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Challenges for the development of innovative techniques based on advanced virtual reality technologies VIRTUAL REALITY LABORATORY Andrzej Grabowski
The VIRTUAL REALITY Laboratory studies and develops solutions in the field of:
using virtual reality techniques in designing and evaluating workstations and machinery taking into account occupational safety and health and ergonomics numerical simulations for reconstructing and analysing accidents at work running training courses and shaping attitudes with interactive computer simulations and multimedia presentations computer modelling and simulating evacuations using virtual reality in teleoperations and rehabilitation the influence of the virtual environment on humans
Application of VR systems for safety training
The use of high immersive virtual reality systems enables: achieving a high degree of realism of the simulation simulation of various scenarios under controlled conditions facilitate the memorization of information and consolidate skills using realistic, interactive simulations create advanced training applications to increase skills and experience of workers without exposing them at risk successful transfer of work- and safety-related tacit knowledge, which could not be transferred by other technical solutions Example of virtual reality training introduced to practice
Application of VR systems for safety training
Example: According to a 2010 study conducted at Iowa State University, students training on a virtual welding machine were 30 to 40 percent more likely to gain professional certifications than those who trained exclusively in normal classroom and shop conditions. VR not only speeds up training, schools using the training simulators are also saving money on materials and energy.
The use of virtual reality techniques to support the activation of the elderly
Hypotheses of the on-going project: training of younger people in a virtual environment is more effective than training with the use of the currently used methods training of older people in a virtual environment is more effective than training with the use of the currently used methods in the case of older people training in a virtual environment should bring better results than in the case of younger people, due to lower cognitive load resulting from the presence in the virtual environment a smaller number of abstract concepts in relation to the typical (currently used) methods of training,
Example: Fire brigade.
Example: Fire brigade.
Crane simulator developed in CIOP-PIB
Virtual work safety assistant
Software application for consumer mobile devices (smartphone or tablet): will assist workers in learning work and safety procedures will provide a step-by-step animated guide on work procedures (e.g. in assembly or maintenance processes) will support NFC/RFID tags and QR codes in order to identify a machine or a workstation, and to provide an appropriate assistance
Numerical Simulation in Reconstructing an Accident at Work
A numerical simulation can be used to reconstruct accidents and to provide information about the course and cause of those accidents. This knowledge is crucial in developing successful safety systems and safety procedures. Zaawansowane symulacje komputerowe umożliwiają odtworzenie rzeczywistej sytuacji wypadkowej, m.in. w celu identyfikacji przyczyn wypadków. W wyniku obliczeń numerycznych rekonstruowany jest przebieg zdarzeń, a również oszacowane zostają wielkości fizyczne takie jak siły, prędkości, czy przyspieszenia, co umożliwia ocenę urazów bądź zniszczeń.
Numerical Simulation in Reconstructing an Accident at Work
Do rekonstrukcji wypadków wykorzystywane są dwie metody numeryczne: metoda układów wieloczłonowych oraz metoda elementów skończonych. Wyniki obliczeń numerycznych mogą być wykorzystane do przygotowania trójwymiarowych wizualizacji sytuacji wypadkowych, do wykorzystania m.in. w celach szkoleniowych. On the base of numerical reconstruction we are preparing 3D visualsation to be used for training purposes
Numerical Simulation in Reconstructing an Accident at Work
WYPADEK KOPALNIA WMV Do rekonstrukcji wypadków wykorzystywane są dwie metody numeryczne: metoda układów wieloczłonowych oraz metoda elementów skończonych. Wyniki obliczeń numerycznych mogą być wykorzystane do przygotowania trójwymiarowych wizualizacji sytuacji wypadkowych, do wykorzystania m.in. w celach szkoleniowych. On the base of numerical reconstruction we are preparing 3D visualsation to be used for training purposes
computer modelling and simulating evacuations
The aim of the project is to develop new tools to enable increasing efficiency and process safety evacuation of people from buildings carried out in emergency situations especially for people with reduced mobility. Passive markers of motion capture systems used for human trajectory measurment Do rekonstrukcji wypadków wykorzystywane są dwie metody numeryczne: metoda układów wieloczłonowych oraz metoda elementów skończonych. Wyniki obliczeń numerycznych mogą być wykorzystane do przygotowania trójwymiarowych wizualizacji sytuacji wypadkowych, do wykorzystania m.in. w celach szkoleniowych.
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