… there was someone in the past who said: „To earn million you need billion”. In my opinion, it’s true.

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Prezentacja na temat: "… there was someone in the past who said: „To earn million you need billion”. In my opinion, it’s true."— Zapis prezentacji:


2 … there was someone in the past who said: „To earn million you need billion”. In my opinion, it’s true.

3 Only one out of ten people can do something without anything at the beginning and such people happened to appear in history but it occurred extremely rarely. Generally it’s nearly impossible to develop the idea without any money at the beginning. I can’t imagine living without any inventions like the internet or a mobile phone.

4 Tim Berners-Lee- known as the inventor of the Internet was neither poor nor alone

5 On the other hand Antonio Meucci, unofficial creator of the telephone, who invented it, but did not have money to finance the further work. Moreover, his idea was stolen by Alexander Graham Bell

6 Alexander Graham Bell – a rich person who after 16 years was known as the official inventor of the telephone.

7 Thanks to financial support young people can start their own businesses and use their extraordinary ideas, which may happen to shake the global economy in the future. European Union is also not indifferent towards people with great intellectual potential and helps them to study by giving scholarships. In my opinion it’s great idea and encouragement for them to study. Thanks to financial support young people can start their own businesses and use their extraordinary ideas, which may happen to shake the global economy in the future. European Union is also not indifferent towards people with great intellectual potential and helps them to study by giving scholarships. In my opinion it’s great idea and encouragement for them to study.


9 It is well known, that cities are not self-sufficient, and it’s farmers who provide them with food although people in towns are unaware of that. As the Union finances part of the cost of machinery that is necessary to efficient work of farmers, the prices of food remain still or are rising slowly but it’s not the end!

10 Nowadays organic food becomes more and more popular.




14 Biography: Photos: http://medias2.cafebabel.com/6216/thumb/355/-/czym-do-licha-jest-unia-europejska-czym-do-licha-jest-unia- europejska.jpg http://medias2.cafebabel.com/6216/thumb/355/-/czym-do-licha-jest-unia-europejska-czym-do-licha-jest-unia- europejska.jpg http://www.freakingnews.com/pictures/38000/Antonio-Meucci-Alexander-Graham-Bell-38146.jpg http://withfriendship.com/images/c/10495/Tim-Berners-Lee-picture.jpg http://antyweb.pl/zarty-sie-skonczyly-unia-europejska-wzywa-do-przyjecia-nowych-przepisow-telekomunikacyjnych- przez-spoznialskich/ http://antyweb.pl/zarty-sie-skonczyly-unia-europejska-wzywa-do-przyjecia-nowych-przepisow-telekomunikacyjnych- przez-spoznialskich/ http://portrait.kaar.at/Deutschsprachige%20Teil%206/image34.html http://www.zachod.pl/tagi/internet/ http://www.rytwiany.com.pl/index.php?newsid=829 http://pl.123rf.com/photo_4347116_mlody-czlowiek-z-zarowka.html http://pl.123rf.com/photo_1986984_rolnik-w-polu-plowing-gleby.html http://www.tvr24.pl/wiadomosc-Rolnik_dotowanym_pracodawca-89.html http://www.ekogroup.info/7099/gospodarstwa-ekologiczne/ http://www.ekogroup.info/7099/gospodarstwa-ekologiczne/ http://www.yaacool-eko.pl/index.php?article=2687#Dlaczego_warto_kupowac_zywnosc_ekologiczna? http://www.yaacool-eko.pl/index.php?article=2687#Dlaczego_warto_kupowac_zywnosc_ekologiczna http://www.spaeden.pl/pl/news/items/id-28-listopada-rozpoczyna-sie-tydzien-zywnosci-ekologicznej http://www.sport.zgora.pl/pilka/grassroots-day-podsumowanie-imprezy,d22649.html http://sport.trojmiasto.pl/Problemy-z-amatorska-liga-koszykowki-n35315.html http://www.mmanews.pl/2011/relacja-z-amatorskiego-pucharu-ksw/ http://www.g2.cieszyn.pl/ http://mapa.nocowanie.pl/sokolowa_wola/zdjecia/15051732/ http://www.orsza.nazwa.pl/szkola/articles.php?article_id=95

15 Autors: Sitek Dawid Wojciechowski Dawid Joniak Jakub

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