swap. Ethernet to interfejs dla drukarek współdzielonych w sieci. Technologia bezprzewodowa: Podczerwień wymaga widzialności nadajnika i odbiornika, a maksymalny dystans to 15 ft (4.5 m). Bluetooth wykorzystuje nielicencjowane pasmo radiowe do transmisji na krótkie odległości. Wi-Fi lub IEEE to standardy komunikacji bezprzewodowej. Slide 11 – More Interface Types 7.1.2 Describe printer to computer interfaces Firewire - Also known as i.LINK or IEEE 1394, is a high-speed, communication bus that is platform independent Firewire connects devices such as printers, scanners, cameras Allows a peripheral device to seamlessly plug into a computer Devices are hot-swappable A single plug-and-socket connection can attach up to 63 devices Has a data transfer rate of up to 400 Mbps Ethernet - An interface for network printers. Network printers are usually a resource shared on a network Typically have high-speed output and options such as LAN fax, duplex, and finishers Most have an RJ-45 interface for an Ethernet connection Infrared - For infrared communication to take place between a printer and a computer: Transmitters and receivers are required on both devices Must be a clear line of sight between the transmitter and receiver Maximum distance of 15 ft (4.5 m) Infrared light is invisible to the human eye Bluetooth technology uses an unlicensed radio frequency for short-range communication Popular for wireless headsets and synching PDAs to computers Bluetooth adapter will allow a Bluetooth device to connect to a printer, usually by using a USB port Wi-Fi or IEEE A standard for wireless communication. There are two common standards: 802.11b transfers data at a rate of 11 Mbps 802.11g transfers data at a rate of 54 Mbps g products are backwards compatible with b

9 Drukarki laserowe Drukarka laserowa to urządzenie wysokiej jakości, szybkie drukarki, które wykorzystuje promień lasera do tworzenia obrazu. Główne składniki obecne w drukarce laserowej: Toner Skaner laserowy Zasilacz wysokiego napięcia Mechanizm transportu papieru Rolka Nagrzewnica Obwód kontrolny Filtr ozonowy UWAGA: Należy znać elementy drukarki laserowej i etapy druku. Slide 12 – Laser Printers Describe laser printers A laser printer is a high-quality, fast printer that uses a laser beam to create an image The central part of the laser printer is its electrophotographic drum. When laser light strikes the drum, it becomes a conductor at the point where the light strikes. The laser beam draws an electrostatic image on the drum. The undeveloped image is passed by a supply of dry ink or toner that is attracted to it. The drum turns and brings this image in contact with the paper, which attracts the toner from the drum. A fuser melts the toner into the paper. There are seven main components contained within a laser printer: Toner cartridge Laser scanner High-voltage power supply Paper transport mechanism Transfer corona Fuser assembly Control circuitry Ozone filter NOTE: You should know the components of a laser printer and the steps required to print a page.

10 Proces druku laserowego
Druk laserowy obejmuje sześć kroków Krok 2: Nagrzewanie Krok 3: Zapis Krok 1: Czyszczenie Slide Laser Printing Process Describe laser printers The laser printer process involves six steps to print information onto a single sheet of paper. Step 1: Cleaning - When an image has been deposited on the paper and the drum has separated from the paper, any remaining toner is removed from the drum. Printer may have a blade that scrapes excess toner from drum. Some printers use an AC voltage on a wire that removes the charge from the drum surface and allows the excess toner to fall away from the drum. Step 2: Conditioning - Removing the old latent image from the drum and clearing the drum for a new image. Done by placing a special wire or grid, called the primary corona, across the surface of the drum. Drum receives a negative charge of approximately -600 volts DC. The roller is called a conditioning roller. Step 3: Writing -Scanning the photosensitive drum with the laser beam. Every portion of the drum that is exposed to the light has the surface charge reduced to about -100 volts DC. As the drum turns, an invisible latent image is created on it. Step 4: Developing - Toner is applied to the latent image. Toner contains developer particles made up of magnetic materials coated with a plastic-like material. The toner is charged to approximately -200 volts DC. Toner is attracted to the -100 volts DC areas of the photosensitive drum, but repelled by the more negative -600 volts DC areas. A control blade holds the toner at a microscopic distance from the drum. The toner leaps from the control blade to the drum, where it is attracted by the more positively charged latent image. Step 5: Transferring - Toner attached to the latent image is transferred to the paper. Secondary corona places a positive charge on the paper. Paper attracts the negative toner image from the drum. The image is now on the paper, held in place by the positive charge. Step 6: Fusing - Paper is rolled between a heated fuser roller and a pressure roller. Fuser roller is heated to about 350 degrees Fahrenheit (177 degrees Celsius). Loose toner powder fuses with the fibers in the paper. Paper is then moved to the output tray as a printed page. Teaching Strategy: This mnemonic will help you to memorize the order of the steps in laser printing: Continuous Care Will Delay Trouble Forever. Krok 4: Tworzenie obrazu Krok 5: Utrwalanie Krok 4: Transfer

11 UWAGA Kabel nagrzewnicy i rolki transferowej mogą być bardzo niebezpieczne. Napięcie dochodzi do 6000V Tylko certyfikowani technicy spowinni pracować z tymi elementami. Przed otwarcie obudowy drukarki upewnij się, że wszystkie ładunki zostały rozładowane. Slide 14 – WARNING Describe laser printers WARNING: The primary corona wire or grid, or the conditioning roller, can be very dangerous. The voltage runs as high as volts. Only certified technicians should work on the unit. Before working inside a laser printer, you should make sure that voltage is properly discharged.

