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Application Service Assurance ASA™/390
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Koncentracja na PROCESIE
MS BackOffice Remedy PeopleSoft Siebel BaaN SAP H/W O/S N/W PLATFORMY APLIKACJE Business Process PARAMETRY OPERACYJNE DANE Oracle DB2 IMS SQL Server VSAM Availability TCO Efficiency Meet SLAs
Application Service Assurance (ASA™)
Strategia BMC Software : Usprawnić business process Koncentracja Systems Management na aplikacjach Nie zapominając o technice, widzieć użytkownika Optymalizacja inwestycji Wiedzieć co gdzie kiedy na jak długo
ASA Zarządzanie skoncentrowane na APLIKACJI Maksymalizować:
Application performance Application availability Application recovery jako całość
Application Availability
Performance Recovery Application Availability
Application Availability
Performance Recovery Application Availability State Management Monitorowanie Automatyczna reakcja Potrzebne dane w koniecznym miejscu Zapewnić dojście Enterprise Data Propagation Application Availability Maintenance baz Danych Administracja i propagacja zmian aplikacji Change Management High Availability Utilities
Application Availability
Performance Recovery Application Availability Koszty niezaplanowanych przestojów wzrastają “Okna” na maintenance się kurczą Zaplanowane przestoje Niezaplanowane Application Availability
R&D Priorities ASA OS/390 Availability Utilities Solution
Performance Recovery ASA OS/390 Availability Utilities Solution R&D Priorities Utility Management Performance improvements Availability Continuous Operation Utilities
ASA OS/390 Availability DB2 KM IMS KM Utility Manager
Performance Recovery ASA OS/390 Availability Performance Master Control Subsystem Capacity Planning Appl. Optimization SYSTEM Object Performance DB2 KM IMS KM Change Manager Catalog Manager A/R Utility Manager R E O G L A D U N C H K P Y . Auto DBA for DB2 IMS
Narzędzia dla DB2 Utility Products Availability Performance Recovery
IMS VSAM DB2 CICS Utility Products Admin Products EDP Products
Ich miejsce w strategii ASA?
DB2 Utility Products Reorg Plus Unload Plus Load Plus Check Plus
cd.. Równoczesna reorganizacja BMCDSN (rozkazy DB2) eXtended Buffer Manager
cd.. Od 2 do 10 razy szybsze niż narzędzia IBM Mniej CPU
XBM (SNAPSHOT) pozwala na równoczesne maintenance i produkcję (24 x 7 online) Mniej dopasowań JCL, mniej problemów dynamiczne alokacje Dużo łatwiejszy restart
Porównanie narzędzi SSAS IBM Utility RDS BMC Utility DM BM Table
Space DFP Buffer Pool
Dlaczego reorganizować?
10 4 8 1 M Fully Organized Table Disorganized Table 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 4 M 4 4 2 3 9 5 5 5 <=6 <=6 6 6 6 >6 >6 7 7 7 8 8 8 7 9 7 9 9 10 10 10 6 3 5 12 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 7 Table Data Clustering Index Clustering Index 1) Data out of Sequence 2) Pointer Overflow 3) Too Many Extents Table Data
Reorg Plus Reorganizuje tablespace i/albo indexspace data sets szybciej i zużywa dużo mniej CPU Równocześnie pisze (max 4) image copies albo DSN1COPY’s Dynamiczna alokacja SYSRECnn, SYSUT1nn, SORTWKnn oraz copy data sets Dużo łatwiejszy restart Historia poprzednich reorganizacji REORG PLUS - tuning i efektywne planowanie przyszłych reorganizacji Reorganizacja ONLINE
Unload Plus Do dziesięciu (10) razy szybsze niż IBM V4 DSNTIAUL
Unloads z: Table Space Full image copy Incremental image copy DSN1COPY Wiele różnych formatów i zbiorów na output bogata konwersja typów danych Snapshot (XBM) Unload Concurrency option
Unload Plus Wiele tabeli w tablespace w jednym przejściu
“stare” image copy Szybka selekcja danych podczas UNLOAD Selekcja logiczna (full boolean logic) Limit and sampling support
Load Plus Do 3 razy szybsze niż IBM V5 - mniej CPU
Sprawdza dane ZANIM zapisze Równocześnie produkuje do 4 image copies albo DSN1COPY copies Dynamiczna alokacja work files Updates DB2 catalog i DASD MANAGER (narzędzie BMC) statistics tables Opcjonalny sort Wiele opcji wyboru, konwersji i innych
Century option - automatyczna konwersja 2-cyfrowych pól Pełna logika (full boolean logic)
Check Plus Sprawdza wewnętrzną spójność i strukturę objektów DB2
Do 13 razy szybszy niż IBM V5 Zmierzyliśmy do 81% mniej CPU Provides Application RI checking with constraint selection Opcja Snapshot (XBM) Check online Które table spaces są w relacji z single table space Generates a sequential file containing foreign key violations
BMCDSN Command Processor
BMCDSN Command Processor
