Computing situation in Poland

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1 Computing situation in Poland
Mariusz Witek Mariusz Witek

2 High performance computers at CYFRONET Krakow
SGI ORIGIN Gflops HP S Gflops SPP1600/XA Gflops RS/6000 SP Gflops Mariusz Witek

3 Metropolitan network in Krakow
National network is run by NASK (Scientific Academic National Network) and fast international/intercity links by TEL-ENERGO (POL-34 NET) Mariusz Witek

4 Network POL 34 inside Poland
STAN OBECNY STAN OBECNY                                                                                                                                        2 Mb/s            34 Mb/s 155 Mb/s                                                                                                                                        2 Mb/s            34 Mb/s 155 Mb/s Network POL 34 inside Poland Sieć POL-34 wymienia ruch z następującymi operatorami: NASK 10 Mb/s (łącze ATM) TPNet 16 Mb/s (łącze ATM) Telenordia 3/1 Mb/s (łącze satelitarne Frame Relay) TEN Mb/s(łącze ATM) UUNet 24 Mb/s (łącze ATM via TEN-155) Sieć POL-34 wymienia ruch z następującymi operatorami: NASK 10 Mb/s (łącze ATM) TPNet 16 Mb/s (łącze ATM) Telenordia 3/1 Mb/s (łącze satelitarne Frame Relay) TEN Mb/s(łącze ATM) UUNet 24 Mb/s (łącze ATM via TEN-155) NASK 10 Mb/s TPNet 16 Mb/s Telenordia 3/1 Mb/s TEN Mb/s UUNet 24 Mb/s 2 Mb/s 34 Mb/s 155 Mb/s web design        web design        Mariusz Witek

5 Current status (from monitoring)
Mariusz Witek

6 Academic Computer Centers
Support for LHC computing: Supply network connectivity. Supply centralized CPU. Support of qualified manpower. Maybe it would be easier to get financial support for computer centers working for the whole academic society, not only for HEP... Mariusz Witek

7 Computing for LHC (ATLAS+CMS+ALICE+LHCb)
Polish LHC groups are willing to collaborate Hardware (PC farm?) and analysis methods need to be defined Mariusz Witek

8 Manpower in Krakow 20-40 physicists interested in analysis.
Few people available now to work on computing projects. Possible support from Computer Science Dept. of the University. Support from regional computer center. Mariusz Witek

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