12 Drukarki igłowe Drukarki igłowe tworzą znaki za pomocą docisku igieł drukujących do papieru przez taśmę barwiącą. Zalety: Tanie materiały eksploatacyjne Używanie wstęgi papieru Umiejętność tworzenia kopii Wady: Głośność Mała rozdzielczość druku Ograniczona liczba kolorów Mała prędkość wydruku 32 do 76 znaków na minutę (cps) Slide 15 – Impact Printers Describe impact printers Impact printers form characters when the print head impacts a printer tape or inked ribbon to create characters. Examples of impact printers are Dot- matrix and Daisy-wheel. Advantages of an impact printer: Uses inexpensive consumables (ink ribbons) Uses continuous feed paper Has copy printing ability (“carbon copies”) Disadvantages of an impact printer: Noisy Low resolution graphics Limited color capability Slow printing, normally 32 to 76 characters per second (cps) Daisy-wheel printer - The wheel contains the embossed letters, numbers, and special characters. Wheel is rotated until the required character is in place, and an electromechanical hammer pushes the character into the ink ribbon and against the paper. Dot-matrix printer - Print head contains pins that are surrounded by electromagnets. When the electromagnets are energized, the pins push forward onto the ink ribbon in patterns, forming a character. The number of pins on a print head, 9 or 24, indicates the quality of the print. The highest quality of print that is produced by the dot matrix printer is referred to as near letter quality (NLQ). Most dot-matrix printers use continuous feed paper with perforations between each sheet.

13 Drukarki atramentowe Dwa typy dysz:
Używają napełnianych tuszem pojemników z tuszem, natryskując na stronie atrament przez niewielkie otwory lub dysze. Atrament jest rozpylany na stronie w jednej kolumnie punktów. Wysokiej jakości obrazy Łatwe z użyciu Niedrogie w zakupie Dwa typy dysz: Termiczne –Impulsu prądu elektrycznego jest używany do ogrzewania komór wokół dysz. Ciepło tworzy bańki pary w komorze na atrament, która wypycha atrament. Ładowane są piezelektryczne kryształy umieszczone obok każdej dyszy. Ładunek sprawia, że kryształy wibrują. Wibracje kontrolują wypływ atramentu na papier. Slide 16 – Inkjet Printers Describe inkjet printers Inkjet printers use ink-filled cartridges that spray ink onto a page through tiny holes, or nozzles. The ink is sprayed in a pattern on the page, one column of dots at a time. Inkjet printers produce high quality print. Inkjet printers are easy to use and inexpensive compared to laser printers. There are two types of inkjet nozzles: Thermal - A pulse of electrical current is applied to heating chambers around the nozzles. The heat creates a bubble of steam in the chamber which forces ink out through the nozzle. Piezoelectric crystals are located in the ink reservoir at the back of each nozzle. A charge is applied to the crystal causing it to vibrate. This vibration of the crystal controls the flow of ink onto the paper.

14 Elementy drukarki atramentowej
Mechanizm podawania papieru czerpie papier, który przechodzi przez głowicę, gdzie natryskiwany jest atrament. Papier opuszcza drukarkę i jest wilgotny jeszcze przez około 15 sekund. Port równoległy Panel kontrolny Przyciski Pasek Slide 17 – Inkjet Printer Components Describe inkjet printers Printer paper is drawn into the printer by a feeding mechanism. Paper passes by the print head where ink is sprayed onto it. Paper leaves the printer through the discharge mechanism, and is wet for about 15 seconds. Inkjet printers use plain paper to make economical prints. Special-purpose paper may be used to create high-quality prints of photographs. Print quality of an inkjet printer is measured in dots per inch (dpi). A higher dpi rating provides greater image detail. Advantages of an inkjet printer: Low cost High resolution Quick to warm up Disadvantages of an inkjet printer: Nozzles are prone to clogging Ink cartridges are expensive Ink is wet after printing Wałek Rolki podajnika papieru Silnik napędu głowicy drukującej Głowica drukujące Pojemniki z atramentem

15 Drukarki stałoatramentowe
Używają atramentu w postaci ciała stałego Proces druku: Krok 1: Czyszczenie Krok 2: Natryskiwanie Krok 3: Transfer Zalety: Żywe kolory wydruków Łatwe w użyciu Obsługują wiele typów papieru Wady: Drogie Wolne nagrzewanie Slide 18 – Solid-ink Printers Describe solid-ink printers Solid-ink printers use solid sticks of ink rather than toner or ink cartridges. Solid-ink printers produce high-quality images. The ink sticks are nontoxic and can be handled safely. Solid-ink printers melt ink sticks and spray the ink through nozzles. The ink is sprayed onto a drum. The drum transfers the ink to paper. The printing process in a solid-ink printer is a three-stage process: Step 1: Cleaning - Drum surface is cleaned to remove any remaining ink from the previous print. Step 2: Spraying - The print head and the drum are heated and an image is sprayed onto the print drum. Step 3: Transferring - Paper is passed between a pressure roller and the drum transferring the image to the paper. The ink is dry when the transfer is finished. Advantages of solid-ink printers: Produces vibrant color prints Easy to use Can use many different paper types Disadvantages of solid-ink printers: Printers are expensive Ink is expensive They are slow to warm up