Kontrola i reporting wykonania narzędzi BMC i IBM DISPLAY HISTORY Display BMC Utility history for selected objects DISPLAY UTILITY Display active BMC and IBM utilities RESET UTILITY Stops active BMC utilities TERM UTILITY Terminates BMC utility SET SYSTEM Switch to different DB2 subsystem END
SnapShot (XBM)
SnapShot (XBM) Maksymalizacja czasu równoległego dostępu do danych podczas pracy narzędzi Dane bez sprzeczności “Niewidoczne” dla użytkownika
Traditional Unload Snapshot Unload Init Unload Term RW - Read/Write
RO RW Init Unload Term XBM can look at all reads and writes from DB2. This is represented in the picture by the box in the middle of the chart. 1). COPY PLUS starts a concurrent copy. The table space it is copying has been registered to XBM. 2). DB2 is still performing reads and writes to the table space. Page 200 is read into DB2. When DB2 performs the write back to DASD, 3). XBM “sees” the write, and before the write completes, XBM brings the pre-updated image of the page into XBM’s cache. 4). When COPY PLUS finally request page 200, the page is given to COPY PLUS from XBM’s cache rather than from storage. 5). When the copy completes, it is a real image copy registered to DB2 in SYSCOPY. RW RO RW Snapshot Unload RW - Read/Write RO - Read Only
SNAPSHOT + Utility XBM DB2 BMC Utility 2 5 4 1 3 200 200 50 10 100 200
SYSCOPY 200 5 XBM 4 200 50 10 100 200 1 XBM can look at all reads and writes from DB2. This is represented in the picture by the box in the middle of the chart. 1). COPY PLUS starts a concurrent copy. The table space it is copying has been registered to XBM. 2). DB2 is still performing reads and writes to the table space. Page 200 is read into DB2. When DB2 performs the write back to DASD, 3). XBM “sees” the write, and before the write completes, XBM brings the pre-updated image of the page into XBM’s cache. 4). When COPY PLUS finally request page 200, the page is given to COPY PLUS from XBM’s cache rather than from storage. 5). When the copy completes, it is a real image copy registered to DB2 in SYSCOPY. 3 BMC Utility 10 50 100 200 400 300
Przyszłość (6-12 miesięcy)
Object Selection Object Registration DB2 Object Reorg Plus for DB2 REORG Command Object Completion Return Code Control Information Candidate Objects for Reorg STATS BMCHIST Start i kontrola przez MainView i AutoOperator(y)
Application Performance
Availability Performance Recovery Application Performance
Application Performance
Availability Performance Recovery Application Performance Monitor performance Performance Modeling and Prediction Size, tune and model resources Performance Analysis and Reporting Detect and analyze bottlenecks Application Performance Optimize technology layer Tune without outage Track and report service levels Performance Optimization
ASA OS/390 Application Performance
Availability Performance Recovery Applications require increased performance Requirements to meet service levels are increasing Application environments are growing Performance parameters span multiple technology layers Tune Application Performance Management Dynamically Without Outage Monitor Predict
R&D Priorities ASA OS/390 Application Performance
Availability Performance Recovery ASA OS/390 Application Performance R&D Priorities System, Application, Object and Capacity Planning Performance solutions Integrated solution Component Based design Rule based Intelligent solution
ASA OS/390 - DB2 Performance
Availability Performance Recovery Performance Master (MainView) Control Subsystem SYSTEM Application Optimization Object Performance Capacity Planning AutoDBA Link What if?... Best/1 Integration DB2 AM System Information Exception Subsystem Opertune Dynamic Changes XBM Performance Buffer Optimization DB2 KM Buffer Manager Buffer Management AppTune SQL Information SQL Exception Subsystem SQL-Explorer SQL Optimization SQL Accelerator Appl. SQL Optimization ARC/DB2 Batch Optimization B/A DB2 Index Optimizer Index Optimization DASD Mgr. TS size Optimizer TS Partizion Optimization Bind Avoider AutoDBA Link Data Packer
Availability Performance Recovery Application Recovery
Business Process Oriented
AR/ESM Product Vision Activities Logical Activities Plan, Plan, Plan Execute Business Process Oriented Discover, Define Application Oriented Reconstitute Transaction/Log Backup Recovery o DBMS Oriented Backup/Copy Recover/Restore File System Oriented Storage Oriented Dump Restore Physical
