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Cecylia Szymanska - Ban | Education Lead Microsoft
jest zestawem bezpłatnych, hostowanych przez Microsoft usług komunikacyjnych dostępnych dla uczniów, nauczycieli i całego środowiska szkolnego.
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Brak kosztów zakupu i utrzymania serwerów
Korzyści Brak kosztów zakupu i utrzymania serwerów Bezpłatna usługa Na serwerach Microsoft Zarządzana przez instytucję/szkołę Oferująca szereg usług składających się na: Edukacyjną sieć społecznościową
Microsoft Live@edu IT Managed Student Managed
Office Web Apps with SkyDrive 10GB Exchange experience Windows Live Messenger 25GB online storage with SkyDrive Slide Objective: Clearly define the services that are part of the free offer – , storage, and collaboration services. Provide overview of the IT and end user experience. High level overview of business model – why are we doing this? Talking Points: meets and supports your users where they already are – online. starts with a school branded and managed Windows Live ID – providing access to both IT managed services and self managed storage & collaboration services. They have access to their “digital campus” – co- branded , storage, as well as access to collaboration and productivity services: With Outlook Live, users can have a 10GB inbox , calendar, and contacts that they can access anywhere. Outlook Live interoperates with Live Messenger to enable users to keep in touch with friends and family using communication methods they want to use ( or chat) With SkyDrive they have an additional 25 GB in online storage space to share documents among devices and with others. Office Web Apps enables students and faculty to create their own sites to store, access, and share documents and files. Specifically designed to work with Microsoft Office applications, Office Web Apps has room for 1000’s of files and enhances a student’s ability to work efficiently and collaborate with peers. For end users, they can sign on with a single identity to access these services, as well school services you choose to integrate with. These services will be co-branded with your school logo and colors to be consistent with your brand and school identity. Students also want to share information seamlessly between services – for example, viewing a fellow student’s calendar or starting a live chat from their Outlook Live account – facilitates these seamless interactions. also provides a great experience for the IT organization. is designed to be secure and reliable. However, on the occasion you need assistance, we provide 24x7 phone support for your IT staff. In the future, SharePoint based collaboration (with Office Web Apps) will also become part of further enhancing IT manageability of storage while providing students with a rich, enterprise environment that will prepare them for tomorrow’s workforce. ADD BUSINESS MODEL TALKING POINTS And it must be going through your minds: Why is a profit making company like Microsoft doing this? Answer: Point out that software usage in college/school drives long term preferences for students. And we want to provide both brand awareness and brand value to students around Microsoft. Point out education is always the trend setter in adopting new delivery mechanisms and school plays a important role in helping solidify their partnership with Microsoft, as Microsoft becomes a software and services company Point that we totally expect schools to see the value in adopting our premium service offerings for a certain segment. For example, we see tremendous value in schools adopting Unified Messaging and OCS for long term cost savings for faculty and staff. Similarly, data archiving is a requirement for faculty and staff – we want to ensure that we provide such capabilities through our premium service while providing the essential service to your students.
Single sign-on - uwierzytelnianie
Dostęp do serwisów szkolnych poprzez jednokrotne logowanie Slide Objective: Recap on the key points from the demo Talking Points: As you saw in the demo, meets your students where they already are – online. With one logon they can: *access all their in their 10GB inbox, including other accounts they choose to aggregate *store files in their 25GB virtual hard drive, and *effectively work with teams and create and share with confidence via Office Web Apps You might remember that students logged in only once to get access to all services - We have found that schools find an increase in active usage when they deploy such SSO solutions. As you think of partnering with us, we will provide you with key insights and tools to help make a campus rollout of successful. For example, St. John’s university has used SSO to drive active usage among students.
Poczta elektroniczna Adresy w domenie instytucji edukacyjnej, typu: 10 GB miejsca na wiadomości Dostęp WWW (interfejs jak w aplikacji MS Outlook) POP3, IMAP, Exchange (np. przez MS Outlook) Telefon Komórkowy Dostosowanie wyglądu, dodanie znaków instytucji Znany, profesjonalny interfejs z aplikacji klasycznej Przeglądarka Komputer Telefon Bezpieczeństwo i antyspam 10 GB miejsca Profesjonalny i znany interfejs
10GB dla każdego użytkownika
Skrzynka pocztowa 10GB dla każdego użytkownika Slide Objective: Recap on the key points from the demo Talking Points: There is great contact and calendar integration as well. They can see not only their Outlook contacts, but also their Instant Messenger or Live Services contacts. You see here that Lisa saw Jay was online and started a real time chat regarding meeting up in the library. You can also see how your end users will immediately identify that these are online services are your school services – school logo and colors and links to other school services and sites.
