You are about to see a few sentences in Polish. Try to translate them into English, but keep in mind they are: The First Conditonal The Second Conditional.

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1 You are about to see a few sentences in Polish. Try to translate them into English, but keep in mind they are: The First Conditonal The Second Conditional

2 Gdybyś mógł odwiedzić jeden kraj na świecie za darmo, który byś odwiedził?

3 The answer: If you could visit one country in the world for free, which one would you visit?

4 Gdyby mój samochód nie był taki stary, pojechałbym do Rumunii wraz z tobą.

5 The answer: If my car wasn’t so old, I would drive to Romania with you.

6 Jeśli nie wiesz, co teraz robić, szef coś dla ciebie znajdzie.

7 The answer: If you don’t know what to do, the boss will surely find something for you.

8 Jeśli jutro będzie słonecznie, zajmę się moim ogrodem.

9 The answer: If it is sunny tomorrow, I will do some gardening.

10 Gdybym miał nieco więcej pieniędzy, nie potrzebowałbym pożyczki.

11 The answer: If I had some more money, I wouldn’t need the bank loan.

12 Jeśli John nie przestanie, będzie miał poważne kłopoty.

13 The answer: If John does not stop, he will have serious problems / be in serious trouble.

14 Co zrobisz, jeśli zacznie padać?

15 The answer: What will you do, if it starts raining?

16 Gdybym miał więcej czasu, na pewno bym ci pomógł.

17 The answer: If I had more time I would definately help you.

18 Gdybym mieszkał w Stanach Zjednoczonych, zmieniłbym swój styl życia.

19 The answer: If I lived in the United States, I would change my lifestyle.

20 Jeśli nie kupisz tego domu, ktoś inny zrobi to szybko.

21 The answer: If you don’t buy / Unless you buy this house, somebody else will do it quickly.

22 Co byś robił przez całe dnie, gdybyś nie musiał pracować?

23 The answer: What would you do all day, if you didn’t have to / need to work?

24 Jak tylko mama znajdzie ten adres, zaraz dam ci znać.

25 The answer: As soon as mum finds the adress, I will let you know.

26 Wypiłbym jeszcze jedną kawę, gdyby doktor mi na to pozwolił.

27 The answer: I would drink one more coffee, if my doctor allowed me to do it / let me do it.

28 Now, let’s change the task. Please, finish the sentences so they are true for you. Again, pay attention to: The First Conditonal The Second Conditional

29 If I found a stray dog in front of my door…

30 If I could bring alcohol to the classroom…

31 If my computer breaks down again…

32 If I have to walk through an old forest, late at night…

33 If I was in Africa and they gave me worms to eat…

34 If the Chinese come to eat us…

35 If I saw a strange, moving object in the sky…

36 If they transfer your job to Japan…

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