Application Recovery Application Restart Recovery Management Log
Availability Performance Recovery Application Recovery Recovery Management Backup databases Application Restart Restart batch applications Coordinates recovery across multiple data stores Application Recovery Recover specific data Recover application files and databases Recover to point-in-time Log Management
Application Recovery Dostęp do danych Koszty dla byznesu
Availability Performance Recovery Application Recovery Dostęp do danych Koszty dla byznesu Jakie objekty należą do aplikacji? Co w jakiej kolejności trzeba odtworzyć Z czego? Błędy logiczne Data Availability Process Time Recovery Time
Struktura DB2 Backup and Recovery IMS DB2 CICS ADMIN PERF Backup &
UTILS Copy and Recovery DB2 Log Processing Recovery Managers Application Restart
DB2 Recovery Resource Review TABLESPACE & INDEXSPACE
DB2 Directory ICF Catalog DB2 Catalog BSDS SYSLGRNX SYSCOPY Inc Copies Active Log Archive Logs Full Copy TABLESPACE & INDEXSPACE
DB2 Backup and Recovery Products
COPY PLUS Family Copy Plus Snapshot Copy C+/Modify RECOVER PLUS Family Recover Plus R+/Change Accum R+/Resource Maximizer
DB2 Backup and Recovery Products cont.
Log Processing Family PACLOG Patrol DB-Log Master for DB2 for MVS Apply Plus for DB2 Recovery Manager Family Recovery Manager for DB2 Recovery Manager for IMS OS/390 Recovery Manager Coordinated Recovery Manager for MVS
DB2 Backup and Recovery Products cont.
Application Restart Family Application Restart Control (ARC) DB2 IMS CICS/VSAM
DB2 Backup and Recovery Family
Automatyzacja zakodowana wiedza Recovery to złożony proces Redukcja czasu na recovery Redukcja błędów
Copy Plus Family Copy Plus C + / MODIFY
Kopiuje tablespaces razy szybciej niż narzędzia IBM duplikuje i rejestruje kopie danych offline Multi-tasking for parallel processing Snapshot (XBM) redukuje czas Quiesce C + / MODIFY Provides auditing for recoverability Simplifies MODIFY utilizing wildcard lists Deletes based on number copies Deletes/uncatalog old Image copies BMC Software provides several utilities in the recovery area to address the cost and inefficiencies inherent in the process. You can easily reduce your outage time for backup and recovery using these utilities.
Copy Plus Family Snapshot Copy
Reduces the outage for share level reference copy Combines strengths of COPY PLUS for DB2 and Extended Buffer Manager (XBM) for DB2 Easy to implement Initiate XBM Snapshot configuration (MVS ESA Dataspace) Initiate COPY PLUS with SHRLEVEL(CONCURRENT) BMC Software provides several utilities in the recovery area to address the cost and inefficiencies inherent in the process. You can easily reduce your outage time for backup and recovery using these utilities.
Recovery Plus Family Recover Plus for DB2 R+ /Change Accum
Recover razy szybszy niż IBM utility Fizyczny backout bez image copies Analiza akcji dla recoverability Allows recovery testing to non-DB2 objects R+ /Change Accum Grupuje DB2 log records by applications Sortuje log records przed problemem Reduces recovery time No tablespace performance or availability impact Less frequent copies R+/Resource Maximizer OUTCOPY ONLY - pełna kopia bez zatrzymywania DB2
DB2 Log Processing Family
PACLOG for DB2 Mniej miejsca na DASD i więcaj danych z LOGu online Eliminuje dane z LOGu, które nie są konieczne dla RECOVERy Data compression - więcej danych Concurrent Recovery
DB2 Log Processing Family
Patrol DB Log Master for DB2 OS/390 Create audit, detail, and summary reports Bez DB2 trace records Tworzy undo SQL, aby zrobić backout na poziomie aplikacji Tworzy redo SQL, aby wczytać zmiany LOGu jeszcze raz Migruje zmiany danych z LOGu DB2 Apply Plus for DB2 (available 6/99) High speed static SQL Multi-tasking
Recovery Managers Recovery Manager for DB2
Prewencyjnie buduje grupy dla aplikacji Recovery tylko ZMIENIONYCH objektów Stack tape analysis Zna wszystkie zależności aplikacji PRZED recovery Weryfikuje zasoby dla recovery Umie zrobić pełen VOLUME RECOVERY XBM communicates with COPY PLUS and the DB2 Buffer Manager. When a write is staged from the DB2 Buffers, XBM intercepts and detains the write. If COPY PLUS has already copied the affected page, the write is allowed through. If COPY PLUS has NOT copied the page, XBM retrieves the unchanged page from DASD and holds it in the DATASPACE. The write for that page is then allowed through. When COPY PLUS is ready to copy the affected page, it is retrieved from the XBM DATASPACE.
