Copyright © 2006 Quest Software Title slide Copyright: 8 pt. Arial Quest Software… W jaki sposób wydajnie wspierać rozwiązania SharePoint w firmie

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1 Copyright © 2006 Quest Software Title slide Copyright: 8 pt. Arial Quest Software… W jaki sposób wydajnie wspierać rozwiązania SharePoint w firmie Grzegorz Szafrański, Product Manager

2 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black 1.Wyzwania w zarządzaniu środowiskiem SharePoint 2.Rozwiązania Quest Software dla SharePoint Administracja/zarządzania Odtwarzanie Migracja Projektowanie aplikacji Wsparcie dla bazy danych SQL Server 3.Podsumowanie Agenda

3 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black 3 Rozwiązania Quest dla zarządzania Windows Microsoft Exchange Microsoft SharePoint Microsoft Active Directory Microsoft SQL Server Wspierane technologie Microsoft Microsoft AD LDS/ADAM Microsoft PowerShell Microsoft.NET Microsoft Windows Server Microsoft Office Communication Server Microsoft System Center Management Desktop

4 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black 4 Wyzwania w zarządzaniu środowiskiem SharePoint Projektowanie aplikacji pod SharePoint Migracja i konsolidacja zawartości folderów publicznych Exchange i SharePoint 2003/2007 Kontrolowanie dostępu do ważnych informacji Backup i szybkie odzyskiwanie ważnych danych Brak centralnego zarządzania Niespójna konfiguracja i ustawienia Zarządzanie bazami SQL Server serwerów backendowych SharePoint Poznanie środowiska Sharepoint w całej firmie

5 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black 5 Rozwiązania Quest Software dla SharePoint Site Administrator for SharePoint Rozpoznawanie środowiska, raportowanie oraz zarządzanie SharePointem z jednego miejsca Public Folder Migrator for SharePoint Migracja folderów publicznych Exchange do SharePoint Migration Manager for SharePoint Migracje pomiędzy SharePoint 2003/2007/2010 a 2007/2010 File Migrator for SharePoint Migracja plików i udziałów sieciowych do SharePoint Recovery Manager for SharePoint Odzyskiwanie pojedynczych obiektów z SharePoint WebParts for SharePoint Szybkie programowanie aplikacji pod SharePointa Quest SQL Server Solutions Zapewnienie maksymalnej wydajności SQLa, uproszczenie zarządzania i kontrola środowiska Wszystkie rozwiązanie wspierają SharePoint 2003/2007/2010 oraz WSS 2.0/3.0 Site Administrator for SharePoint Audyt środowiska SharePoint: uprawnień oraz dostępów Notes Migrator for SharePoint Migracja aplikacji Lotus Notes do SharePoint

6 Copyright © 2006 Quest Software Title slide Copyright: 8 pt. Arial 1. Codzienna administracja oraz audyt wykorzystania SharePoint

7 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Site Administrator for SharePoint Site Administrator for SharePoint umożliwia identyfikowanie i zarządzanie serwerami SharePoint z jednej konsoli MMC. Zarządzanie siteami, serwerami, poszczególnymi stronami, uprawnieniami, raportowanie zawartości portali oraz definiowanie polityk monitoringu zmiany treści.

8 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Site Administrator oferuje (1/4): Rozpoznanie środowiska i przegląd struktury SharePoint –Wykrywa wszystkie wersje serwerów SharePoint –Rozpoznaje niewykorzystywane bądź wyłączone instalacje SharePoint –Przegląd całej struktury i jej zawartości SharePoint w jednym drzewie

9 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Site Administrator oferuje (2/4): Zbieranie informacji oraz raportowanie: –Różnych metryk serwerów z różnych miejsc –Dostęp do ponad 30 raportów o serwerach, witrynach, dostępności, zajętości, uprawnieniach oraz wykorzystaniu –Tworzenie własnych raportów

10 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Site Administrator oferuje (3/4): Zarządzanie uprawnieniami i politykami –Wyszukiwanie i modyfikowanie zabezpieczeń na serwerach SharePoint 2007/2010 wraz z możliwością zarządzania członkostwem grup i uprawnieniami –Łatwy dostęp do wszystkich ustawień poprzez bezpośrednie linki –Tworzenie polityk do zarządzania bezpieczeństwem –Propagowanie i wymuszanie globalnych polityk dla środowiska –Ustawienie odpowiednich polityk konfiguracyjnych dla serwerów lub witryn

