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MuTOH KIERUNKI ROZWOJU Good Afternoon! First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks to you for attending Mutoh EMEA Summit out of your busy schedule. I would also like to express my thanks to you for your day- to-day support to Mutoh business. As introduced a few moments ago, I assumed the position of Chairman, Mutoh Industries, only last year. Although I am still a new comer and an amateur to the industry, today I would like to share with you what we are thinking and planning to do in the next few years. MuTOH KIERUNKI ROZWOJU 9 Listopad 2018 Volker Lienig Mutoh Deutschland GmbH

Suwa Factory ◇ Rok budowy 1973 ◇ Zatrudnienie 250 ◇ Powierzchnia 23,000 m2 In the last 10 months, I have met many customers around the world, asking only one question: “What do you think about Mutoh?” The answers from the customers were many. Some were good reviews. Those good reviews could be summarized into three areas of strength for Mutoh. They are: One, Made-in-Japan build quality, Two, Reliability, Three, Good Print Quality. I strongly feel these are the areas we MUST NOT change. On the other hand, some comments were very straight and severe. Those straight and severe comments could also be summarized into three areas that we need to improve. They are: One, Response to voice of customers and market, Two, Speediness in product development, Three, Commitment and execution. I strongly feel these are the areas we MUST change.

Mutoh - rozwój ◇ Drukarki atramentowe ◇ Plotery pisakowe i tnące 1953 In the last 10 months, I have met many customers around the world, asking only one question: “What do you think about Mutoh?” The answers from the customers were many. Some were good reviews. Those good reviews could be summarized into three areas of strength for Mutoh. They are: One, Made-in-Japan build quality, Two, Reliability, Three, Good Print Quality. I strongly feel these are the areas we MUST NOT change. On the other hand, some comments were very straight and severe. Those straight and severe comments could also be summarized into three areas that we need to improve. They are: One, Response to voice of customers and market, Two, Speediness in product development, Three, Commitment and execution. I strongly feel these are the areas we MUST change. ◇ Deski kreślarskie 1953

Światowa organizacja Oddziały graficzne i informatyczne In the last 10 months, I have met many customers around the world, asking only one question: “What do you think about Mutoh?” The answers from the customers were many. Some were good reviews. Those good reviews could be summarized into three areas of strength for Mutoh. They are: One, Made-in-Japan build quality, Two, Reliability, Three, Good Print Quality. I strongly feel these are the areas we MUST NOT change. On the other hand, some comments were very straight and severe. Those straight and severe comments could also be summarized into three areas that we need to improve. They are: One, Response to voice of customers and market, Two, Speediness in product development, Three, Commitment and execution. I strongly feel these are the areas we MUST change.

Europa, Bliski Wschód i Afryka Mutoh Europe HQ Lokalizacja: Ostenda, Belgia In the last 10 months, I have met many customers around the world, asking only one question: “What do you think about Mutoh?” The answers from the customers were many. Some were good reviews. Those good reviews could be summarized into three areas of strength for Mutoh. They are: One, Made-in-Japan build quality, Two, Reliability, Three, Good Print Quality. I strongly feel these are the areas we MUST NOT change. On the other hand, some comments were very straight and severe. Those straight and severe comments could also be summarized into three areas that we need to improve. They are: One, Response to voice of customers and market, Two, Speediness in product development, Three, Commitment and execution. I strongly feel these are the areas we MUST change. Działalność : Sprzedaż, marketing, inżynieria aplikacji, dystrybucja, logistyka, obsługa posprzedażowa i serwis Obszar działalności : Europa, Bliski Wschód i Afryka

Japan In the last 10 months, I have met many customers around the world, asking only one question: “What do you think about Mutoh?” The answers from the customers were many. Some were good reviews. Those good reviews could be summarized into three areas of strength for Mutoh. They are: One, Made-in-Japan build quality, Two, Reliability, Three, Good Print Quality. I strongly feel these are the areas we MUST NOT change. On the other hand, some comments were very straight and severe. Those straight and severe comments could also be summarized into three areas that we need to improve. They are: One, Response to voice of customers and market, Two, Speediness in product development, Three, Commitment and execution. I strongly feel these are the areas we MUST change. Japan

