SatMapping Your map from space Cover page

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1 SatMapping Your map from space Cover page
Change background image by right-clicking → Edit background Picture fill → From file First move the gradient mask by activating it (clicking it) and moving it from right to left (from the middle handle point on the right) This way it is easy to put the gradient back by dragging the same handle to right. Dariusz Serwaczak, Przemysław Rożnawski, Wojciech Kosztyła

2 Add more depth to your games and movies with open satellite data
Cover page Change background image by right-clicking → Edit background Picture fill → From file Dariusz Serwaczak, Przemysław Rożnawski, Wojciech Kosztyła

3 Cover page Change background image by right-clicking → Edit background Picture fill → From file Dariusz Serwaczak, Przemysław Rożnawski, Wojciech Kosztyła

4 Data fusion for your needs Cover page
Change background image by right-clicking → Edit background Picture fill → From file Dariusz Serwaczak, Przemysław Rożnawski, Wojciech Kosztyła

5 Innovative solution for 3D modelling
Change background image by right-clicking → Edit background Picture fill → From file Dariusz Serwaczak, Przemysław Rożnawski, Wojciech Kosztyła

6 How to do it? Change background image by right-clicking → Edit background Picture fill → From file Dariusz Serwaczak, Przemysław Rożnawski, Wojciech Kosztyła

7 Response to the market needs
Change background image by right-clicking → Edit background Picture fill → From file Dariusz Serwaczak, Przemysław Rożnawski, Wojciech Kosztyła

8 Business plan Cover page
Change background image by right-clicking → Edit background Picture fill → From file Dariusz Serwaczak, Przemysław Rożnawski, Wojciech Kosztyła

9 Thank you! Dariusz Serwaczak
tel Space for additional information, for example contact information. The circle illustrates the various application areas of Copernicus data. Change background image or colour by right-clicking → Edit background Picture fill → From file Dariusz Serwaczak, Przemysław Rożnawski, Wojciech Kosztyła

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