16 Drukarki termiczne Drukarka termiczna używa specjalnego papieru, który czernieje pod wpływem ciepła. Wykorzystywana jest taśma wrażliwa na ciepło, która głowice dociskają do papieru. Drukarki takie są żywotniejsze bo mają mało ruchomych części. Wady: Drogi i nietrwały papier Słaba jakość druku Wymogi przechowywania papieru Slide 19 – Thermal Printers Describe other printer types Two other printing technologies that you may work with are thermal and dye-sublimation. Thermal Printer - The paper used in these printers is chemically treated and has a waxy quality. Thermal paper becomes black when heated. Most thermal printer print heads are the width of the paper. Areas of the print head are heated as required to make the pattern on the paper. Paper is supplied in the form of a roll. Some retail cash registers or older fax machines contain thermal printers. A type of thermal printer is a thermal transfer printer, which uses heat- sensitive ribbon that the print head melts onto the paper. An advantage of a thermal printer: Longer life because there are few moving parts A disadvantage of a thermal printer: Paper is expensive Paper has a short shelf life Images are poor quality Paper must be stored at room temperature

17 Instalacja i konfiguracja drukarki
Przy zakupie drukarki, instrukcja instalacji i konfiguracji jest zazwyczaj dostarczana przez producenta: Instalacyjny dysk CD zawiera sterowniki, instrukcje obsługi oraz oprogramowanie diagnostyczne Również dostępne jako pliki do pobrania ze strony producenta Slide Installation and Configuration of Printers 7.2 Describe the installation and configuration process for printers When you purchase a printer, the installation and configuration information is usually supplied by the manufacturer. An installation CD that includes drivers, manuals, and diagnostic software will be included with the printer. The same tools may also be available as downloads from the manufacturer's website. After completing this section, students will meet these objectives: Describe how to set up a printer Explain how to power and connect the device using local or network port Describe how to install and update the device driver, firmware, and RAM Identify configuration options and default settings Identify how to optimize printer performance Describe how to print a test page Describe how to share a printer

18 Zasilanie drukarki Podłącz odpowiedni kabel do portu komunikacji z tyłu drukarki. Podłącz przewód zasilający do drukarki, a drugi koniec do wolnego gniazdka elektrycznego. Slide 23 – Power and Connect the Printer 7.2.2 Explain how to power and connect the device using a local or network port Connect the appropriate data cable to the communication port on the back of the printer. If the printer has a USB, Firewire, or Parallel port, connect the corresponding cable to the printer port and to the corresponding port on the back of the computer. If you are installing a network printer, connect the network cable to the network port. Most network connections use an Ethernet cable. Attach the power cable to the printer. Connect the other end of the power cable to an available electrical outlet. Warning: Never plug a printer into a UPS. The power surge that occurs when the printer is turned on will damage the UPS unit.

19 Sterownik Sterownik drukarki to oprogramowanie, które umożliwia komunikowania się ze sobą komputera i drukarki. Dowiedz, czy jest nowsza wersja sterownika jest dostępna na stronie producenta. Pobierz plik sterownika. Zainstaluj sterownik (automatycznie lub ręcznie) Wykonaj test sterownika. Slide 24 – Printer Driver 7.2.3 Describe how to install and update the device driver, firmware, and RAM After you have connected the power and data cables to the printer, the operating system may discover the printer and attempt to install a driver. If you have a driver CD from the manufacturer, install the driver software from the manufacturer. The driver that is included with the printer is usually more current than the drivers used by the operating system. Printer drivers are software programs that enable the computer and the printer to communicate with each other. Drivers also provide an interface for the user to configure printer options. Every printer model has a unique driver. Printer manufacturers frequently update drivers. You can download new printer drivers from the manufacturer's website. Step 1: Find out if a newer driver is available on the manufacturer’s website. Make sure the driver is compatible with the computer that you are updating. The following are some compatibility issues to consider: Does your computer have the required operating system? Does your computer meet the system hardware specifications for the driver, such as RAM and hard drive space? Will the driver work correctly with your applications? Step 2: Download the driver files to your computer. Download to a folder and uncompress or "unzip" the contents. Save instructions or documentation to a separate folder on your computer. Step 3: Install the driver automatically or manually. Most printer drivers have a setup file that will automatically search the system for older drivers and replace them with the new one. If there is no setup file available, follow the directions that are supplied by the manufacturer. You may need to remove specific files, restart your computer, and add the new files to your computer. Step 4: Test the new printer driver. Run multiple tests to make sure the printer works properly. Use a variety of applications to print different types of documents. Change and test each printer option. Restart the computer to overcome any problems that you notice. If you continue to encounter problems, try to reinstall the new driver. If you are still unable to print documents correctly, you may need to contact the printer manufacturer for additional help.

20 Firmware Firmware jest to zestaw instrukcji przechowywany w drukarce sterujący drukiem. Jeśli występują problemy z drukowaniem lub potrzebujesz nowych funkcji, rozważ uaktualnienie firmware drukarki. Pobierz plik oprogramowania i zainstaluj za pomocą dołączonego oprogramowania. Slide 25 – Printer Firmware 7.2.3 Describe how to install and update the device driver, firmware, and RAM Firmware is a set of instructions stored on the printer to control how the printer operates. You may wish to upgrade your printer's firmware if you encounter printing problems or need new features. The procedure to upgrade firmware is very similar to installing printer drivers. Download the upgrade file from the manufacturer's website and run a setup file that installs it.