Opinie Klientów i Rynku Przewagi: Jakość Made-in-Japan Niezawodność Jakość Druku Obszary rozwoju: In the last 10 months, I have met many customers around the world, asking only one question: “What do you think about Mutoh?” The answers from the customers were many. Some were good reviews. Those good reviews could be summarized into three areas of strength for Mutoh. They are: One, Made-in-Japan build quality, Two, Reliability, Three, Good Print Quality. I strongly feel these are the areas we MUST NOT change. On the other hand, some comments were very straight and severe. Those straight and severe comments could also be summarized into three areas that we need to improve. They are: One, Response to voice of customers and market, Two, Speediness in product development, Three, Commitment and execution. I strongly feel these are the areas we MUST change. Reakcja na opinie klientów i rynku Przyspieszenie prac rozwojowych Zaangażowanie i wykonanie

Filary Strategii Rozwój Nowych Technologii Rozwój Produktów Nowe Aplikacje Zarządzanie Łańcuchem Dostaw Marketing To change the areas we must change, we have initiated Business Process Restructuring, so-called BPR, in five Strategy Pillars. The five Strategy Areas are: New Technology Development, Product Development, Target Application, Supply Chain Management. and Marketing Method Reorganizacja Procesów Biznesowych

Podjęte działania (1) Rozwój Nowych Technologii Rozwój Produktów New Technology Development Product Development Nowe Aplikacje Rozwój Nowych Technologii Tokijskie Centrum Badawczo-Rozwojowe (założone w styczniu 2018r.) Rozwój Produktów Wdrożenie DPIM - Dedykowanej Inteligentnej Pętli Monitorującej do analizy danych diagnostycznych i procesowych As a result of BPR so far, what’s happening at Mutoh? (Action1:New Technology Development) In terms of New Technology Development, in January this year, we established Tokyo Research & Development Center. Their mission is to research and develop the basic and elementary technology for printer hardware, software and ink. (Action2:Product Development) In terms of Product Development, we have implemented so-called DPIM system as a development method. DPIM stands for Development Process Integration Management, which is the development tool to help assure product quality and time-to-market in early stage of product development. (Action3:Target Application) In terms of Target Application, while the sign and graphics market continues to be Mutoh’s largest business segment, we would like to step-by-step expand to industrial and textile application markets as a due course of strategy. Nowe Aplikacje Nie tylko oznakowanie i grafika wielkoformatowa, także aplikacje tekstylne i przemysłowe

Podjęte działania (2) Zarządzanie Łańcuchem Dostaw Marketing Supply Chain Management Marketing Zarządzanie Łańcuchem Dostaw Skrócenie czasu produkcji z 8 do 4 tygodni Nowy dział logistyczny (Action4:Supply Chain Management) In terms of Supply Chain Management, we have re-designed our global business operations to maximize efficiency. For example, we have shortened production lead-time from 8 weeks down to 4 weeks, in order for us to quickly respond to the changes in the market. We believe that the production lead-time improvement will contribute to your business, especially business in Middle East and Africa. By the way, talking about business in Middle East and Africa, we are working on a feasibility study for a new Logistics Office in Dubai. Though this is not a promise yet, delivery lead-time will be dramatically shortened when realized. (Action5:Marketing Method) In terms of Marketing Method, Mutoh Europe will put much stronger focus on Application Marketing and Total Solutions Marketing. Mr. Yasuhara will share the details with you tomorrow. Marketing Dodatkowy nacisk na marketing Dostarczanie gotowych rozwiązań

