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Nowotwór o nieznanym punkcie wyjścia (cancer of unknown primary site CUP) Dr n. med. Grzegorz Basak.

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Prezentacja na temat: "Nowotwór o nieznanym punkcie wyjścia (cancer of unknown primary site CUP) Dr n. med. Grzegorz Basak."— Zapis prezentacji:

1 Nowotwór o nieznanym punkcie wyjścia (cancer of unknown primary site CUP)
Dr n. med. Grzegorz Basak

2 Definicja: Heterogenna grupa przerzutów nowotworowych, dla których po dokładnym zebraniu wywiadu, badaniu przedmiotowym i wykonaniu licznych badań dodatkowych, nie odnaleziono zmian pierwotnych.

3 Dlaczego ? Guz pierwotny cechuje się bardzo powolnym wzrostem lub został zniszczony przez układ odpornościowy. Nowotwór pierwotny daje wczesne przerzuty, jeszcze zanim zmiana pierwotna stanie się duża na tyle, aby ją wykryć.

4 Cechy charakterystyczne CUP:
Wczesne przerzuty Brak klinicznych dowodów na istnienie zmiany pierwotnej Nieprzewidywalny tor tworzenia przerzutów Agesywność

5 Gdzie najczęściej występuje:
Liczne zmiany – 50% Wątroba Węzły chłonne Śródpiersiowe, zaotrzewnowe Pachowe szyjne pachwinowe Jama otrzewnowa Nowotworowy wysięk Płuca Przerzuty do płuc Kości (pojedyncze lub liczne) Mózg (pojedyncze lub liczne)

6 Główne typy histologiczne:
Histologia Występowanie (%) Gruczolakorak Dobrze do umiarkowanie zróżnicowanego Słabo lub niezróżnicowany (anaplastyczny) Rak kolczystokomórkowy: Niezróżnicowane nowotwory: Bliżej niesprecyzowane Guzy neuroendokrynne Chłoniaki Guzy zarodkowe Czerniaki Mięsaki 50 30 15 5

7 Epidemiologia: 2.3-4.2% wszystkich nowotworów
7-8 przyczyna zapadalności na nowotwory 4 najczęstsza przyczyna śmierci spowodowanej nowotworem Średni wiek rozpoznania - 60 lat


9 Korzyści dla pacjenta pieniądze czas Decyzje podczas diagnostyki CUP

10 KROK I: poszukiwanie zmiany pierwotnej
U pacjentów z CUP, wskazana jest diagnostyka o umiarkowanym zakresie w celu poszukiwania zmiany pierwotnej, jednak nie powinna ona opóźniać leczenia empirycznego Wywiady: palenie, azbest, ból brzucha i in. Badanie przedmiotowe: węzły chłonne, tarczyca, skóra, gr. krokowy, piersi, per rectum Badania laboratoryjne: morfologia, biochemia: transaminazy, kreatynina, elektrolity+Ca, bad. og. moczu, krew utajona w kale Pomiar PSA: u każdego mężczyzny ze zmianami przerzutowymi do kości hCG, AFP, LDH – u wszystkich mężczyzn o niskozróżnicowanych rakach Rtg i CT brzucha, klp. i miednicy Mammografia: u każdej kobiety z powiększonymi węzłami chłonnymi pachowymi PET

11 Zmianę pierwotną odnajduje się za życia pacjenta w < 20% przypadków
Zmianę pierwotną odnajduje się za życia pacjenta w < 20% przypadków. Najczęściej odnajdywane zmiany pierwotne: 1. Raki płuca i trzustki 2. nowotwory przewodu pokarmowego i dróg rodnych Średnie przeżycie: 6-9 miesięcy

12 Primary sites of CUPs with relatively good prognosis:
Breast cancer Prostate cancer Lymphomas Germ-cell tumours Ewing`s sarcoma PNET tumours

13 KROK II: WYKLUCZENIE NOWOTWORÓW O RELATYWNIE DOBREJ PROGNOZIE, POTENCJALNIE DOBRZE PODDAJĄCYCH SIĘ LECZENIU (1) Rak piersi Rak gruczołu krokowego Chłoniaki Nowotwory zarodkowe Mięsak Ewinga Nowotwory neuroendokrynne

Barwienie immunohistochemiczne skrawków lub wykrywanie markerów w surowicy: PSA Receptory estrogenowe i progesteronowe: raki piersi „leucocyte common antigen” – chłoniak anaplastyczny S100- czerniak Neuron specific enolase, chromogranina, synaptofizyna – guzy neuroendokrynne Cytokeratyna – rak Vimentyna i desmina – mięsak TK1 – tarczyca, płuco hCG, AFP – guzy pochodzenia zarodkowego HER-2 – raki piersi tyroglobulina, kalcytonina – raki tarczycy Mikroskopia elektronowa: Cechy strukturalne charakterystyczne dla chłoniaków, rakaów, czerniaka i guzów neuroendokrynnych


16 Isolated splenic metastases occurring as an unknown primary lesion

17 Isolated splenic metastases occurring as an unknown primary lesion:
A 62-year-old female was referred for evaluation of enlarged spleen on physical examination. Abdominal examination revealed splenomegaly, the liver was not palpable, and rectal examination was unremarkable. Lactate dehydrogenase level was mildly elevated at 557 U/L (normal range, 240 U/L to 480 U/L). Results of other routine biochemical and hematologic tests were within normal ranges. The carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) level was 19 ng/mL (normal, 0 ng/mL to 3.4 ng/mL).