21 Pamięć drukarki Pamięć drukarki służy do bufora wydruków, tworzenia stron lub przechowywania zdjęć dla dokumentów. Dodanie pamięci drukarki może poprawić prędkość druku i umożliwi obsługę bardziej złożonych zadań drukowania. Buforowanie wydruku jest zdolnością drukarki do przechwytywania zadania drukowania w pamięci wewnętrznej. Zajrzyj do dokumentacji i sprawdź: Parametry pamięci Dostępność pamięci Slide 26 – Printer Memory 7.2.3 Describe how to install and update the device driver, firmware, and RAM All printers have some memory. Adding printer memory to a printer can improve printing speed and allow the printer to handle more complex print jobs. Printer memory is used to buffer print jobs, create pages, or draw images for documents. Print-job buffering is the ability of the printer to capture as much of the print job into its internal memory as possible. The computer can focus on other tasks instead of waiting to send the remaining data of the print job to the printer. Buffering is common on laser printers, and plotters, as well as on high-end inkjet and dot-matrix printers. The page creation process of the laser printer enables the printer to prepare an entire page before printing it. This allows the printer to print while creating the next page. Consult the printer documentation for memory requirements: Memory specifications - May be standard or proprietary types of memory. Check the documentation for the type of memory, the speed of the memory, and the capacity of memory. Memory population and availability - Some printers have multiple memory slots. You may need to open a compartment on the printer to check memory population.

22 Konfiguracja wartości domyślnych
Typowe ustawienia druku: Rodzaj papieru Jakość druku Druk kolorowy Drukowanie w odcieniach szarości Rozmiar papieru Orientacja papieru Układ wydruku Dupleks Slide 28 – Configuration Options and Defaults 7.2.4 Identify configuration options and default settings Printers have different configurations and default options. Check the printer documentation for details. Common configurations that are available for printers: Paper type - standard, draft, gloss, or photo Print quality - draft, normal, photo, or automatic Color printing - multiple colors are used Black-and-white printing - only black ink is used Grayscale printing - color image printed with shades of black ink Paper size - standard and nonstandard paper sizes Paper orientation - landscape or portrait Print layout - normal, banner, booklet, or poster Duplex - normal or two-sided printing

23 Optymalizacja drukowania
Bufor (kolejka) wydruku Można przechowywać dokumenty, które są przygotowane do druku w pliku w pamięci RAM (spooler) Kolejkowanie pozwala na szybsze zwolnienie programu, które żąda drukowania. Kalibracja Można dostosować parametry wydruku do kolorów wyświetlanych na monitorze. Slide 29 – Optimize Printer Performance Describe how to optimize printer performance With printers, most optimization is completed through the software supplied with the drivers In the software, there are tools available to optimize performance: Print spool settings - You can store documents that are prepared for printing in a file in RAM called the print spool. You can cancel or pause print jobs in the printer queue. Spooling programs allow the application you are printing from to finish faster. You may also print directly to the printer Printer calibration - You can adjust settings to match the colors seen on the screen and the colors on printed sheet Media types - Settings for printing on specific media, such as a transparency Paper orientation – You can select landscape or portrait image layout.

24 Druk strony testowej Strona testowa sprawdza:
Poprawność działania drukarki Poprawność działania sterownika Komunikację między drukarką a komputerem. Aby wydrukować stronę testową: Start > Drukarki i faksy W wyświetlonym oknie Właściwości > Ogólne > Wydrukuj stronę testową Otworzy się okno dialogowe z pytaniem, czy strona wydrukowana została prawidłowo. Jeśli nie, to wbudowana pomoc pomoże Ci w rozwiązanie problemu. Slide 30 – Print a Test Page Describe how to print a test page After installing a printer, you should print a test page to verify the following: The printer is operating properly The driver software is installed and working correctly The printer and computer are communicating To print a test page manually, use the following path: Start > Printers and Faxes. This will display the Printers and Faxes window. Right-click the desired printer and follow this path: Properties > General Tab > Print Test Page. A dialog box will open, asking if the page printed correctly. If it did not, then built-in Help will assist you in troubleshooting the problem.

25 Test druku z CMD Druk z CMD pozwala na druk tylko znaków ASCI
Aby wysłać zadanie drukowania: Start > Uruchom Wpisz cmd i naciśnij OK. W wierszu polecenia wpisz: Print plik.txt Slide 32 – Test a Printer from the Command Line Describe how to print a test page Printing from the command line is limited to ASCII files only, such as .txt and .bat files. To send a file to the printer from the command line, use this path: Start > Run The Run box should pop up. Type cmd in the Run box, and then click OK. At the command line prompt, enter the following command: Print thefile.txt

26 Test z panelu drukarki Większość drukarek ma przedni panel kontrolny pozwalający na generowanie stron testowych. Ta metoda drukowania pozwala na sprawdzenie działania drukarki, niezależnie od sieci lub komputera. Sprawdź na witrynie producenta drukarki lub dokumentacji, aby dowiedzieć się, jak drukować strony testowe z panelu drukarki. Slide 33 – Test Printer from Printer Panel Describe how to print a test page Most printers have a front panel with controls to allow you to generate test pages. This method of printing enables you to verify the printer operation separately from the network or computer. Consult the printer manufacturer's website or documentation to learn how to print a test page from the front panel of the printer.