Tendencje rynkowe 39% wszystkich instalacji w 2017r. miało miejsce w Europie, Afryce i na Bliskim Wschodzie. Systematyczny wzrost druku w technologii UV Instalacje maszyn w poszczególnych regionach Wielkość produkcji UV Wielki Format (w milionach m²) Now, let us share the trend of market with you. The left-hand side of the screen is Printer Placements Estimate by Region, from CY2016 through 2020. EMEA which is Europe, Middle East and Africa represents 39% of the world in 2017, and 40% in 2020. The right-hand side of the screen is Worldwide UV and Sublimation Print Volume Forecast for the same timeframe. As you can see on the screen, UV and Sublimation are growing steadily in print volume. The forecast is that around 2020 UV may become the largest segment in terms of print volume. 39% 40% Źródło danych: Keypoint Intelligence (Prognozy Mutoh dla lat 2018-2020) Źródło danych: Keypoint Intelligence

Mutoh: Plan Rozwoju [ Sprzedaż z podziałem na Produkty i Regiony ] Cel: 16% wzrost w roku 2020 w stosunku do roku 2017 Based on the market trend and estimate I just explained, we have settled on Mutoh Transformation Plan towards FY2020. Mutoh plans to realize 25-billion-yen sales or nearly 200-million-euro in 2020. EMEA is the revenue driver for Mutoh LFP business, collectively representing 38% of the world in 2017, and 42% in 2020. Needless to say, EMEA Region is “the” strategic region for us for today as well as for the future. LFP

Koncepcja Rozwoju Produktów 2018 2019 2020 VJ-1638UR (R2R) PJ-2508UF (Flatbed) VJ-1627MH(Hybryda) Dalszy rozwój platform Nowa produkcyjna platforma dla modeli średniej wydajności This is Mutoh’s Product Development Concept. For FY2018, we will strengthen UV and MP printer models. We will introduce VJ-1638UR, Roll-to-Roll UV printer. We will introduce PJ-2508, Flatbed UV printer. We will also introduce VJ-1627MH, MP ink printer. Stephan will explain the details to you later. For FY2019 and onward, product development will be based on 2-3 new platforms with new design and new usability, from which various derivative models are created. For Example, for 2019, we will introduce a new platform for high-productivity mid-range models, starting with Eco-solvent model, then gradually deploying it to models of other ink categories. For 2020, we plan to develop another new platform, similarly deploying it to various ink categories. At the same time, in the next three years, we plan to develop new genuine ink, especially focusing on dye-sub, UV and MP inks. Dalszy rozwój modeli UV/MP Nowy atrament MP Nowy atrament UV Nowy atrament sublimacyjny

Sondaż FESPA 2018 Główne Wnioski 83% firm optymistycznie ocenia swój biznes 72% zauważa wzrost wymagań klientów dotyczących szybkości realizacji zamówień 59% uważa, że nastąpi wzrost dostaw just-in-time 76% uważa, że popyt na produkty przyjazne środowisku wpływa na ich strategię biznesową In the large format printer business, there are six areas where products can be differentiated. The six areas are: Productivity, Print Quality, Easy Maintenance & Usability, Reliability, Ink & media variation, and Running cost In the next three years, out of these six areas, we will especially focus on Productivity, Print Quality and Easy Maintenance & Usability. In terms of Productivity, as I mentioned earlier, we plan to develop new platforms with high productivity. And, in the course of this development, we plan to work on the configuration and the optimization of print-heads as well, in order to meet various customer applications. In terms of Print Quality, we will step-by-step expand the line-up of genuine ink with high print-quality at reasonable price range. In terms of Easy Maintenance & Usability, we have been working on how to minimize the hardware down-time. For example, we are working on the research, such as missing-nozzle detection and easy-cleaning mechanism. Also, we have started a preliminary research, such as new ink circulation system to minimize ink waste. Not up to your expectation these may be, I would like to share with you that we are trying hard at something new, different and unique.

