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OpublikowałGabryjel Klonowski Został zmieniony 11 lat temu
THE ’YES’ DAY Say ’YES’ to Imagination! 20th March 2013
The ’Yes’ Day – Say ’Yes’ to Imagination
’Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will.’ George Bernard Shaw That’s what we kept in mind while organizing the ’Yes’ Day in our school. We wanted to prove, that we can spend our time at school not only learning the traditional way (which is not very popular with students). School is a place, where we spend most of our time, gaining knowlege, new experiences and making friends. What’s more important, we develop our talents and skills as well. On the 20th March we had an opportunity to show how creative we can be and what potential is hidden inside us. Let’s come back to those happy moments for a while…
JURY Ms Beata Błachut, Aleksandra Krajewska, Maciej Szczapa and our nurse Teresa Krym.
Three girls and three boys fom each class took part in a relay race.
Charlie’s Angels Two students from each class: a boy and a girl presented original and creative school outfits.
The healthiest Cake The jury chose the tastiest and the healthiest cake prepared by each class.
Every class presented a song of their choice.
KAROKE Every class presented a song of their choice.
The most creative and imaginative full-face make-up wins!
The art Of make-up The most creative and imaginative full-face make-up wins!
Form teachers’ competition
Hey, spring’s coming! Close your eyes and draw a snowman!
Everybody enjoyed themeslves
Everybody enjoyed themeslves! Ms Ciszewska kept an eye on everything to make sure we were happy.
And the winners are: I place III place II place class III d class II e
class II c
Thanks to the organizers Coordination: mgr Maria Wytrykowska mgr Monika Drygiel-Kobylińska mgr Anna Moczydłowska The Media: mgr Urszula Torenc Stage design: mgr Alicja Żelazo Sports competitions: mgr Ewa Ciszewska mgr Magdalena Kowalczyk mgr Małgorzata Rączka mgr Tomasz Rosa
Authors: Marcin Zakrzewski Klementyna a. Święcicka
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