27 Udostępnianie drukarki
Udostępnianie drukarki umożliwia wielu użytkownikom sieci lub klientom na dostęp do drukarki. Windows /XP instaluje funkcję udostępniania druku w podstawowej konfiguracji. Slide 34 – Sharing a Printer Describe how to share a printer Printer sharing enables multiple network users or clients to access a printer. This reduces the expense, as fewer printers are required. Windows 2000/XP installs the print sharing capability in the basic setup.

28 Udostępnianie drukarki
Kliknij Start > Drukarki i faksy. Wybierz Właściwości drukarki. Wybierz zakładkę Udostępnianie. Kliknij pole Udostępnij drukarkę. Nazwij udział Kliknij OK. Aby podłączyć się do udostępnionej drukarki: Wybierz Start > Drukarki i faksy > Dodaj drukarkę Podążaj za wskazówkami kreatora. Slide 35 –Printer Sharing Describe how to share a printer Setting up printer sharing is simple with Windows XP. The following steps enable a computer to share a printer: Click Start > Printers and Faxes. Right-click the printer and choose Properties. Select the Share tab. Click the Share this printer radio button. You may keep or change the share name. Click Apply. All of the computers that use the shared printer must have the correct drivers installed. Drivers for other operating systems can be installed on the print server. Click Additional Drivers… and select the relevant drivers. To connect to the shared printer from another computer on the network: Choose Start > Printers and Faxes > Add Printer. The Add Printer Wizard will appear Follow the steps using the wizard.

29 Typy skanerów Technik może być poproszony o zakup lub naprawę.
Klient może zażądać: Wyboru skanera Konfiguracji Rozwiązywania problemów Slide Types of Scanners 7.3 Describe the types of scanners currently available As a computer technician, you may be required to purchase, repair, or maintain a scanner. The following are tasks that a customer may request from you: Select a scanner Install and configure a scanner Troubleshoot a scanner After completing this section, students will meet the following objectives: Describe scanner types, resolution, and interfaces Describe all-in-one devices Describe flatbed scanners Describe handheld scanners Describe drum scanners

30 Urządzenie wielofunkcyjne
Typy skanerów Skanery konwertują wydrukowane dane lub obrazy na formę elektroniczną, którą można zapisać na komputerze lub przetwarzać w miarę potrzeb. Skaner płaski Urządzenie wielofunkcyjne Skaner ręczny Slide Types of Scanners Describe scanner types, resolution, and interfaces Scanners convert printed data or images into an electronic data format that a computer can store or process as required. A scanned image can be saved, modified, and even ed as you would with any other file. An all-in-one scanner is a combination device that can scan, print, send faxes, and make copies. A flatbed scanner is a single purpose device that converts hard copy data to an electronic image. A drum scanner is a high quality scanner that spins film around a drum while a fixed laser or other beam of light captures the image as it spins. A handheld scanner is a portable scanner that is small enough to drag over text in books or other materials. Skaner bębnowy

31 Rozdzielczość i OCR Funkcje, jakość i szybkość skanerów mogą się różnić. Skanery zwykle tworzą obraz RGB, które mogą być zamienione na format obrazu taki jak JPEG, TIFF, BMP, PNG Obraz RGB ma trzy kanały: czerwony, zielony i niebieski. Niektóre skanery mogą tworzyć dokumenty tekstowe za pomocą optycznego rozpoznawania znaków (OCR). Oprogramowanie OCR jest wykorzystywane do konwersji zeskanowanego wydruku do tekstu, który można edytować w edytorze tekstu. Rozdzielczość skanera, jest mierzona w punktach na cal (dpi). Im większa rozdzielczość, tym lepsza jakość obrazu. Slide Resolution and OCR Describe scanner types, resolution, and interfaces Features, quality, and speed of scanners vary. Scanners typically create an RGB image that can be converted into image formats such as JPEG, TIFF, Bitmap, and PNG. An RGB image has three channels: red, green, and blue. RGB channels generally follow the color receptors of the human eye. Some scanners can create text documents using optical character recognition (OCR). OCR software is used to convert a scanned printed page into text that can be edited with a word processor. Resolution of a scanner is measured in dots per inch (dpi). Like printers, the higher the dpi, the better the quality of the image.

32 Interfejsy i kable Aby umożliwić przekazywanie danych, skaner i komputer muszą mieć zgodne interfejsy. Interfejsy i kable używane do drukarek są zazwyczaj takie same jak te używane do skanerów. DB-25 Firewire Slide Interfaces and Cables Describe scanner types, resolution, and interfaces To allow communication of data, the scanner and computer must have compatible interfaces. Interfaces and cables used for printers are typically the same as those used for scanners. (Parallel, USB, SCSI, and Firewire) Serial USB

