1 Summary of the survey on dedicated bus lanes EMTA GM, 16.04.2010, Budapest Tamás Dombi, ZTM Warsaw.

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1 1 Summary of the survey on dedicated bus lanes EMTA GM, 16.04.2010, Budapest Tamás Dombi, ZTM Warsaw

2 2 Goal of the survey Priority for PT services, according to the Sustainable Transport Strategy Study on possible implementations of bus lanes First large-scale implementation in Sept 2009 ended with heavy discussion A need to convince the public, especially car drivers Idea: to show the status of dedicated bus lanes in other european cities

3 Bus lanes until 2009 and those proposed by the study

4 Status of the existing bus lanes 1Al. JerozolimskieA1 170stały 1 170 02/2001 2Al. JerozolimskieA225stały 225 02/2001 3al. NiepodległościA570stały 570 13/06/2002 4al. SolidarnościA850stały 850 10/05/2002 5al. SolidarnościPAT2 300stały 2 30031.08.2009 6al. SolidarnościPAT2 550stały 2 55031.08.2009 7al. SolidarnościA940stały 940 30.06.2009 8pl. BankowyA290stały 290 1993 9Trasa Łazienkowska j. płd.A5 450stały 5 450 22.09.2009 10Trasa Łazienkowska j. pn.A5 840stały 5 840 22.09.2009 11ul. BelwederskaA445stały 445 1998 12ul. GrójeckaA870stały 870 2001 13ul. KasprzakaA880stały 880 2002 14ul. MarszałkowskaA300stały 300 1993 15ul. MarszałkowskaA500stały 500 1993 16ul. MłynarskaT930stały 930 po 30.06.2009 17ul. ModlińskaA3 500stały 3 500 07/05/2005 18ul. RadzymińskaA1 230stały 1 230 po 30.06.2009 19ul. SobieskiegoA1 190stały 1 190 1998 20ul. SobieskiegoA1 233stały 1 233 1998 31 263 25 4839304 850

5 Questions of the survey 1. Length of the existing bus lanes 2. Date of the introduction of the first bus lane 3. Reaction of the city population 4. What other vehicles are enabled to ride the bus lanes? 5. Consequences of a non-permitted use

6 6 Results of the survey (1/3) 15 answers - thank you very much! In every answering city, there are buslanes An average answering city has installed the first bus lane in 1981 and has today 114 km of bus lanes Taxis are everywhere accepted on bus lanes, except for Sevilla Bycicles are permitted in 6 cities, motorbikes in South Yorkshire

7 7 Results of the survey (2/3) Usage of bus lanes by non-permitted vehicles is everywhere fined Fines have a wide scale, from 25 EUR (Warsaw) up to 120 GBP (London) Some bus lanes are connected with a whole marketing concept (Zuidtangent, Amsterdam) In Torino there is an interesting idea to use the cameras in buses to collect evidence (photos)

8 8 Results of the survey (3/3) Reactions of the population:  Rather mixed: car drivers are against, PT passengers are happy  In most of the cities, increase of the PT market share was observed after implementation of bus lanes  STIF & Montreal have reported about a bad perception in a small extent

9 Total length of the bus lanes

10 Date of the first dedicated bus lane Birmingham1960'sValencia1984 Paris1965Montreal1980's Torino1960'sAmsterdam1986 Barcelona1968Warsaw1993 London1968South YS1994 Brussels1969Budapest1990's Lyon1970'sPrague1995 Vilnius2002 Average1981

11 Thank you for your attention! Tamás Dombi Dept for Transport Development t.dombi@ztm.waw.pl +48 22 827 37 47

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