Scotland is located in the Northern part of Great Britain and Hebrides, Orkneys and Shetland Islands. In the south it borders with England. The land is.

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Prezentacja na temat: "Scotland is located in the Northern part of Great Britain and Hebrides, Orkneys and Shetland Islands. In the south it borders with England. The land is."— Zapis prezentacji:


2 Scotland is located in the Northern part of Great Britain and Hebrides, Orkneys and Shetland Islands. In the south it borders with England. The land is mostly created from upland and mountains. The climate the moderatly warm with influence of sea. A patron of Scotland is Saint Andrew. A flower characteristing Scotland is the thistle.

3 Scottish Population In Scotland live about 5,2mln people. In 2005, 42% population of Scottish people belonged to the Calvinist Church of Scotland which is from 1560 a national Church. Scotland is inhabited at least from the fifth millennium BC. Different cultures and people lived on this area from the beggining (Pikts, Celts, Normans, Romans, Angles).

4 Music in Scotland Scottish music is a significant aspect of the nation culture, with both traditional and modern influences. A famous traditional Scottish instrument is the Great Highland Bagpipe, a wind instrument consisting of three drones and a melody pipe which are fed continuously by a reservoir of air in a bag. Bagpipe bands have spread throughout the world. The clàrsach (harp), fiddle and accordion are also traditional Scottish instruments.

5 History of Scotland In the past Scotland wasn't the same country with England. Jakob VI of the Stuart dynasty joined these countries with a personal union. The Real Union took place in 1707 and it became the United Kingdom of Great Britain. At last in XVIII century Scotland was run by Englishmen.

6 Military Scotland currently spends £3.3 billion on defence. Scotland has a long military tradition predating the Union with England. Its armed forces now are the part of the British Armed Forces. The notable exception of the Atholl Highlanders, European only legal private army.

7 Sport Sport is an important element of Scottish culture, with many national sport competitions. Scotland has independent representations at many international sport events, including the FIFA World Cup, the Rugby Union World Cup, the Rugby League World Cup, the Cricket World Cup and the Commonwealth Games. But at the Olympic Games Scottish athletes are part of the Great Britain team.

8 National days St Andrew's Day, 30 November, is the national Scottish day. Burns' Night becames also more popular in Scotland. Tartan Day is a recent innovation from Canada. In 2006, the Scottish Parliament passed the St. Andrew's Day Bank Holiday.

9 Ciekawostki o Szkocji Teren Szkocji obejmuje ponad 790 wysp, w tym około 100 jest zamieszkałych. Największą spośród wysp jest Lewis and Harris (Hebrydy Zewnętrzne) – 217,898 ha. . Zamieszkuje ją około 20 tys. mieszkańców. Najgęściej zaludnioną wyspą jest… Eilean Donan – na powierzchni ok 3 tys. metrów, mieszka… 1 osoba Najwyższą górą na wyspach jest Sgurr Alasdair (993 m) na wyspie Skye.

10 Answer the questions 1. Which plant is characteristic for Scotland?
2. What country does Scotland border in the south? 3. What is the religion of Scots? 4. What is the main instrument in Scotland? 5. How much money does Scottish army spend on defence?

11 True or false? Sport is an important element in Scottish culture.
Bank Holiday is the day of school. Najwyższą górą na wyspach jest Sgurr Alasdair. Najgęściej zaludnioną wyspą jest … Eilean Donan Najmniejszą spośród wysp jest Lewis and Harris. Teren Szkocji obejmuje ponad 890 wysp, w tym około 100 jest zamieszkałych.


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