„Forestfireprotection in Poland and Europe.”

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1 „Forestfireprotection in Poland and Europe.”

2 Factors influencing the state of fire hazard, are:
Fig.4 Air temperature and Cloud clover Fig.2 Stub of cigarette Fig.5 Solar radiation Fig.1 Unquenchable match Fig.3 Bonfire Fig.6 Precipitation

3 Types of fire in the forest:
1) Underground fire- usually takes place after prolonged drought. Peat layers, which can burn even 3 meters under the earth’s crust, get burned down. The fire can last even 2 years, because it’s very difficult to extinguish. 3) Crown fire - spreads in the crowns of trees. 2) Ground fire- ( the most common type of fires that occur in Poland ). Undergrowth, forest floor and humus get burned down. Fig.22. Fig.23

4 Forest fire is extinguished by:
Fig.8 Fig.7 …Water , with Fire Brygade help. Fig.9 In every regional management of State Forests and forests districts are almost 10 ranger’s alert and disposition points helpful at quickly recognising the forest fire. … Fire-rated flipper (each forester has that in the car).

5 Protections against the spread of fire:
Fig.12 Fig.10 Drawing water point- for Fire Brigade (on the forest area must be a few such tanks). Fig.11 Fire protection belts- they’re performed by ploughing the strip of land next to the railway tracks or street and its mineralizing (ie. deprive litter). Forests districts often concludes an agreements with performers, which in case of forest fire are obliged to do as soon as it’s possible a firebreak through the forest to enable better access for extinguishing teams.

6 Infrastructure helpful with counteracting fires:
Fig.15 Fig.13 Fig.14 Fig.16 Forest airbase - work at the time of increased fire hazard. Planes and helicopters, which are using to patroled forests areas are quarter there. Fire roads network - allows to quickly ambulate into the fire centre. They’re regurally cleaned by forest rangers.

7 Forest refurbishment after fire:
Fig.17 Fig.19 Fig.18 After every fire forester task is clear out burned trees and plough burning area using plowing for that to prepared the ground for a new trees. Planting pioneer organisms such as aspen(lat.Populus Tremula, on the left) and birch (lat.Betula, on the right) is very important for fastly forest regeneration. Forest ranger has a time to 2 years for rejuvenate primal trees stand

8 Fire protection: Fire protection system- consists of branches (16 in Poland), each of them has an emergency point. in every forestry management occurs a fire detection system, that controls the forest. Fig.20 Fig.21 Fire detection system Fig.22 Branches in Poland

9 Summing up that topic – forests fires are very dangerous and harmful for all of a living organisms of wildlife and plant life, so we have to take care about that and prevents fires in our regional forests…

10 List of source materials:
Background 1 – „las”/ phot. Andreas Krappweis SXC Background 2 - Music - / „Odgłosy natury” auth. Aribeth32 Fig / auth. Fig.2 - Fig.3 – Fig.4 - Fig.5 - Fig.6 - Fig.7 - Fig.8 - Paweł Wojciech Kalinowski jr. private archive / phot. Paweł Wojciech Kalinowski jr. Fig.9 - Paweł Wojciech Kalinowski jr. private archive / phot. Paweł Wojciech Kalinowski jr. Fig Fig / auth. Jarek Fig / auth. Jarek Fig / phot. bikestats.pl Fig / phot. Janusz_1952 Fig / phot. Grzegorz Karwat Fig / phot. Miłosz Nenczak Fig.17 - Paweł Wojciech Kalinowski jr. private archive / phot. Paweł Wojciech Kalinowski jr. Fig / auth. Piotr Gach Fig Fig Fig Fig This presentation was made based on the interview with Paweł Niemiec – Deputy Forester of „Zmysłówka” Nature Reserve.

11 Presentation was prepared by:
1.Paweł Wojciech Kalinowski jr. 2.Karolina Szpunar 3.Julia Szmuc Henryk Sienkiewicz 1st General Secondary School in Łańcut Class of Biological and Chemical Sciences 1B

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