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>----- Original message ----- >From: M.janczak@poczta.fm
POLISH VERSION Dear Al, Feedback from 30 kids at the school in Ostrobramska - well done, am so pleased, they loved it and understood the message. Thank you so much. Magda >----- Original message ----- >From: >To: Magdalena Fijałkowska Nauka Bez >Date: :03 >Subject: Africa Today - feedback - cz 1 1. Warsztaty mi sie podobaly. pan byl mily i kontaktowy. 2. bardzo mi sie podobalo. ten pan byl bardzo kontaktowy do nas 3. bylo fajnie. pgolnie ciekawie mowil. fare trade bardzo mnie przekonal. 4. bardzo mi sie podobaly warsztaty poniewaz byly smaczne czekoladki, interesujacy temat. te warsztaty byly "inne" niz poprzednie. 5. zafascynowalo mnie to w jaki sposob traktuja w afryce dzieci, ze wkorzystuja je od najmlodszych lat.interesuje mnie nadal to jaki stosunek do afryki (ludzi tsm mieszkajacych) reszta swiata. chcialabym sie wiecej dowiedziec o ich klturze itp. 6. this classs was ok. this man said about important things. 7. podbalo mi sie, bo rozmawialismy o ciekawych rzeczach, bylo opowiadanie w zabawny sposob. poza tym interesuje sie innymi kulturami wiec ogolnie mi sie podobalo. 8. nice. good job. 9. the workshop was very good, but I think Mr Al Hayfron racist because he gave chocolates only for people with dark hair. I think also that there should be more information about African culture and some interesting facts, not only about the fair trade. 10. warsztaty bardzo mi sie podobaly. pan Hayfron ciekawie opowiadal o Afryce. przygotowaltez interesujace filmiki o sytuacji tam panujacej. 11. uwazam, ze warsztaty na temat afryki byly bardzo ciekawe. pan hayfron pokazal filmiki ukazujace zycie w afryce. poazywaly one biede tam panujaca i ludzi ciezko pracujacych, dostajac za to znikome wynagrodzenie. 12. I think the workshop was good. It was my first meeting with Mr Hayfron., but i was pleased with it. the computer presentation was made well. I'd like to have a workshop with Al Hayfron again. 13. warsztaty byly interesujace, choc "znowu" nie dowiedzialam sie niczego nowego lub czegos czego nie wiedzialam. eksperyment z czekoladkoami byl bardzo przenikliwy i co niektorym mogl umozliwic zrozumienie fair trade. w skali 1 na 10 oceniam 7/10. 14. fajny pan, fajny projekt, ale nie bylo czekoladek! o afryce juz duzo z tego wiedzialam, ale coz:) bylo milo. dobre powtorzenie, fajny akcent - czekoladki. 15. warsztaty byby bardzo interesujace, poniewarz pan Hayfron nie tylko opowiadal, ale tezpokazywal ciekawe filmy i robil z nicmi quizy. dzieki temu mielismy szanse sie wykazac a zajecia byly zabawne i przejmujace.
24. podobaly mi sie i podobal mi sie akcent pana.
16. warsztaty mi sie podobaly. z checia w nich uczestniczylam. ciesze sie ze pan pokazal nam kilka filmikow poniewaz latwiej jest zobrazowac sytuacje niz dokladnie o niej opowiadac. 17. warsztaty byly bardzo ciekawe. nie byl to nudny wyklad. prowadzacy z nami konwersowal. 18. i like the workshop very much. Mr Al was talking very interesting and I wouldn't mind if come to our school ance again. 19. workshopy byly ciekawe. Al Hayfron byl bardzo mily. chcialabym aby przyjechal jeszcze kiedys do nas. 20. workshopy bardzo mi sie podobaly ze wzgledu na ciekawe prowadzenie zajec. 21. it was interesting and curious. i really want more meetings like that. 22. podobaly mi sie te warsztaty bo prowadzacy byl sympatyczny, bylo duzo filmow, przez co cala prezentacja byla ciekawa. 23. i really enjoyed the workshop. Allan Hayfron had nice accent. The workshop was interesting. 24. podobaly mi sie i podobal mi sie akcent pana. 25. bardzo ciekawe. pn przyjemnie mowil. najbardziej udana prezentacja. 26. i really enjoyed it was fun. you made me another, fascinating view of africa, thank you. 27. warsztaty bardzo mi sie podobaly, byly naprawde ciekawe. prezenter byl mily, opowiadal zrozumiale i interesujaco. wiele zaamietalam po tym spotkaniu i doweidzialam sie nowych rzeczy. i byly dobre czekoladki. 28. bardzo mi sie podobaly te warsztaty a zwlaszcza pan prezetujacy. Mowca byl bardzo mily i kontaktowy. 29. bardzo ciekawe warsztaty. , wiele interesujacych rzeczy dowiedzialem sie o afryce. pan byl bardzo mily i czestowal czekoladkami w nagrode za poprawna odpowiedz. 30. warsztaty z jezyka angielskiego moim zdaniem byly bardzo fajne. za czeste udzielanie sie pan dawal czakoladke ze sklepu marks & Spencer ze znaczkiem fairtrade. ogolnie my opinion is good. 31.bardzo podobaly mi sie warsztaty. pan, ktory je prowadzil byl mily I probowal zachecic nas do pracy dajac nam czekoladki. prezentacja byla bardzo ciekawa. pozdrawiam serdecznie Małgosia Janczak-Hulewicz
I liked this workshop. Mr. Al had a nice contact.
