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Pobieranie prezentacji. Proszę czekać

Poems in Polish were written by Polish pupils and were collected by Mrs. GRAŻYNA WŁOCZKOWSKA, teacher in the Polish partner school Poems have been translated.

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Prezentacja na temat: "Poems in Polish were written by Polish pupils and were collected by Mrs. GRAŻYNA WŁOCZKOWSKA, teacher in the Polish partner school Poems have been translated."— Zapis prezentacji:

1 Poems in Polish were written by Polish pupils and were collected by Mrs. GRAŻYNA WŁOCZKOWSKA, teacher in the Polish partner school Poems have been translated into Romanian by RUXANDRA POPEANGA, Class 8 B, School no 51, Bucharest Illustrations have been done by primary pupils from Class 1 C, School no 51, Bucharest ACTIVITY OCTOBER- DECEMBER 2010 SCHOOL NO 51, BUCHAREST, ROMANIA

2 Powiem wam w sekrecie kto rządzi na tym świecie, to dziewczyn klan białych róż Dziewczyn ród nie wyginie nigdy Spójrz na zachód zobaczysz flagę białych róż Czarna flaga na wschodzie to znak że chłopcy są tuż tuż I nie zapominamy, nie zapominamy niczego I will tell you in secret who is the leader of this world That's the group of the white roses girls The girls will never die whenever you look West You will see the flag of white But there is someone who can fight this group I know that and I will tell you soon The black flag in the East the boys are coming...it means O sa-ti destainuiesc in secret cine este conducatorul acestei lumi Este grupul fetelor cu trandafiri albi Aceste fete nu vor muri niciodata ori de cate ori privesti spre Vest Vei vedea steagul alb Dar este cineva care se poate razboi cu acest grup Stiu asta si iti voi spune in curand Negrul steag din Est baietii sosesc…asta inseamna. Jasiek Dałkowski The Primary School Number 34, class IV

3 biegam po łące, a słońce jest bardzo gorące trawa jest jak ława na ławie siedzi kwiatek, który nazywa się bratek wiaterek robi cichy szmerek ptaki mają pióra jak fraki a ciepło już przypieka mi karczek czerwony wiecie już jak jest na łące w lecie I'm running in the meadow and the sun is very hot the grass is like a table flowers there- a lot the wind is whispering the birds are painted black and the sun is burning my neck now you know what's like in the meadow in the sun Alerg pe pajiste iar soarele este foarte arzator iarba este asemenea unei mese flori acolo-o multime vantul suiera pasarile sunt zugravite in negru si soarele imi arde gatul acum stii cum este pe pajiste,in soare Jasiek Dałkowski Drawing by Darie Alexandra, class 1 C

4 Drawing by Buruiana Irina, class 1 C Cztery pory roku Cztery pory roku mamy, na wszystkie bardzo czekamy. Wpierw przychodzi do nas wiosna pełna kwiatów i radosna. Dzieci po łące biegają, ptaki z Afryki wracają. Lato wita wakacjami koloniami, obozami. Gdy słoneczko mocno praży jesteśmy wtedy na plaży. Jasień przychodzi z liśćmi z zimnymi, krótkimi dniami. W sadach owoce zrywamy, w lasach grzyby też zbieramy. Zimą ferie śnieżne mamy, w górach chętnie przebywamy W święta Mikołaj przybywa pełno prezentów odkrywa. Cztery pory roku mamy, wszystkie bardzo kochamy We have four seasons we wait for all of them. First spring comes full of flowers and joy. Children run on the grass birds come from Africa. Summer invites us with holidays and camps. When the Sun shines a lot we have it hot. Autumn comes with yellow leaves short, cold days. We pick fruit in the gardens and mushrooms in the woods. Winter is full of snow We ski in the mountains. And at Christmas Santa comes with his gifts. Dominik Gadomski Primary School 30, class V D Avem patru anotimpuri le asteptam pe toate Intai soseste primavara incarcata de flori si bucurie Copiii alearga pe iarba pasarile se intorc din Africa. Vara ne imbie cu vacante si tabere Cand soarele straluceste ne incalzim tare. Toamna soseste cu frunze aurii cu zile scurte si reci. Culegem fructele din gradini si ciupercile din paduri Iarna e incarcata de zapada Schiem in munti Iar de Craciun Mosul vine cu ale sale daruri.

5 Słońce Ach, słońce, słońce chciałabym cię nosić w kieszonce. Byś mi zawsze świeciło, aby mi zawsze było ciepło i miło. Zabrałabym cię ze sobą do szkoły, by każdy uczeń był dzisiaj wesoły. A na przerwie moje słońce puszczalibyśmy zające. Gdy wracamy już do domu to cię biorę po kryjomu. Byś na łące zaświeciło, by się wszystko zieleniło. Kiedy wstaję wcześnie rano, chcę byś zawsze mnie witało. A gdy wieczór już nastanie schowam cię w swej piżamie The Sun Oh, my Sun, my Sun I would like to carry you in my pocket to have you shining and keeping me warm. I would take you to my school to make our time cool And at the braek we would play. When I go home I take you in secret to have you on the grass near to make everything green. When I get up early I would like you to great me And when the evening comes I would hide you in my pajamas. Soarele O, Soarele meu, Soarele meu As dori sa te port in buzunarul meu sa te am stralucind si sa ma incalzesti As vrea sa te duc la scoala mea sa ne distram pe cinste Iar in recreatii ne-am juca. Cand ajung acasa Te duc in secret sa te am aproape, pe iarba sa inverzesti totul Cand ma trezesc devreme As vrea sa ma saluti Iar cand seara soseste As vrea sa te ascund in pijamalele mele. Drawing by Tanasoiu Iarina, class 1 C Ada Mazurek

6 Drawing by Barcaru Melisa, class 1 C Drawing by Arsintioaia Anda, class 1 C Drawing by Mirghes Ana, class 1 C


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