33 Urządzenia wielofunkcyjne
Urządzenie łączy w sobie funkcjonalność wielu urządzeń w jednym fizycznym sprzęcie. Skaner, drukarka, kopiarka i / lub faks. Zalety: Wszystko w jednym Niski koszt Jeden upgrade dla wszystkich urządzeń Łatwe podłączenie i konfiguracja Używa jednego portu dla wszystkich urządzeń Slide 40 – All-in-one Scanners Describe all-in-one devices An all-in-one device combines the functionality of multiple devices into one physical piece of hardware. All-in-one devices generally include these functions: scanner, printer, copier, and fax. The devices may also include media card readers and hard drives for storage. All-in-one devices are typically used in home-office environments or where space is limited. These devices are often used with a computer but can operate alone to copy and fax documents. Advantages: All devices are built in Low cost One upgrade for all devices Easy connection and setup Uses one port for all devices Disadvantages: One problem effects all devices Not designed for heavy use Wady: Jeden problem wpływa na wszystkie urządzenia Nie przeznaczone do intensywnego użytkowania

34 Skanery płaskie Często używany do skanowania książek i fotografii w celu archiwizacji. Obraz uzyskuje się poprzez umieszczenie dokumentu na szybie. Głowica leży pod szkłem i porusza się przechowując obraz. Podajniki arkuszy mogą być używane do automatycznego skanowania wielu stron. Utrzymanie: Utrzymywać szybę skanera w czystości. Unikać umieszczania na skanerze elementów, które mogą porysować szkło. Slide 41 – Flatbed Scanners Describe flatbed scanners Flatbed scanners are often used to scan books and photographs for archiving. An electronic image is acquired by placing the book or photograph face down on the glass. The scanner head, consisting of an array of image sensors, lies beneath the glass and moves along the item, capturing the image. Sheet feeders can be used with flatbed scanners to scan multiple pages automatically. A sheet feeder is a device that can be attached to some flatbed scanners to hold multiple sheets and feed them into the scanner, one at a time. This feature allows for faster scanning; however, the image quality is usually not as good as a flatbed scanner that does not use a sheet feeder. Maintenance: Keep flatbed scanning glass clean. Avoid placing items in the scanner that can scratch the glass surface, for example, staples.

35 Skanery ręczne Przesuwa się skaner nad powierzchnią, którą skanujemy.
Kiedy chcesz przeskanować obraz większy niż głowica skanera, należy zrobić więcej niż jedno przejście żeby uchwycić pełny obraz. Następnie należy poskładać poszczególne zdjęcia w jeden obraz. Slide 42 – Handheld Scanners Describe handheld scanners A handheld scanner is small and portable. Pass the scanner head across the surface you want to scan. It is difficult to smoothly scan an image using a handheld scanner. When you want to scan an item larger than the head of the handheld scanner, you must make more than one pass to capture the full image. The images must be put back together to form a single image of the item that was scanned. It may be difficult to recreate the original image digitally when it is scanned in more than one pass.

36 Skanery bębnowe Wyparte przez tańsze skanery płaskie.
Tworzy wysokiej jakości obrazy. Wyparte przez tańsze skanery płaskie. Nadal używane do reprodukcji wysokiej klasy (archiwizacja zdjęć w muzeach). Aby zeskanować obraz: Dołącz zdjęcie do bębna lub załaduj je do pojemnika uzupełniającego. Bęben obraca się z dużą prędkością przez optyczne skanery.  Skanery optyczne przechwytują cały obraz zdjęcia.  Przechwycony obraz jest następnie odtwarzany przez komputer jako cyfrowy plik obrazu. Slide 43 – Drum Scanners Describe drum scanners Drum scanners Produce a high-quality scanned image Usually used in commercial operations Being replaced by lower priced, high-quality flatbed scanners Still in use for high-end reproductions, such as archiving photographs in museums To scan an image using a drum scanner: Attach the image to a revolving drum or load it into a supporting canister. Drum is rotated at high speed across optical scanners. Optical scanners move slowly across the drum surface until the entire image is captured. The captured image is then reproduced by the computer as a digital image file.

37 Konserwacja ochronna Drukarki i skanery mają wiele ruchomych części, się które zużywają. Czyść drukarki i skanery regularnie, aby uniknąć przestojów, utraty wydajności i wysokich kosztów naprawy. Slide 48 – Preventive Maintenance Techniques 7.5 Identify and apply common preventive maintenance techniques for printers and scanners Printers and scanners have many moving parts that can wear out over time or through extended use. Moving parts can be affected by dust and other particles. Clean printers and scanners regularly to avoid downtime, loss of productivity, and high repair costs. After completing this section, students will meet the following objectives: Describe printer maintenance Describe scanner maintenance

38 Konserwacja drukarki Drukarki mają wiele ruchomych części i wymagają więcej obsługi niż większość urządzeń elektronicznych. UWAGA: Odłącz drukarkę od źródła prądu elektrycznego przed rozpoczęciem konserwacji. Techniki konserwacji: Użyj narzędzi monitorowania i diagnostyki producenta. Drukarki igłowe mają rolki, które należy czystą wilgotną szmatką. Drukarki atramentowe mają mechanizmy podawania papieru, na których mogą gromadzić cząstki papieru. Przetrzyj ten obszar wilgotną szmatką. Drukarka laserowa musi być czyszczona specjalnym odkurzaczem (nie domowym). Odłącz drukarkę laserową przed czyszczeniem ze względu na wysokie napięcie. Slide 49 – Printer Maintenance Describe printer maintenance Printers have many moving parts and require more maintenance than most electronic devices. Impurities are produced by the printer and collect on the components. Over time, if the impurities are not removed, the printer may malfunction. A maintenance schedule for a printer can be found in the manual or on the manufacturer's website. CAUTION: Unplug the printer from the electrical source before beginning maintenance. Techniques for maintaining printers: Printer monitoring and diagnostic software from the manufacturer can run various maintenance tasks. Dot matrix printers have roller surfaces that you should clean with a damp cloth. Inkjet printers have paper-handling mechanisms that may collect particles of paper over time. Wipe the area with a damp cloth. Clean a laser printer with a special vacuum cleaner (not a household type) if you spill the toner. Toner particles will go through the filter of a household vacuum and into the air. Unplug a laser printer before cleaning it due to the high voltages.

