Jacek Zaucha członek Grupy SOG. 2 Interreg III B – BSR.

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Prezentacja na temat: "Jacek Zaucha członek Grupy SOG. 2 Interreg III B – BSR."— Zapis prezentacji:

1 Jacek Zaucha członek Grupy SOG

2 2 Interreg III B – BSR

3 3 INTERREG III B – Aktywność regionów

4 A regional partnership for sustainable development Think globally...



7 ...act regionally

8 (environment, economy and social aspects) Three dimensions of sustainable development 30 – year perspective Focus on key sectors and spatial planning Sector Actions 7. Tourism sector  TO 1 - Enforcement of legislation regarding sustainable development and tourism, e.g. coastal codes and HELCOM recommendations, spatial planning and land use.  TO 2 - Environmental Management Systems should be further presented to the tourism industry and monitoring methods developed.

9 Baltic 21 Lighthouse themes and strategic projects Preparing for new Baltic 21 Working Groups on Bio-energy Promotion, Education for Sustainable Development, Innovations and Sustainability, and Integrated Management of Urban and Rural Areas Four projects envisaged: Bio-energy promotion Education for Sustainable Development Innovations and sustainability Integrated Management for Urban and Rural Areas

10 Dywersyfikacja obszarów wiejskich Regiony z wysokim udziałem zatrudnienia w rolnictwie i słabą tkanką miejską



13 Baltic Country Holidays - Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia Accomodation Tours NatureProfessional informationConferencesAbout us Lauku ceļotājs, A więc można w sieci

14 Lofoty – liczy się jakość

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