The EU framework programme for research and innovation.

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1 the EU framework programme for research and innovation

2 The Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020: 1.Smart & inclusive growth (491bn) 2. Sustainable growth, natural resources (383bn) 3. Security and citizenship (18.5bn) 4. Global Europe (70bn) 5. Administration (62.6bn) Total: 1,025bn Education, Youth, Sport Connecting Europe Cohesion Competitive Business SMEs Horizon 2020


4 Impact of R&D on economic recovery

5 What is Horizon 2020? Commission proposal for a 80 billion euro research and innovation funding programme (2014-20) Part of proposals for next EU budget, complementing Structural Funds, education, etc. A core part of Europe 2020, Innovation Union & European Research Area: – Responding to the economic crisis to invest in future jobs and growth – Addressing peoples concerns about their livelihoods, safety and environment. – Strengthening the EUs global position in research, innovation and technology A single programme bringing together three separate programmes/initiatives: The 7th research Framework Programme (FP7), innovation aspects of Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP), EU contribution to the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) More innovation, from research to retail, all forms of innovation Focus on societal challenges facing EU society, e.g. health, clean energy and transport Simplified access, for all companies, universities, institutes in all EU countries and beyond. Whats new?

6 1Excellent science 2Industrial leadership 3Societal challenges Three priorities of Horizon2020:




10 Horizon 2020 and partnering Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs): Through Joint Technology Initiatives or other formal structures (§ 187.) Via contractual arrangements, which provide inputs for work programmes Only when criteria met, e.g. clear commitments from private partners Public-Public Partnerships (P2Ps): Through ERA-Nets for topping up individual calls/ actions (replacing current ERA-Net, ERA-Net Plus, Inco-Net, Inno-net) Through participation in joint programs between Member States (§ 185.) Supporting agendas of Joint Programming Initiatives when in line with Horizon 2020 Only when criteria met, e.g. financial commitments of participating countries European Innovation Partnerships Not funding instruments, but for coordination with broader policies and programmes


12 Societal challenges 35892 Industrial leadership 20280 Excellent science 27818 JRC/ Non-nuclear 2212 EIT 1538(+1628) Horizon 2020: indicative budget breakdown TOTAL 87 740 M (*63-65 M for Dec. 2012) (in current prices, based on the 80 Bn proposal)

13 Priority 3Societal challenges Why: EU policy objectives (climate, environment, energy, transport etc) cannot be achieved without innovation EU policy objectives (climate, environment, energy, transport etc) cannot be achieved without innovation Breakthrough solutions come from multi- disciplinary collaborations, including social sciences & humanities Breakthrough solutions come from multi- disciplinary collaborations, including social sciences & humanities Promising solutions need to be tested, demonstrated and scaled up Promising solutions need to be tested, demonstrated and scaled up

14 …ETC EU Financial Regulation SINGLE SET OF RULES for Horizon 2020 Commission's proposal SIMPLIFICATION

15 Societal Challenge on Inclusive, innovative and secure societies / Part 6.1.4. Closing the research and innovation divide in Europe (I) Significant regional disparities across Europe in research and innovation performance need to be addressed. Measures will aim at unlocking excellence and innovation and will be distinct, complementary and synergistic with policies and actions of the Cohesion policy Funds. They include: Linking emerging institutions, centres of excellence and innovative regions in less developed Member States to international leading counterparts elsewhere in Europe: – measures include teaming of excellent research institutions and less developed regions, staff exchanges, expert advice and assistance and the development of joint strategies for the establishment of centres of excellence that may be supported by the Cohesion policy funds in less developed regions. – Building links with innovative clusters and recognising excellence in less developed regions, including through peer reviews and awarding labels of excellence to those institutions that meet international standards, will be considered.

16 Supporting access to international networks for excellent researchers and innovators who lack sufficient involvement in European and international networks. This will include support provided through COST and National Contact Points. Supporting the development and monitoring of smart specialisation strategies. A policy support facility will be developed and policy learning at regional level will be facilitated through international evaluation by peers and best practice sharing. Societal Challenge on Inclusive, innovative and secure societies / Part 6.1.4. Closing the research and innovation divide in Europe (III)

17 Horizon 2020 – kwestie związane ze zdrowiem Kwestie dotyczące zdrowia zostały szczegółowo zdefiniowane w Programie Szczegółowym - części III – Wyzwania Społeczne. Tematyka zdrowia została uwzględniona jako pierwsze wyzwanie społeczne, pn. Health, demographic change and wellbeing. W dokumencie podkreślono, że skuteczne działania na rzecz zapobiegania, wczesnego wykrywania i zarządzania chorobą oraz leczenia opierają się na fundamentalnym zrozumieniu jej przyczyn, przebiegu i skutków, jak również czynników leżących u podstaw zdrowia i dobrego samopoczucia. Lepsze zrozumienie zdrowia i choroby wymaga ścisłej współpracy w zakresie badań podstawowych, klinicznych, epidemiologicznych i społecznogospodarczych. Dokument podkreśla, że istotnym wyzwaniem społecznym jest dziś właściwa reakcja na obciążenia systemu opieki zdrowotnej i społecznej wynikające ze starzejącego się społeczeństwa.

18 Wśród wymienionych w dokumencie chorób, które wymagają szczególnej uwagi, znajdują się: choroby układu krążenia, nowotwory, nadwaga i otyłość, choroby metaboliczne w tym cukrzyca, choroby neurologiczne, choroby neurodegeneracyjne, zaburzenia zdrowia psychicznego, choroby rzadkie, choroby autoimmunologiczne, choroby reumatyczne i mięśniowo-szkieletowe, choroby zakaźne, w tym HIV / AIDS, gruźlica, malaria i choroby wynikające z zaniedbania i ubóstwa. Horizon 2020 – kwestie związane ze zdrowiem

19 Alliance for Biomedical Research in Europe M EMBERSHIP

20 Horizon 2020: Time line May 2011 Green Paper Consultation 30th Nov 2011 Proposal from the Commission to the European Parliament and Council End 2011 – Parliament and Council start negotiations on Commissions proposals End 2013 – Adoption of legislative acts by Parliament and European Council of Ministers on H2020 Launch of first calls under H2020 December 2011 BioMed Alliance engages the biomedical community

21 European Council for Health Research (EuCHR) The European Council for Health Research (EuCHR) concept - a scientific-led strategic body that can steer health research - was put forward by the BioMed Alliance upon consultation with an eminent group of scientists and policy experts who prepared a concept paper that was endorsed by the European biomedical community at large The main argument for a EuCHR: Fostering innovation in Europa by using contemporary evidence to bridge health research and policy for the benefit of society

22 Commission Stakeholders Platform Scientific Steering Board Programme CommitteeFunders Platform EuCHR : Key players The Funders Forum will include Member States, Charities and other relevant parties. It will look at how funds could be combined and complemented with EU contributions to promote synergies on specific purposes (along the lines of the Joint Action European Partnership for Action Against Cancer WP8: co- ordination of research). The Stakeholders Platform will have a broad representation of all stakeholders in the health research continuum, patients included. Structure and networking mechanisms will need to be defined in order to optimize the consultation process and the impact of their input. The SSB will seek a much greater involvement of the Member States through the Programme Committee during the preparation and approval of the annual work programmes. The European Commission is a key partner and will implement the strategy set by the SSB through the annual work programmes. It will prepare calls, perform the evaluation process and implement funding. It will also participate in the communication strategy.

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