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Reksio is a Polish cartoon character from the TV animated series by the same title. Reksio was created by a Polish director Lechosław Marszałek. Its 65 episodes were made from 1967 to 1990 in a Cartoon Movies Studio (Studio Filmów Rysunkowych) in Bielsko-Biała , piebald terrier dog named Reksio, with his animal friends - hens, cats, other dogs and their owners.
REKSIO is a dog with a brown and white color, it is small and sweet, REKSIO is a dog breed terrier, also has a lot of friends dogs cats birds people.
In Bielsko-Biala on the square between ul. 11 November and st
In Bielsko-Biala on the square between ul. 11 November and st. Stojałowskiego is made of a bronze statue of Rex. The dog points the finger at the monument adjacent to the fountain. In 2012, Rex figure has been used to promote the club Podbeskydí Bielsko-Biala. The image of Rex and other characters from the show is on protein-money local Bielsko- Biala aired in September 2009.
DZIĘKUJĘ ZA UWAGĘ źródło - wikipedia Wykonał: Kacper Jakubowski
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