11 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Konsola do zarządzania uprawnieniami 11

12 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Site Administrator oferuje (4/4): Kolekcjonuje i raportuje dane audytu –Specjalny serwis Security Auditor instalowany jest na serwerze SharePoint i rozszerza natywne logi SharePoint –Raporty dostępów, zmian na dokumentach, listach, witrynach oraz kolekcjach witryn

13 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Raporty audytu 13

14 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Reporting – New Web-Based Information Portal

15 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Delegation in Information Portal

16 Copyright © 2006 Quest Software Title slide Copyright: 8 pt. Arial 2. Odtwarzanie danych SharePoint

17 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Quest Recovery Manager for SharePoint Oferuje backup oraz odtwarzanie pojedynczych obiektów do serwera SharePoint Server 2003/2007 oraz WSS 2.0/3.0

18 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Recovery Manager – wsparcie dla backupów SQL SharePoint SharePoint Recycle Bin STSADM Microsoft Data Protection Manager Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases Quest LiteSpeed for SQL Server Symantec NetBackup Planowane: Symantec BackupExec, Commvault 18

19 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Recovery Manager (oraz LiteSpeed) Automatyczne katalogowanie backupów Przeszukiwanie & filtrowanie Podgląd live w panelu Odtwarzanie pojedynczych obiektów Krótki czas odtwarzania Backupy & odtwarzanie pojedynczych obiektów z centralenej konsoli Skompresowane, szyfrowane oraz zautomatyzowane backupy LiteSpeed jest opcjonalny i nie jest wymagany do normalnej pracy Recovery Managera

20 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Wyszukiwanie

21 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Podgląd dokumentów w backupie

22 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Elastyczne opcje odtwarzania

23 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Disaster Recovery Advisor

24 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Porównywanie zawartości backupów z onlineowym SharePointem

25 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Wyszukiwanie poprzez WWW

26 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Korzyści ze stosowania rozwiązania Recovery dla SharePoint Oferuje szczegółowe odtwarzanie zintegrowanie z istniejąca infrastruktura backupującą SharePointa Zmniejsza koszt utrzymania backupu, ponieważ nie wymaga przeprowadzania dodatkowych bardziej szczegółowych backupów Zwiększa produktywność użytkowników poprzez zminimalizowanie czasu przestoju Oszczędza czas administratorom IT Pozwala na awaryjny dostęp do krytycznych danych w czasie kiedy SharePoint jest niedostępny Pozwala na centralne zarządzanie SharePointem

27 Copyright © 2006 Quest Software Title slide Copyright: 8 pt. Arial 3. Migracje w środowisku Sharepoint

28 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black File Migrator for SharePoint Migracja Sharów/Folderów NTFS do SharePoint Server 2007 oraz WSS 3.0

29 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black File Migrator for SharePoint

30 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black File Migrator for SharePoint

31 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black File Migrator for SharePoint

32 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black File Migrator for SharePoint

33 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Migration Manager for SharePoint Migracja SharePoint Server 2003/WSS 2.0 do SharePoint Server 2007 oraz WSS 3.0

34 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Migration Manager for SharePoint

35 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Notes Migrator for SharePoint 35

36 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Notes Migrator for SharePoint 36 Migracja zawartości aplikacji (Notes, QuickPlace oraz Domino.doc) do SharePoint

37 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Wskaż, kliknij…

38 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black …i zmigruj!

39 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Migration (Ad Hoc) z klienta Notes Client

40 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Rozwiązania Quest dla migracji Lotus Notes Notes Mailboxes/ calendaring Pre-MigrationMigration Migrate/Coexist to Exchange Migrate to SharePoint Migrate Plan Post-Migration Manage Build Manage Reconstruct Notes Application content Quest Migration Solutions Exchange 5.5/2K/2K3 Exchange 2K/2K3/2K7 GroupWise Exchange Notes Exchange Exchange Public Folders SharePoint SharePoint 2003 SharePoint 2007 File shares SharePoint Notes SharePoint NDS Active Directory (AD) AD NT4 AD

41 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Public Folder Migrator for SharePoint Pozwala na migrację zawartości folderów publicznych serwera Exchange na serwer SharePoint Portal Server 2003 /2007 oraz Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) 2.0/3.0.

