Primary School in Kaźmierz Szkoła Podstawowa imienia Marii Dąbrowskiej w Kaźmierzu w Kaźmierzu
Where are we from? We are from Kaźmierz in Poland.
This is our school.
These are our students.
In our school we can do a lot of exciting things !
We learn a lot...
We are good at sports !!!
We love singing.
We enjoy craft and drawing.
We can dance!!!
We love trips.
We care about animals.
We just have a great time in our school.
We would like to know you, your country and your culture.
Greetings from Poland. Students and their English teacher.
Prezentację przygotowali uczniowie klasy VIc wraz z wychowawcą - p. Anną Heś podczas zajęć koła języka angielskiego.