Sondaż FESPA 2018 Główne Wnioski 56% klientów branży tekstylnej zainwestowało w technologie cyfrowe, a 19% planuje takie inwestycje w przeciągu najbliższych dwóch lat, prędkość produkcji jest priorytetem dla 69% respondentów, a 55% wymaga druku bezpośredniego na niepowlekanych materiałach 27% respondentów w sektorze reklamy wielkoformatowej planuje zakup plotera w technologii UV (flatbed lub hybryda), dalsze 18% planuje zakup rolowego plotera UV  In the large format printer business, there are six areas where products can be differentiated. The six areas are: Productivity, Print Quality, Easy Maintenance & Usability, Reliability, Ink & media variation, and Running cost In the next three years, out of these six areas, we will especially focus on Productivity, Print Quality and Easy Maintenance & Usability. In terms of Productivity, as I mentioned earlier, we plan to develop new platforms with high productivity. And, in the course of this development, we plan to work on the configuration and the optimization of print-heads as well, in order to meet various customer applications. In terms of Print Quality, we will step-by-step expand the line-up of genuine ink with high print-quality at reasonable price range. In terms of Easy Maintenance & Usability, we have been working on how to minimize the hardware down-time. For example, we are working on the research, such as missing-nozzle detection and easy-cleaning mechanism. Also, we have started a preliminary research, such as new ink circulation system to minimize ink waste. Not up to your expectation these may be, I would like to share with you that we are trying hard at something new, different and unique.

Sondaż FESPA 2018 Główne Wnioski 61% dostrzega narastającą tendencję produkcji mniejszych nakładów 54% klientów jako główny powód inwestycji w nowe urządzenia podaje wzrost wydajności In the large format printer business, there are six areas where products can be differentiated. The six areas are: Productivity, Print Quality, Easy Maintenance & Usability, Reliability, Ink & media variation, and Running cost In the next three years, out of these six areas, we will especially focus on Productivity, Print Quality and Easy Maintenance & Usability. In terms of Productivity, as I mentioned earlier, we plan to develop new platforms with high productivity. And, in the course of this development, we plan to work on the configuration and the optimization of print-heads as well, in order to meet various customer applications. In terms of Print Quality, we will step-by-step expand the line-up of genuine ink with high print-quality at reasonable price range. In terms of Easy Maintenance & Usability, we have been working on how to minimize the hardware down-time. For example, we are working on the research, such as missing-nozzle detection and easy-cleaning mechanism. Also, we have started a preliminary research, such as new ink circulation system to minimize ink waste. Not up to your expectation these may be, I would like to share with you that we are trying hard at something new, different and unique.

Wyzwania biznesowe na przyszłość Poszerzenie profesjonalnych usług drukarskich o wykończanie wydruków, ich montaż, itp. In the large format printer business, there are six areas where products can be differentiated. The six areas are: Productivity, Print Quality, Easy Maintenance & Usability, Reliability, Ink & media variation, and Running cost In the next three years, out of these six areas, we will especially focus on Productivity, Print Quality and Easy Maintenance & Usability. In terms of Productivity, as I mentioned earlier, we plan to develop new platforms with high productivity. And, in the course of this development, we plan to work on the configuration and the optimization of print-heads as well, in order to meet various customer applications. In terms of Print Quality, we will step-by-step expand the line-up of genuine ink with high print-quality at reasonable price range. In terms of Easy Maintenance & Usability, we have been working on how to minimize the hardware down-time. For example, we are working on the research, such as missing-nozzle detection and easy-cleaning mechanism. Also, we have started a preliminary research, such as new ink circulation system to minimize ink waste. Not up to your expectation these may be, I would like to share with you that we are trying hard at something new, different and unique. Automatyzacja produkcji poprawia wydajność, a także redukuje koszty pracy i rekompensuje niedobór personelu. Poprawia to konkurencyjność firmy.

PRZEJDŹ NA INNOWACYJNE TECHNOLOGIE Razem z Mutoh Customer needs are always changing. Mutoh needs your help and guidance in order for us to meet the customer needs and to create something new, different and unique for our mutual success in the future. Please help Mutoh shift to the unique. Thank you for your attention.