18 Isolated splenic metastases occurring as an unknown primary lesion:
Computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen and pelvis revealed an enlarged spleen containing a large solitary hypodense mass which had a lobulated contour. It showed no contrast enhancement. There was no evidence of internal soft tissue nodules or spotty calcifications. There was no evidence of extra-splenic extension or invasion of surrounding organs such as liver, retroperitoneum, and pelvic space. CT chest did not reveal any abnormalities.

19 Isolated splenic metastases occurring as an unknown primary lesion
In the absence of any other metastatic lesions and, because it was believed that the splenic lesions would become symptomatic considering its size, the patient was advised to have a laparotomy for a possible splenectomy. At exploratory laparotomy, the spleen was found to be enlarged and its external surface was distorted. There were multiple enlarged splenic hilar lymph nodules. The liver, colon, and other viscera were normal. Splenectomy was done without complications, and the post-operative course was uneventful. The spleen was 1500 g in weight and measured 20x 15.6x 6.2 cm, the cut surface revealed a necrotic, haemorrhagic, cavitary lesion 7cm in diameter. The edges of the lesion showed beige coloured irregular, solid areas.

20 Isolated splenic metastases occurring as an unknown primary lesion
Histopathologic examination revealed pleomorphic tumour cells with moderate cytoplasm. The tumour cell groups were arranged in solid, trabecular, alveolar and acinar pattern [Figure - 1] and poorly differentiated glandular pattern in tumor tissue [Figure - 2]. Immunohistochemical stains were performed for cytokeratin, neuron-specific enolase (NSE), chromogranin, and hormone receptors for invasive ductal carcinoma on formalin-fixed tissue. Tumor cells displayed strong cytoplasmic staining for cytokeratin, but no staining with NSE, chromogranin and hormone receptors. Primary tumor was suspected to be localized in pancreas, breast, colon, ovary or fallopian tubes based on histopathological examination. The case was reported as metastating poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. Isolated splenic metastases occurring as an unknown primary lesion

21 Isolated splenic metastases occurring as an unknown primary lesion: treatment
Combination chemotherapy regimen (PF) consisting of cisplatin 75 mg/m2/day, on day 1 and 5-fluorouracil 600 mg/m2 /day, on days 1 to 5, intravenous every 4 weeks was initiated post-operatively. She received six courses of PF. No primary lesion was identified even in post-operative survey. The post-operative course was uneventful with no evidence of recurrence six months after the operation. At 4-month follow-up, the patient was asymptomatic, with a CEA level of 0. The CT of the abdomen showed no persistence or recurrence of disease.

22 Comment on: Isolated splenic metastases occurring as an unknown primary lesion
Splenic metastases are found with a frequency varying from 2.4 to 7.1%. The malignancies of the breast, lung, and pancreas, and malignant melanoma are the commonest cancers that metastasise to other organs. Splenic metastases from a primary tumour of any source are usually a part of widespread metastatic disease and are reported at autopsy, with an incidence of 7%. Spontaneous splenic rupture and consequent haemorrhage is a rare complication of these tumours. In the presence of large splenic deposits, a splenectomy may be justified to avoid the potential catastrophic event of splenic rupture. Because of the high likelihood of widespread metastases, routine resection of the primary tumour may not be justified.

23 Woman with abdominal pain and abnormal abdominal biopsy

24 Woman with abdominal pain and abnormal abdominal biopsy
A 75-year-old woman with a distant history of breast cancer presents with a 5-month history of abdominal pain, constipation and bloating. Workup includes a mammogram, showing fibrocystic changes, fine-needle aspirates of a mass in the left breast consistent with benign changes, a transvaginal ultrasound revealing no obvious masses, and a colonoscopy that revealed a 0.5-cm polyp. A colonoscopic biopsy is notable for poorly differenciated adenoma of the colonic mucosa, felt to be extrinsic in origin from the colon.

25 Woman with abdominal pain and abnormal abdominal biopsy:
Immunohistochemical staining is positive for CK7 and negative for CK20. A cytokeratin profile is not consistent with a primary colonic adenocarcinoma. A CT scan of the chest, abdomen and pelvis shows linear markings consistent with metastases in the greater omentum, an increased number of subcentimeter left axillary lymph nodes, distal colonic wall thickening, and a thickened gallbladder wall.

26 Physical examination:
General: fatigued-appearing, no acute distress, weight 51 kg, height 145 cm. Vital signs: temperature 37.5oC, pulse 72/min, respiration 16, blood pressure 120/62. HEENT: no scleral icterus. Lymph nodes: two mobile lymph nodes in left axilla measuring 1 cm each. Breasts: 3-cm mobile round mass in left breast. Chest: clear bilaterally. Abdomen: soft, non-tender, slightly distended, bowel sounds present. Extremities: no oedema. Laboratory findings: Serum markers include CA-125=27.3; CA19-9=82 and CEA=3.7

27 What additional tests should be ordered to establish the primary site of the patient`s carcinoma?
Additional workup should include a review of pathology with additional staining, PET scan, and evaluation of her left breast by the surgeon

28 Woman with abdominal pain and abnormal abdominal biopsy:
The patient underwent an excisional biopsy of the dominant mass in her left breast. Pathological evaluation revealed an invasive lobular carcinoma. The patient was treated for metastatic breast cancer with anastrozole.

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