42 Copyright © 2006 Quest Software Title slide Copyright: 8 pt. Arial 4. Tworzenie i rozwój aplikacji Sharepoint

43 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Web Parts for SharePoint Oferuje rozszerzone możliwości rozwoju aplikacji SharePoint Zmniejsza czas i koszt projektowania aplikacji o 50- 80% Łączy wewnętrzne wyspy informacji SharePointa Dostępne biznesowe webparty Drag-drop-and- configure web parts Łączy zewnętrzne systemy z SharePoint Oferuje zarządzanie (podgląd, tworzenie, edycja, kasowanie, łączenie) zewnętrznymi danymi innych systemów Wspiera wszystkie wersje SharePoint, w tym darmową WSS 2.0/3.0! 43

44 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black List/Library List/Library List/Library Child List Parent List List/Library List/Library List/Library Datasheet List Form List View List Form List View Dane oraz ich prezentacja List or Library Aggregated Reports and Charts Chart View Central Lists and Libraries Web Parts for Sharepoint rozszerzają webparty SharePointa dostarczając większą elastyczność i funkcjonalność aplikacji

45 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black 45 Dostosowywanie do potrzeb użytkownika wyglądu i dostępnych opcji witryny - filtry Wykorzystanie stworzonych filtrów zarówno na witrynach oraz kolekcji witryn Zapamiętywanie kryteriów filtracji Więcej witryn oraz kolekcji witryn Lepsza wydajność Tańsze utrzymanie

46 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Przeciągnij, upuść i skonfiguruj 46

47 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Szablony aplikacji Project Dashboard Single Project Multi-Project CRM Help Desk Dostępnych wiele przykładów Wiele aplikacji może być budowana w oparciu o modyfikację istniejących szablonów Szablony są nieodpłatne Dostępny CBT (Computer Based Training) 47

48 Copyright © 2006 Quest Software Title slide Copyright: 8 pt. Arial 4. Zarządzanie i optymalizacja wykorzystania baz SQL Server

49 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Proaktywne zarządzanie wydajnością baz danych Technologie Quest dla SQL Servera 2. Diagnostyka 3. Rozwiazywanie problemów 1. Discover Limits Capacity Manager, Spotlight, Toad DBA Benchmark Factory Capacity Manager Spotlight, Performance Analysis 4. Validate Benchmark Factory

50 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Wydajne administrowanie bazami danych Compliance Codzienna administracja Toad w/ DBA Module Capacity Manager InTrust Backup i Odtwarzanie LiteSpeed

51 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black 51 Podsumowanie Site Administrator for SharePoint Rozpoznawanie środowiska, raportowanie oraz zarządzanie SharePointem z jednego miejsca Public Folder Migrator for SharePoint Migracja folderów publicznych Exchange do SharePoint Migration Manager for SharePoint Migracje pomiędzy SharePoint 2003 a 2007 File Migrator for SharePoint Migracja plików i udziałów sieciowych do SharePoint Recovery Manager for SharePoint Odzyskiwanie pojedynczych obiektów z SharePoint Development Studio for SharePoint Szybkie programowanie aplikacji pod SharePointa Quest SQL Server Solutions Zapewnienie maksymalnej wydajności SQLa, uproszczenie zarządzania i kontrola środowiska Wszystkie rozwiązanie wspierają SharePoint 2003/2007 oraz WSS 2.0/3.0 InTrust Plug-In (będzie w Q3) Audyt środowiska SharePoint Notes Migrator for SharePoint Migracja aplikacji Lotus Notes do SharePoint

52 Indications in green = Live content Indications in black = Edit in master Indications in white = Locked elements logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Presentation title: 12 pt. Arial Regular, light blue Slide heading: 28 pt. Arial Regular, black Maximum length: 1 lines Slide body: 22 pt. Arial Regular, black Recommended maximum length: 4 principal points Slide number: 8 pt. Arial bold, black Chart copy: 12 pt. Arial Bold, black Dziękuję za uwagę Grzegorz Szafrański

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