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How to make an application on Step by Step Instructions
to join HS Step by Step Instructions
Step 1: Sign up/ Login Go to http://www.hs-clan.pl
It will prompt you to login Please login or click „register“ and create an account if you have not already registered a a
If you need to register first, then please complete the requested information
Once registered/signed in you should see the following screen
Step: 2 Make an Application
Scroll down to the „hooligans“ section as shown below and click „Joining Hooligans Crew“
Read the information „read before posting apply
Read the information „read before posting apply!“ to ensure you provide us with all necessary information The needed information are show on the side
Once read go to the „Joining Hools Crew“ section again (as listed below) and create a new topic
Post you completed application and hit „Post new topic“
Step 2: Wait Once you posted you application, wait for the members to respond and vote for it Once the majority voted for you, you are in Good Luck!
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