Outlook - znajomy interfejs łatwy do zarządzania
Zarządzanie pocztą Slide Objective: Recap on the key points from the demo Talking Points: Students and teachers can improve their productivity significantly with the enhanced conversation view capabilities. For example, how many times has a student posted a helpful link and all other students start replying “Thank You”. While I am sure that the 1st couple of replies make you feel great, after that, it starts to hinder work. With the Ignore conversation feature, it is easy to avoid such disruptions. Outlook - znajomy interfejs łatwy do zarządzania
Zarządzanie pocztą Zarządzanie kontami Grupy Inbox - foldery/reguły
Slide Objective: Recap on the key points from the demo Talking Points: Students can easily manage inboxes through Inbox rules and multiple accounts. A student might have come to school with a personal account – it is simple to setup account aggregation to automatically get all mails from other personal accounts into their school account, and use inbox rules to send the personal mails to specific folders
zarządzanie i współdzielenie kalendarzy
Outlook Live Calendar zarządzanie i współdzielenie kalendarzy Slide Objective: Recap on the key points from the demo Talking Points: Calendar sharing is another great capability to make collaboration simpler and easier, not just within school premises but even with other schools. For example, a student at university of Washington could easily share her calendar with a student at University College of London, both schools as long as the administrators have allowed sharing of calendars.
dostęp do dokumentów z dowolnego miejsca
Office Web Apps Znajomy interfejs Prosta edycja Auto-save Przeszukiwanie i dostęp dostęp do dokumentów z dowolnego miejsca Notes: This slide explains what the Web Apps are and what value they provide. It also positions them against the competition. Talking points: Now, you can use the basic features from your favorite Office applications on the Web, with SharePoint or Windows Live Skydrive as your home base. The Web Apps are online companions available for Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote. There are many benefits in Web-based productivity tools. The key areas where customers will find value include: Quick viewing – Scan through files quickly in a SharePoint doc library, to find the one you need. Anywhere access – Take peace of mind that you don’t always need to have your PC to access information. This also promotes SharePoint adoption throughout the organization. Sharing – Post and share large files, use simultaneous editing, share files regardless of version. Basic editing – Take advantage of a familiar experience to make light edits. A set of essential features for web-based scenarios is available in each Web App. In addition to these core usage pillars, there are aspects of the Web Apps that really make them stand out from the competition: High fidelity – the Web Apps deliver files to you as you would expect to see them. This provide a consistent viewing experience that you are used to with Office on the PC. “Round tripping” – Content and formatting is maintained as you move across the PC, phone and browser to make light edits, what we like to call “taking the content on a round trip.” This avoids user frustration as well as preventing support calls to IT for assistance in restoring content. Cross platform – In addressing the proliferation of devices, the Web Apps will work on supported versions of IE, Firefox and Safari.
Web – Aplikacje Office w przeglądarce!
Interfejs znany z aplikacji klasycznych Możliwość przeglądania i podstawowej edycji dokumentów w przeglądarce
SkyDrive – dysk sieciowy
Tworzenie folderów Współdzielenie i udostępnianie Ustawianie dostępu do zasobów sieciowych Dokumenty zawsze dostępne on-line Praca nad dokumentami w tym samym czasie przez różnych użytkowników Dostęp do 25GB (SkyDrive) – przechowywanie plików on-line oraz Web Apps Slide Objective: Recap on the key points from the demo Talking Points: How end users can take advantage of 25GB of extra space:Today the data storage needs of your end users continue to grow rapidly. It’s a great value to have an extra password protected 25GB of free space for each user, that is accessible from anywhere. No more investing in and carrying around flash drives. You can share your school files, as well as photos and video files with ease. Skydrive is also password protected, so it’s only accessible by those approved by the account owner.
Podsumowanie - możliwości
Poczta - dostosowanie wyglądu i funkcji do potrzeb użytkownika Wbudowane narzedzia do współpracy Outlook-znany interfejs zarządzanie pocztą Single sign-on A quick reminder of all the benefits. Pełna funkcjonalność kalendarzy Dostęp do 25GB SkyDrive (dysk sieciowy) Tworzenie dokumentów z użyciem MS Office
Gdzie szukać...? – rejestracja usługi
Note: Call to action to signup for at: Slide Objective: Recap value proposition Drive them to the website for more information and to read customer case studies Talking Points: To recap, we’ve illustrated how helps schools with anywhere online services they are asking for, as well as addresses your requirements for a system that’s easy to manage and designed to be secure while providing you much richer choice and flexibility. We understand that technology, by itself, will not solve the myriads of challenges you have in your school/university. However, when technology is part of a holistic approach (e.g., integrated with curriculum), it can truly provide a differentiated experience for your students. We remain committed to helping unlock each individuals full potential by providing access to quality education through technology. Call to Action: For more information, please go to today to read about other customer success stories and get started enrolling your school. 16
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