Profesor Zdzisław T. Bieniawski

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1 Profesor Zdzisław T. Bieniawski

2 Profesor Zdzisław T. Bieniawski
urodzony 1936, Kraków, , Politechnika Gdańska Uniwersity of Witwatersrand, B.Sc., Mechanical Engineering, 1961 – Uniwersity of Witwatersrand, M.Sc., Engineering Mechanics 1967 – University of Pretoria, Ph.D., Rock Mechanics CV Dorobek

3 Profesor Zdzisław T. Bieniawski
, Professor of Mineral Engineering and Professor of Science, Technology & Society, Pennsylvania State University 1972, Visiting Professor of Tunnel Engineering, University of Karlsruhe 1981 – Visiting Professor of Rock Mechanics, AGH Visiting Professor of Petroleum Engineering Stanford University Visiting Professor of Design, Harvard University Visiting Professor of Engineering Design Cambridge University Distinguished Professor of Geological Engineering University of Madrid Invited to lecture in 33 countries and 25 US Universities CV Dorobek 3

4 Profesor Zdzisław T. Bieniawski
Fields of Specialty: engineering design in tunneling and mining (projektowanie tuneli i podziemnych komór – mechanika skał dla potrzeb górnictwa) design engineering (zasady i metodologia projektowania) geo-environmental engineering (projektowanie obiektów dla składowania odpadów niebezpiecznych) engineering education (autor wielu programów studiów dla projektowania inżynierskiego 21 wieku) science-technology-and-society interaction (issues and policies in STS) CV Dorobek 4

5 Profesor Zdzisław T. Bieniawski
Publications (12 books and more than 180 papers) "Milestones in Rock Engineering: Jubilee Collection". A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1996. "Design Methodology in Rock Engineering". A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1992. "A Tale of Three Continents". Nittany Hills Publications, 1991. "Engineering Rock Mass Classifications". John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1989. "Strata Control in Mineral Engineering". John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1987. "Aiming High - a Collection of Essays". Nittany Hills Publications, 1986. "Rock Mechanics Design in Mining and Tunneling." A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, l984. CV Dorobek 5

6 Profesor Zdzisław T. Bieniawski
Graduate students supervised: 13 Ph.D. Thesis 9 M.Sc. Thesis International activities & societies: l974 - l979 Vice President, International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM) l974 - l979 Co-President, ISRM Commission on Standardization of Tests on Rock l979 - l983 Co-President, ISRM Commission on Testing Methods in Rock Mechanics l984 - l985 U.S. Representative to the International Tunneling Association. l984-l985 Chairman, U.S. National Committee on Tunneling Technology. American Society of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers American Society of Civil Engineers CV Dorobek 6

7 Profesor Zdzisław T. Bieniawski
Industrial research & practice: President of Bieniawski Design Enterprises (established 1979) Consulting activities for more than 45 companies (U.S. Army Corps of Engineeers, National Research Council, U.S. Air Force, United Nations, U.S. Navy) Sponsored research: Penn State ( ) - $3,000,073 17 major projects - served as principal investigator CV Dorobek 7

8 Profesor Zdzisław T. Bieniawski
Awards & Honors Doctor Honoris Causa 2001 from the University of Madrid, Spain, and Investiture to the Claustro Extraordinario of All-Spain Professors for outstanding contributions to research in mining and in tunnel engineering AIME Rock Mechanics Award in 1984 for Outstanding Contributions in Rock Mechanics in recognition of significant contributions in scientific and practical applications of strata control in mining and in rock tunneling Distinguished Lecturer, Master Speaker, Exceptional Teacher, Proclamation by the City Mayor: July 8, l983, the Bieniawski Day in State College, PA CV Dorobek 8

9 Profesor Zdzisław T. Bieniawski
Called a "Man of All Trades" (Człowiek wszystkich zawodów) by scientific communities in South Africa, America and Europe, he was trained as a shipbuilding engineer in Poland, graduated in South Africa as mechanical engineer and obtained a doctorate in mining and tunnel engineering. In the process he invented a world-famous Rock Mass Rating (RMR) system used extensively today in tunnel design and construction in mining and civil engineering. (Twórca klasyfikacji skał powszechnie używanej w budownictwie tunelowym oraz budownictwie lądowym). CV Dorobek 9

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