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Programme of restitution Taxus baccata L. and Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz in Polish State Forests Michał Magnuszewski Directorate General of the State Polish Forests michal.magnuszewski@lasy.gov.pl Conference EX situ conservation of plants – problems and solutions, Poznań, 9-13 September 2015, Poland The detailed achievements of programme are: Developement of production method of yew planting material by diferent technologies (seeds, the branch cuttings, the seedlings come from the nature reserves) Planting (ex situ) 400 thousands of pieces yews seedlings in forest culture, in the total area of 180 hectares in the State Polish Forests Established the seeding seed orchads and another reproductive objects Where was possible, care of yew (in situ) in nature reserve Popularization of knowledge about the active conservation (ex-situ) Realization of the ‘Programme of restitution Taxus baccata L. in the State Polish Forests started in 2006. „The program of yew protection and restitution in the State Polish Forests” was established on 30.06.2006. 13 Regional Directorates of State Forests actively participates in the program where yew occurs the bigest area. Regional Directorates of State Forests in Gdansk, Katowice, Kraków, Krosno, Pila, Poznan, Szczecin, Szczecinek, Torun and Wroclaw participate the most intensively. Rules of yew ex-situ restitution : inventory of yew stands and recognizes the usefulness for restitution at first to restitution were typed 36 population in the natural forest regions (Fig. 1 ) after the genetic research (Fig. 3) and identification of genetic variation of yew population in Poland, 24 population were selected to the futher restitution in typed three forest regions (Fig. 2) Fig. 1. Natural forest regions with main yew population in Poland ( by Programme of restitution Taxus baccata L. in the Poland 2006) Fig. 2. Regions of restitutions (typed after the knowlege of yew genetic variability) I Region (Natural regions: Bałtycki, Mazursko -Podlaski, Wielkopolsko-Pomorski) II Region (Natural regions: Śląska, Sudedka) III Region (Natural regions: Małopolska, Karpacka) IV Natural regions forests ( Mazowiecko Podlaski) without populations of yew Yew in the nature reserve „Cisy Staropolskie im. Leona Wyczółkowskiego” (Fot. Michał Magnuszewski). Yew in the nature reserve „Cisy Staropolskie im. Leona Wyczółkowskiego” (Fot. Michał Magnuszewski) Yew in the forest culture. (Fot. Michał Magnuszewski ) Yew and whitebeam (wild service tree) are species under conservation occurring in the Poland different regime of protection. Yew is covered by a partial conservation, whitebeam by strict conservation (with the guidance of the passive protection,…?) Regulation of the Minister of Environment dated 9 October 2014 (Dz.U.2014.1409). Population of these trees were reduced because of unique quality wood used to many things. For example yews wood was used to military purposes (bows, crossbows), whitebeams wood for furnitures. The action of Polish Foresters resulted that yew population at present is no longer in danger. Yew from from regime of strict conservation, became the regime of partial conservation!!! Yew (in Regulation of the Minister of Environment dated 5 February 2012 (Dz.U.2012.81) – was under strict conservation, whereas in Regulation of the Minister of Environment dated 9 October 2014 (Dz.U.2014.1409) regime was changed to partial conservation.) According to the knowledge of specialists yew is not an endangered species, but it should be taken into action of protection (in situ) in nature reserves, where slowly extinct. According of the example „Programme of protection and restitution of yew in SPF”, the action will be taken to create the „Program of protection and restitution of whitebeam (service wild tree)” in this year. In the area of State Polish Forest whitebeam occur in the 84 natural stands (in total there are 3500 trees) [Bednorz 2009] (Fig. 3.) In Poland whitebeam (service wild tree) is planting within the natural range (Fig. 3.) on regional scale. For example in the Regional Directorate of State Forest in Pila in years 2011-2013 according to [Kmiecik and all. 2015] 20 Forest district planted (ex- situ) in total 37 780 pieces seedlings. Fig 3. Genetic distance of yew in Poland (by Lewandowski et all. 2009) Literature: Kmiecik, Zwierzynski, Chirrek, 2015. Regionalny program ochrony i restytucji jarzębu brekinii- Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz na obszarze RDLP w Pile jako przykład działań hodowlano-ochronnych na rzecz gatunku podlegającego ochronie. Postępy techniki w leśnictwie 129, s:45-49 Bednorz, 2009. Jak chronić jarząb brekinię (Sorbus torminalis) w polskich lasach? Sylwan 153 (5):354- 360 Lewandowski 2009. Wybór genotypów i populacji cisa pospolitego (Taxus baccata L.) do ochrony zmienności genetycznej (Badania wspomagające program restytucji cisa pospolitego w Polsce. Pod wyk.ID w Kórnik, LBG Kostrzyca Program ochrony i restytucji cisa pospolitego na terenie Polski. 2006. Lasy Państwowe Fig. 3. Natural range of whitebeam (Service wild tree) in Poland ( by Bednorz 2009) Whitebeam (service wild tree) in the forest (Fot. Jan Filoda, Krucz Forest District) https://www.google.pl/search?q=obraz+%C5%82uku&biw=1067&bih=514&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMI3pbBnf- 2xwIVCdUsCh1k6gSK#tbm=isch&q=+%C5%82uk&imgrc=t33sVeFjiJAz2M%3A http://www.profesor.pl/mat/na4/pokaz_material_tmp.php?plik=na4/na4_lich_020712_2.php&id_m=1337
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