39 Papier i atrament Właściwy rodzaj papieru do drukarki zapewnia dobre działanie i dobrą jakość druku. Dostępny jest papier do drukarek atramentowych i laserowych. Niektóre nośniki, w szczególności papier fotograficzny i folie, mają właściwe strony zaznaczone strzałką na opakowaniu. Producent zaleca markę i rodzaj tuszu. W przypadku złego rodzaju tuszu, drukarka może nie działać lub jakość wydruku może się pogorszyć. Nie należy napełniać pojemników z atramentem. Slide 50 – Printer Paper and Ink Describe printer maintenance The paper and the ink used in a printer are important for the following reasons: Paper selection - Using the correct type of paper can help you to ensure that the printer operates longer and prints more efficiently. Many types of printer paper are available, including inkjet and laser. Paper packages are usually labeled with the type of printer for which it is intended. The manufacturer may recommend the type of paper that should be used for best results. Also, some papers, especially photo paper and transparencies, have a right and wrong side marked by an arrow on the package. Install the paper properly for best results. Ink selection - The manufacturer will recommend the brand and type of ink that you should use. If the wrong type of ink is installed, the printer may not work or the print quality may be reduced. You should avoid refilling the ink cartridges because the ink may leak.

40 Proces rozwiązywania problemów
Krok 1 Zbierz dane od klienta Krok 2 Sprawdź oczywiste kwestie Krok 3 Spróbuj najpierw najszybszych rozwiązań Krok 4 Zbierz dane z komputera Krok 5 Oceń problem i zaimplementuj rozwiązanie Krok 6 Zamknij sprawę z klientem Slide 61 - The Troubleshooting Process 5.7 Troubleshoot operating systems Most operating systems contain utilities to assist in the troubleshooting process. These utilities help a technician to determine why the computer crashes or does not boot properly. The utilities also help identify the problem and how to resolve it. Follow the steps outlined in this section to accurately identify, repair, and document the problem. After completing this section, students will meet these objectives Review the troubleshooting process. Identify common problems and solutions

41 1. Zbierz dane od klienta Dane klienta Konfiguracja komputera
Nazwa firmy, nazwa osoby, dane kontaktowe Konfiguracja komputera System operacyjny, zainstalowane aktualizacje, środowisko sieciowe Informację należy zbierać na zleceniu Opis problemów Pytania otwarte Co było wykonywane kiedy problem się pojawił? Pytania zamknięte Jakiego oprogramowania używano? Slide 62 – 1. Gather Data from the Customer Review the troubleshooting process The first Krok in the troubleshooting process is to gather data from the customer. This Krok allows the technician to evaluate the situation. The technician must organize the information about the customer and the reported problem. Often a work order is used to collect this information. There are two types of questions you can ask: open-ended questions and close-ended questions. Open-ended questions cannot be answered with "yes" or "no" answers. The purpose of open-ended questions is to allow the customer to describe the problem. Close-ended questions can usually be answered with "yes" or "no" answers. This type of question can help a technician focus in on an error and locate the exact problem once a potential solution is being tested. Examples of open-ended questions: What problems are you experiencing with your computer or network? What software has been installed on your computer recently? What were you doing when the problem was identified? What operating system do you have installed on your computer? What updates or patches have been installed on your computer? Examples of closed-ended questions: Has anyone else used your computer recently? Does the computer boot up successfully? Have you changed your password recently? Have you received any error messages on your computer? Are you currently logged into the network? When a customer is not able to accurately describe the problem, there are other ways to evaluate the situation in subsequent steps in the troubleshooting process.

42 2. Sprawdź oczywiste kwestie
Sprawdź najbardziej typowe problemy Czy nie odłączono kabla danych? Czy są błędy na panelu kontrolnym? Czy nie ma zakleszczenia papieru? Czy nie brak papieru? Czy jest zasilanie? Czy nie brak tonera/atramentu? Slide 63 – 2. Verify the Obvious Issues Review the troubleshooting process After speaking with the customer, you should examine the most obvious causes of a problem. For operating system problems, the technician should determine if any of these obvious issues are causing the problem: Is the caps lock key set to ON? Is there a non-bootable disk in the floppy drive? Are the drive settings and boot order configured correctly in BIOS? Can you log on as another user? Was the computer recently turned off abruptly without being shut down properly? When booting a computer, you may see an error code or message on the screen. Most error messages will stop the boot process and will require some user intervention to solve the problem. The following are some common boot error messages: 601 Floppy disk error: The floppy drive failed or the data cable is attached incorrectly. 201 Memory test failure: The RAM failed or the RAM module is installed incorrectly. 301 Keyboard error: The keyboard failed or keys were depressed during the boot process

