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Prezentacja na temat: "ZRÓWNOWAŻONA PRZYSZŁOŚĆ WEDŁUG NISSANA"— Zapis prezentacji:

Krzysztof Kowalski - Dyrektor Komunikacji, Nissan CEE

2 69 lat doświadczenia Nissan has been producing electric motors since 1947, 67 years of experience

Nr 1 na świecie 25% NAJLEPIEJ SPRZEDAJĄCY SIĘ SAMOCHÓD ELEKTRYCZNY UDZIAŁU W RYNKU EV ZROBIONE Slide 14 – No. 1 EV seller in Europe and Globally: DONE Script: …Like becoming the number one in EV sales in Europe and globally.

4 Nr 1 w regionie CEE 46% PL 38% 50% SK 67% HU 23% CZ

5 ZROBIONE DONE. Slide 15 - Range of EVs (show different versions of LEAF and e-NV200): DONE Script: …Like committing to the creation of a range of EV’s… not just a one off

8,5 PLN na 100 km 32,8 PLN 24,6 PLN Trainer notes /!\ the figures on the slide may have to be localized depending on the country We can imagine some customers may even drive their EV for free if they can recharge at their workplace (via charging stations installed by employers)! EV is about 4 or 5 times cheaper than gasoline powered vehicles when it comes to energy cost / km. EV financial competitiveness is even bigger when including maintenance savings. Note for the trainer: many public chargers are free, after an annual subscription has been paid, in the form of a card purchase. At the moment, many charge points are absolutely free to use. Even where a charge is applied for usage of the supply point, the costs are usually many times cheaper than the fossil fuel equivalent. #click next slide# BENZYNOWY DIESEL EV

7 93% 96% DONE. ZADOWOLENI KLIENCI ZROBIONE poziom satysfakcji klienta
klientów poleciłoby ten model ZROBIONE DONE. Slide 17 – Customer satisfaction + Done Script: A 100% electric car with a 96% recommendation rate and 92% satisfaction rate. And our customers love talking about their EV’s. Take a look at this…

8 3 METODy ładowania akumulatora
Czasy ładowania dla akumulatora 30 kWh GNIAZDKO DOMOWE 10 A: 15 godzin ZESTAW NAŚCIENNY 30 A: 5,5 godziny 16 A: 9,5 godziny SZYBKA ŁADOWARKA Ładowanie do 80% w 30 minut Trainer notes LEAF charging cables: Charge directly from any domestic plug socket → EVSE cables (8A or 10A) For connecting your EV to a charging point (private wall box or public charging stations) → LEAF charging cables (16A or 30A) No separate cable required for quick charging stations Although charging your LEAF via a domestic socket is a piece of cake, it might not be the best way to enjoy EV as customers expect to recharge battery as fast as possible. This is why Nissan would always recommend to install a wallbox at home in order to maximize EV charging time and thus customer’s peace of mind. Wallbox installation is performed by Nissan certified installers Reminder: A free roadside assistance is included in Nissan contract in case EV runs out of battery. Important: Time to charge 80% of the 30kWh battery is similar to 24kWh battery although the capacity is higher. #click next slide#

9 NISSAN ekspertem w zakresie rozwiązań bezemisyjnych
WSPARCIE FINANSOWE UE NISSAN ekspertem w zakresie rozwiązań bezemisyjnych OFERTA DLA KLIENTA SAMOCHODY ELEKTRYCZNE AKUMULATORY INFRASTRUKTURA ŁADOWANIA SYSTEM VEHICLE TO GRID INTELIGENTNA MOBILNOŚĆ WSPÓŁPRACA Z PARTNERAMI PODEJŚCIE 360° Slide 32 – 360 degree approach Script: On all of these counts, Nissan is a pioneer. Nissan is leading the world in e-mobility

Sprzedaż energii do sieci Większa stabilność sieci Zasilanie domu przez 2 dni V2G Slide 36 – V2G (1) Script: New technologies like Vehicle to Grid. An Energy Management Solution that harnesses the potential of our EV’s to store and release electricity to enable better energy management and reduce unused electricity.

11 Vehicle 2 Grid Grid 2 Vehicle
45 40 Vehicle 2 Grid 35 Zapotrzebowanie na energię 30 25 Wlk. Brytania Grid 2 Vehicle 20 15 Pora dnia 0.00 1.30 3.00 4.30 6.00 7.30 9.00 10.30 12.00 13.30 15.00 16.30 18.00 19.30 21.00 22.30 and helping to smooth out demand at peak times. This reduces the cost of electricity for everyone, earns money for the customer and increases energy security. The ability to call on large amount of stored energy at short notice makes the widespread use of renewable energy easier and more practical.

xStorage Home Pomaga konsumentom uniknąć okresów wysokich taryf energetycznych i zapobiec wyłączeniom zasilania 12 (z 48) modułów baterii LEAFa tworzy xStorage (baterie wycofywane z eksploatacji) Opracowany wspólnie z Eaton, „powered by Nissan” Spodziewana wysokość sprzedaży xStorage to ponad 100 000 sztuk w ciągu najbliższych pięciu lat Cena od 3 500€, zwrot po 6 latach Początek przedsprzedaży – grudzień 2016 100 tys. modułów sprzedanych w 5 lat Slide 40 – What if? What if… EVs were the batteries of the grid? What if…EV owners were paid for their surplus energy? What if… there was 100% penetration of V2G? Doing. Its in our DNA…!


14 DZIĘKUJĘ ZA UWAGĘ Slide 61 – Holding slide Script:
Thank you for your attention today, I hope you enjoy your time with doing Nice with Nissan.


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