Do “green”, residential properties exist in Wroclaw’s county? Malgorzata Sliczna Department of Ecological Economics Wroclaw University of Economics E-mail:

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1 Do “green”, residential properties exist in Wroclaw’s county? Malgorzata Sliczna Department of Ecological Economics Wroclaw University of Economics E-mail: ERES 2013, 3-6 July 2013, Vienna

2 The structure of the presentation: 1.Introduction 2.Research methodology 3.Results and findings 4.Future directions of the development 5.Conclusions ermozg/1,91628,8267925,Eko domy.html

3 Introduction Energy Performance of Buildings Directive [Directive 2010/31/EU] subsidies for investors in „green buidling”, environmental friendly solutions Strategy for the development of Lower Silesia Voivodeship 2020 (Strategia Rozwoju Województwa Dolnośląskiego 2020)

4 Research methodology Wroclaw County: Area: 1118 km2 Cities 3 Villages 231 The research studies statistical and real estate data. Research period: year 2011 and 2012

5 Source of data District Inspector of Building Control for Wroclaw’s County Numer of energy efficient buildings (based on EPC) Cadastre office of Wroclaw’s County. Number of sold buildings and their price

6 Research methodology The paper closely examines put to use, “green” residential properties in the years 2011-2012. The number of researched estates is 2205, all from Wroclaw County (Wroclaw city not included)

7 Research methodology

8 Energy efficient residential buildings PE: numerical indicator of primary energy use expressed in kWh/m 2 per year „Primary energy”: energy from renewable and non- renewable sources which has not undergone any conversion or transformation process

9 Energy efficient residential buildings Criterion PE* ≤ 100 kWh/m2*a Reason: Polish average building 145 kWh/m2*a 382 buildings were identified *Primary energy

10 Energy efficient residential buildings in Wroclaw County [Source: self elaboration, n=382, years 2011&2012, Wroclaw County] PE Primary energy [kWh/m 2 *a]

11 Energy type used in the buildings in Wroclaw County [Source: self elaboration, n=382, years 2011&2012, Wroclaw County, multiple anwsers]

12 Relation between PE and Energy performance (FE) [Source: self elaboration, n=382, years 2011&2012, Wroclaw County]

13 [Source: self elaboration, n=382, years 2011&2012, Wroclaw county]

14 Number of solutions installed in one building [Source: self elaboration, n=373, years 2011&2012, Wroclaw County]

15 Number of buildings with the combination of eco-solutions *hrvc- heat recovery ventilation system [Source: self elaboration, n=373, years 2011&2012, Wroclaw County]

16 Number of sold buildings 8 buildings in the year 2011 9 buildings in the year 2012,91628,8267925, ml

17 Obstacles Lack of data about all aspects of the buildings, only data on energy effectivness in new buildings is avaluable hence not „green” but energy efficient buildings were researched EPC’s may not be correct in all cases

18 Conclusions Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) are not verified Most of the energy efficient buildings are build by the owner Those buildings are not popular in Wroclaw county (17% with PE<100 kWh/m 2 per year; 1,86% with PE<50 kWh/m 2 per year) The most popular solutions: biomass burners (fireplaces), solar panels Source:

19 Conclusions More research on the correctness od EPCs is necessary, There should be more information evaluable on technical issues of the buidlings, for professionals and researchers Source:

20 Future research Quantify the energy efficient buildings in city of Wroclaw Research on the value of those buildings in comparison to traditional real estate Determine the added value of environment friendly solutions Source:

21 References (2012). Strategia Rozowju Powiatu Wrocławskiego na lata 2012-2020. Wrocław. Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings - (2013). Retrieved from http://eur- Główny Urząd Statystyczny. Budownictwo mieszkaniowe I –III KWARTAŁ 2012 R. Retrieved from Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Dolnośląskiego. Strategia Rozwoju Województwa Dolnośląskiego 2020. Doherty, P. & Leinberger, C., 2010. Brookings Institution- research. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 27 May 2012]. Górzyński, J., 2007. Podstawy analizy środowiskowej wyrobów i obiektów. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowo- Techniczne. Kronenberg, J. & Bergier, T., 2010. Wyzwania Zrównoważonego Rozwoju w Polsce. Kraków: Fundacja Sendzimira. Lewandowski, W.M., 2007. Proekologiczne odnawialne źródła energii. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowo- Techniczne. Lützkendorf, T., 2011. How to break the vicious circle of blame? The contribution of different stakeholders to a more sustainable built environment. Sustainability in architecture and construction, (6), pp.1-10. Nelson, A. & Rakau, A.J., 2010. Green Buildings: A Niche Becomes Mainstream. Deutsche Bank Research. PlGBC, n.d. Polish Green Building Council. [Online] Available at: wydarzenia/171-architektura-i-budownictwo-zrownowaone.html [Accessed 28 May 2012]. wydarzenia/171-architektura-i-budownictwo-zrownowaone.html Wnuk, R., 2006. Budowa domu pasywnego w praktyce. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Przewodnik Budowlany.

22 Thank you for your attention Malgorzata G. Sliczna Department of Ecological Economics Wroclaw University of Economics E-mail:

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