43 3. Spróbuj najpierw najszybszych rozwiązań
Źródłem problemów może być zarówno sprzęt jak i oprogramowanie Rozwiązania sprzętowe: Uruchom ponownie drukarkę, skaner lub komputer Upewnij się że klapki są zamknięte Podłącz ponownie kable Sprawdź zakleszczenia papieru Rozwiązania programowe: Wydrukuj z innej aplikacji Usuń zadania drukowania z kolejki Slide 55 – 3. Try Quick Solutions First 7.6.1 Review the troubleshooting process When troubleshooting printers and scanners, keep in mind that there may be problems in the hardware or the software. Try quick solutions on both to see if you are able to correct the problem. There are several hardware solutions that you can try: Restart the printer or scanner Disconnect and reconnect the cables Restart the computer Check printer for paper jams Reseat paper in paper trays Open and close printer trays Ensure printer doors are closed You may also try software solutions to determine the solution: Print from another application Remove all print jobs from the queue. To do this, follow this path: Start > Printers and Faxes > select the printer > Printer > Cancel All Documents

44 4. Zbierz dane z komputera
Zebrane dane z komputera może być używany w celu potwierdzenia danych uzyskanych od klienta Sprawdź czy drukarka jest domyślną Sprawdź, czy odpowiednie usługi są uruchomione. Sprawdź monitor wydruku. Sprawdź problemy sprzętowe w Managerze urządzeń Sprawdź konfigurację w Panelu sterowania. Slide 56 – 4. Gather Data from the Computer 7.6.1 Review the troubleshooting process The next step is to inspect the computer and printer. The data gathered from the computer can be used to confirm the data obtained from the customer. The data can provide additional insight to locate the source of the problem. Ensure the correct printer is selected as default. Check that the correct services are running. Check print monitor. Ensure there are no hardware issues in Device Manager. Ensure the printer or scanner is configured correctly in the Control Panel. When you set up a printer or scanner, install the driver software that the manufacturer sends with the device. It is usually more current than the PnP drivers on the operating system of the computer, and typically provides more functionality.

45 5. Oceń problem i zaimplementuj rozwiązanie
Przejdź do strony producenta, aby uzyskać najnowsze informacje na temat drukarki lub skanera: Znanych problemów ze sprzętem Najnowszych wersji sterowników Najnowszych wersji oprogramowania i narzędzi FAQ UWAGA: Próbuj tylko jednego rozwiązania w jednym czasie. Jeśli nie przyniesie skutku przywróć stan sprzed dokonania zmian. Slide 57 – 5. Evaluate Problem & Implement Solution 7.6.1 Review the troubleshooting process If necessary, research and prioritize other possible solutions, from the easiest to implement to the most difficult. Go to the manufacturer's website to get the most recent information about the printer or scanner: Known issues with hardware Latest version of the drivers Proper driver for software platform Latest version of utilities and software FAQs Implement the solutions one at a time. If a solution attempt does not fix the problem, undo the changes you made to the computer, printer, or scanner. Repeat this process until you solve the problem. Document everything, including attempts that did not work.

46 6. Zamknij sprawę z klientem
Kiedy masz pewność, że problem jest już rozwiązany: Udokumentuj sprawę i wszystkie podjęte kroki na zleceniu. Wyjaśnij klientowi rozwiązanie problemu. Pozwól klientowi sprawdzić rozwiązanie. Wypełnij całość zlecenia. Uaktualnij dziennik napraw. Stwórz dokumentację potrzebną w przypadku przyszłych podobnych problemów. Slide 67 – 6. Close with the Customer Review the troubleshooting process When you are confident that the problem has been resolved, the next Krok is to close with the customer. The technician must completely document the customer contact information, problem description, and steps to resolve the issue in the work order. Explain to the customer each Krok that you took to solve the problem. The customer needs to understand what caused the problem in order to avoid similar kinds of problems in the future. Turn on the computer and let the customer verify that the problem has been solved. Finally, have the customer reboot the system and check for any problems. Complete all documentation. Make sure you fill out all internal documentation, such as sales orders, time logs, and receipts. A work order should be completed and the repair journal should be updated. You can use the notes from the journal for future reference and to build a knowledge database.

47 Typowe problemy i ich rozwiązania
Symptom Rozwiązanie Drukarka nie chce drukować Skasuj zadanie drukowania i wyślij druk jeszcze raz Drukarka drukuje dziwne znaki Przeinstaluj sterownik drukarki Drukarka drukuje linie lub pasy na każdej stronie Wymień toner lub kartdridż Slide 59 – Common Problems and Solutions 7.6.2 Identify common problems and solutions Printer or scanner problems can be attributed to hardware, software, networks, or some combination of the three. You will resolve some types of printer and scanner problems more often than others. Other common printer problems and possible causes to consider: Problem: Page is blank Possible causes might be toner is empty, transfer corona assembly is malfunctioning, or the high voltage power supply which powers the charging and corona assemblies is malfunctioning Problem: Page is completely black Possible cause might be charging corona wire is malfunctioning Problem: Recurring marks on page Possible causes might be damage to the drum or toner spilled on one of the rollers. Problem: Vertical black lines on page Possible causes might be damage to the drum and dirty charging corona wire Problem: Vertical white lines on page Possible cause might be spilt toner on the charging corona wire Problem: Smudging of image Possible cause might be fuser is malfunctioning Problem: Ghosting of image Possible cause might be damaged cleaning scraper Problem: Unintelligible text Possible causes might be printer driver is malfunctioning or formatter board is malfunctioning


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