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Prezentation about Małgorzata Kozuchowska
Joanna Michalska
Małgorzata Kozuchowska...
She is an fomous actress. She worked in the theatre in Warsaw. She was born in 1971 in Wrocław. In 1993 She finished study.(PWST in Warsaw)
Family… Her mother is a teacher and her father works at the university. Małgosia Kozuchowska is older than her sisters. Her sisters name’s Majka and Hanna. Majka studys in London, but Hanna is an architect in Poznań.
Her prizes… In 2004 She got the prize(„Telekamera 2004”) in categorie”The best of actress” and She got the second prize („Golden Duck”) in categorie ”The best of Polish actress”. In 2005 She got the third prize („Telekamera 2005”) in categorie”The best of actress”.
Hobby… She like: ride a horse swim play tennis
speak english and russian exotic travel read books
She played in many films and serials…
2000: M jak Miłość 1999: Na dobre i na złe 1999: Kiler-ów 2-óch 1997: Kiler 1996: Gry uliczne 1995: Młode wilki 1994: Ptaszka 1994: Fitness Club
The popular serial… Małgorzata Kozuchowska plays in famous serial ”M jak miłość”. In serial She is Hanka Mostowiak. Reżyseria: Ryszard Zatorski Scenariusz: Ilona Łepkowska, Ryszard Zatorski Zdjęcia: Tomasz Dobrowolski Produkcja: Telewizja Polska
The popular komedy… She played in famous komedy ”Kiler”.
In komedy She is Ewa Szańska. Reżyseria: Juliusz Machulski Scenariusz: Piotr Wereśniak Zdjęcia: Grzegorz Kuczeriszka Muzyka: Kuba Sienkiewicz , Elektryczne Gitary Produkcja: Studio Filmowe "Zebra"
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