ENGLISH VERSION Dear Al, Feedback from 30 kids at the school in Ostrobramska - well done, am so pleased, They loved it and understood the message. Thank you so much. Magda >----- Original message > > From: poczta.fm > To: Magdalena Fijałkowska Learning Without > Date: :03 > Subject: Africa Today - feedback - Part 1 I liked this workshop. Mr. Al had a nice contact. 2. I really liked. this gentleman. He had a very nice contact with us 3. Cool. Story interestingly told. Fair trade persuaded me very much. 4. I really liked this workshop because there were delicious chocolates. Interesting topic. This workshop was "different" than the previous one. 5. I was fascinated by how we treat children in Africa, from an early age. What interests me still is the relationship between the people living in Africa and the rest of the world. I would like to know more about their culture etc. 6. This man said some important things in this class. 7 Interested me because we talked about interesting things, it was a nice story told in a funny way. besides, I'm interested in other cultures, so overall liked it. 8 Nice. good job. 9 The workshop was very good, but I think Mr. Al Hayfron is a racist because He gave chocolates only for people with dark hair. Also I think that there should be more information about African culture and some interesting facts, not only about the fair trade. 10 I really liked this workshop. Mr Hayfron talked about curiously interesting things about Africa and showed interesting videos about the situation prevailing there. 11 I believe that this workshop on Africa was very interesting. Mr Hayfron showed the videos showing the life in Africa. Poverty there is dominant and they are hardworking people, but its getting to be a negligible consideration. 12 I think the workshop was good. It was my first meeting with Mr. Hayfron, but i was pleased with it. The computer presentation was made well. I'd like to have a workshop with Al Hayfron again. > 13 workshops were interesting, though, "again" did not learn anything new or something I did not know. experiment with chocolates was very insightful, and may have allowed the understanding of fair trade. on a scale of 1 to 10 appreciate 7 / 10. 14 cool man, cool design, but there was no chocolates! I already knew a lot about Africa but well:) was nice. good repetition, a nice touch - chocolates. 15 This workshop was very interesting, because not only did Hayfron talk and show interesting videos and doing quizzes from the threads, but thanks to this we had a chance to show the classes were fun.
17 This workshops was very interesting. This was not a boring lecture.
Dear Al, Feedback from 30 kids at the school in Ostrobramska - well done, am so pleased, They loved it and understood the message. Thank you so much. Magda Original message > > From: poczta.fm > To: Magdalena Fijałkowska Learning Without > Date: :03 > Subject: Africa Today - feedback - Part 1 16 I liked the workshop. with a desire to participate. He showed us a few clips because it is easier to visualize than the exact situation of the recount. 17 This workshops was very interesting. This was not a boring lecture. 18 i like the workshop very much. Mr. Al was talking very interestingly and would not mind if he comes to our school again. 19 This workshops was interesting. Al Hayfron was very nice. I would like him to arrive once more to us. 20 I really liked this workshop because of the interesting lead subject. 21 It was interesting and curious. I really want more meetings like that. 22. I liked the workshop because I liked the lead subject. There was a lot of movie, which made it an interesting presentation. 23. I really enjoyed the workshop. Allan Hayfron had a nice accent. The workshop was interesting. 24 l liked your accent. 25 Very interesting. Nicely told. the most successful presentation. 26 I really enjoyed it . It was fun. You made me have another, fascinating view of Africa, thank you. 27 I really liked this workshop, it was really interesting. The presenter was nice, he was understandable and interesting. I learnt a lot of new things and there were good chocolates. 28 I really liked this workshop and especially Mr. Speaker was very nice and had good contact. 29 Very interesting workshops. I learned many interesting things about Africa. Mr. was very nice and provided the chocolates as a reward for the correct answers. 30 This workshop with the English language in my opinion was pretty cool. And provided fair trade chocolates from the store Marks & Spencer. Generally my opinion is good. 31.I liked this workshop very much. The presenter was nice and tried to encourage us to work giving us chocolates. presentation was very interesting. > Yours sincerely Gretel Janczak-Hulewicz
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