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OpublikowałThomas Christiaens Został zmieniony 6 lat temu
Authors: ♥Jacek Nodzykowski ♥Zuzanna Gruszczyńska ♥Monika Gołębiewska
Smartphons rulers Authors: ♥Jacek Nodzykowski ♥Zuzanna Gruszczyńska ♥Monika Gołębiewska
You should… -… use headphones when you are listening to music in public -… be polite in messenges and commenst
You shoudn’t -… ignore the people you are talking to when you get a message -…look at your smartphone when you are walking -… talk loudly on your smartphone in public -… give your password to strangers
You must… -… off your smartphone in cinema
-… ask people before you put photos of them online
You can’t -… give someon’s phone number without asking
-… using a mobile phone while driving a car
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