Recovery Managers Recovery Manager for DB2 For Disaster Recovery
Generates Backup and Recovery JCL to Recover DB2 Subsystem Generates JCL for offsite recovery of application groups Provides Verification of Recovery Resources Confirms all IC, active/archive logs, and other resources are available prior to recovery Provides list tapes needed offsite Generates offsite copy of DB2 Logs XBM communicates with COPY PLUS and the DB2 Buffer Manager. When a write is staged from the DB2 Buffers, XBM intercepts and detains the write. If COPY PLUS has already copied the affected page, the write is allowed through. If COPY PLUS has NOT copied the page, XBM retrieves the unchanged page from DASD and holds it in the DATASPACE. The write for that page is then allowed through. When COPY PLUS is ready to copy the affected page, it is retrieved from the XBM DATASPACE.
Recovery Managers Recovery Manager for IMS Recovery Manager for DB2
Recovery Manager for OS/390 Patrol Recovery Managers Oracle Sybase Coordinated Recovery Manager (MVS) Discover consistent log point Coordinate recovery activity Verify recovery assets Generate coordinated recovery for any failure XBM communicates with COPY PLUS and the DB2 Buffer Manager. When a write is staged from the DB2 Buffers, XBM intercepts and detains the write. If COPY PLUS has already copied the affected page, the write is allowed through. If COPY PLUS has NOT copied the page, XBM retrieves the unchanged page from DASD and holds it in the DATASPACE. The write for that page is then allowed through. When COPY PLUS is ready to copy the affected page, it is retrieved from the XBM DATASPACE.
Application Restart Family
Application Restart Control for DB2 Reduces long DB2 backout times in the event of an abend Improved data availability Automatic Checkpoint/Restart services with no application program changes Automatic DB2 Cursor Repositioning XBM communicates with COPY PLUS and the DB2 Buffer Manager. When a write is staged from the DB2 Buffers, XBM intercepts and detains the write. If COPY PLUS has already copied the affected page, the write is allowed through. If COPY PLUS has NOT copied the page, XBM retrieves the unchanged page from DASD and holds it in the DATASPACE. The write for that page is then allowed through. When COPY PLUS is ready to copy the affected page, it is retrieved from the XBM DATASPACE.
Priorytety R&D Integracja (“classic” BMC, Boole & Babbage)
Availability Performance Recovery ASA OS/390 Application Recovery Priorytety R&D Integracja (“classic” BMC, Boole & Babbage) Koncentracja na aplikacje Transaction Level Granularity “Desired State” Enterprise Storage Management
Current Application Recovery Mainframe Solution Sets
Coordinated Recovery Manager Recovery Manager for DB2 SAP Recovery Manager for IMS Recovery Manager for OS/390 COPY PLUS for DB2 IMAGE COPY PLUS RECOVERY UTILITY for VSAM DFSMS or ABARS RECOVER PLUS for DB2 RECOVERY PLUS for IMS BMC automates the process of backing up and recovering all components of the application. Our solutions minimize application and business process “down time” and reduce or eliminate data loss. For relational databases, our Log Master product also provides the ability to perform an “online recovery” in the event of an administrative or application logic error. For example, if a DBA accidentally deletes 50 rows out of a table instead of 5, Log Master can find that erroneous change, and generate SQL to UNDO the change -- allowing the DBA to recover the data without taking the database, the application, or the business process off line. LOG MASTER for DB2 Recovery Suite for DB2 Recovery Suite for IMS AR/CTL for DB2 AR/CTL for IMS AR/CTL for VSAM
ASA for OS/390 - przyszłość AVAILABILITY PERFORMANCE RECOVERY Database Administration Storage Administration Operations Performance Recovery CO Tools/Utilities CZYM Automation JAK Optimization CZY/ KIEDY Decision Instrumentation Application and Business Process OS/ Distributed Middleware Systems
ASA: Pomaga wam lepiej służyć waszej organizacji przez:
Maksymalizację dostępu do aplikacji Optymalizację performance Sprawne, szybkie RECOVERY
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