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Autor prezentacji: Maria Rzepecka Mariusz Pałka

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1 Autor prezentacji: Maria Rzepecka Mariusz Pałka
How green is your world? Publiczne Gimnazjum im. Andrzeja Ruszkowskiego w Złoczewie Autor prezentacji: Maria Rzepecka Mariusz Pałka

2 Nasz szkoła została zarejestrowana na portalu
eTwinning 26 czerwca 2008 roku. Następnie nawiązaliśmy kontakt ze szkołą Ian Ramsey CE School  w Stockton-on-Tees w Wielkiej Brytanii. Opracowaliśmy wspólny projekt pt. 'How green is your world?'. 21 lipca 2008 roku Narodowe Biuro Akcji eTwinning zaakceptowało nasze partnerstwo i przyznało nam odznakę eTwinning.

3 22 sierpnia 2008 roku dołączyła do nas szkoła College Pierre Darasse z południowej części Francji oraz kolejne szkoły z Europy The Scuola secondaria di primo grado "Ettore Romagnoli" Gela in Italy. The MEHMETÇİK İLK ÖĞRETİM Okolu in Turkey and the Gheorghe Titeica School, Constanta in Romania.

4 SZCZEGÓŁY PROJEKTU: Tytuł: HOW GREEN IS YOUR WORLD? Partnerskie szkoły:  Publiczne Gimnazjum im. Andrzeja Ruszkowskiego w Złoczewie  ( koordynator: Maria Rzepecka)  Ian Ramsey  CE  School ,  Stockton-on-Tees, Great Britain  ( koordynator:  Helena Buterfield)  College Pierre Darasse, France  (koordynator: Raynal Christine)  czas trwania: wrzesień – czerwiec 2009 roku

5 Język projektu: angielski
Grupy przedmiotów:  języki obce, informatyka,/technologie ICT, ekologia, geografia, biologia, historia/tradycje, fizyka; Wiek uczniów: lat  Cele: - poznać i zaprzyjaźnić się z rówieśnikami z partnerskiego kraju;  - wymienić informacje o sobie, swoich szkołach, tradycjach obu państw,  - udoskonalić umiejętność posługiwania się  technologią ICT;  - udoskonalić posługiwanie się językiem angielskim;  - podniesienie świadomości ekologicznej młodych ludzi na problemy ochrony środowiska rozumianego globalnie i lokalnie  - promowanie idei proekologicznych: oszczędzanie energii, alternatywne sposoby  pozyskiwanie energii ;         Projekt został zrealizowany na platformie Wikispace oraz  eTwinning, z wykorzystaniem dostępnych narzędzi.

6 Plan realizacji projektu: wrzesień – październik - Let’s get to know each other and our classes (wymieniamy informacjeo sobie oraz naszych klasach); listopad – grudzień - Welcome to our school (prezentujemy nasze szkoły oraz inicjatywy proekologiczne, w których bierzemy udział);. styczeń - luty - This is our country, this is our town (poznajemy nasze miasta oraz kraje, a także lokalne programy na rzecz ochrony środowiska naturalnego); marzec –kwiecień - Sources of energy in our area (Źródła energii w naszych regionach, państwach); maj – czerwiec - The way forward (Możliwości pozyskiwania energii w przyszłości).

7 Lista uczniów biorących udział w projekcie:
1)      Bartłomiej Walczak 2)      Marlena Ługowska 3)      Faustyna Fikus 4)      Jakub Chojnicki 5)      Michał Matuszewski 6)      Hubert Sibera        7)      Anita Kuchczyńska 8)      Karolina Majdańska 9)      Paulina Skowron 10)   Paulina Krywania 11)  Monika Krywania 12)  Olga Makota 13)  Maja Owczarek 14)  Łukasz Serwiak 15)  Nikodem Kaczmarek


9 Hi my name is Mrs. Butterfield and I teach French, German and Spanish at Ian Ramsey CE School in Stockton-on-Tees in the northeast of England. I am working with my Tutor Group 9A on this project and I hope that they will enjoy the challenge. I think that it is really important for us to be able to meet and work with people from other countries and cultures to help us better understand ourselves and our world! The environment is very important to me and my family. We recycle as much rubbish as we can...my husband even takes all of our cardboard, plastic bottles and garden waste down to the local recycling centre in Billingham, as our local council does not collect it. It is essential that we look after our planet for our future generations. (ps. I'll change the picture as soon as I can!!!)

10 Hello, my name is Miss Rzepecka and I teach English at Publiczne Gimnazjum im. Andrzeja Ruszkowskiego in Złoczew, which is located more or less in the centre of Poland. I'm going to work on this environmental project with my students from the third grade, hoping they will have a good time while cooperating with their friends from other countries, and learning how to take care of our planet. I strongly believe that the project will help to build ecological awareness among the local society, and make the students more sensitive to global and local environment protection problems enriching their knowledge about other cultures and developing language skills in English at the same time.

11 Hello ! My name is Christine Raynal and I teach English at Collège Pierre Darasse in Caussade, a small country town in the South West of France. I plan to work on this project with my year 9 group and hopefully they will enjoy sharing their work with other European pupils and eventually make lots of new friends. I like the idea of sharing our work on this topic with partners from other European countries. It seems to me an excellent way of improving our knowledge on each other's environmental problems, and having our pupils to become more aware of how important it is to take care of our planet, and of course developing their skills in English. We are very lucky, we live in the country with beautiful landscapes but that doesn't mean we have no problems !

12 Hi. I'm Tiziana and I teach French in a secondary school in Gela
Hi! I'm Tiziana and I teach French in a secondary school in Gela. I live in the very South of Italy, just opposite to Africa! I work in a school where teachers are enthousiastic about new challanges. We have worked on 2 Comenius projects in the last years, which made our students so happy because they could "meet" new people and be learners in a different way. We enjoyed the experiences, of course, and we would like to build new (virtual) relationships and make new friends. I hope this time we can arise in our students the awareness that living in a tidy place means taking care of oneself as well.In the picture, you can see me as I would always like to be: on holiday!

13 Hi, My name is Mustafa and I am an English teacher at a state primary school in ceyhan/adana,Turkey. My school town is very close to the Mediterranean coast and the same distance to Adana, one of the biggest cities.I try to mean that we are very very hot in summertime. I plan to work on this project with students from different grades(especially 7th-8th). They are already very enthusiastic about the idea of project. The project would be great chance for my students to share a common subject with the other cultures and help them make new friends who are physically the same but culturally dissimilar.so, We are going to reveal our interest about our environment. The world is constantly changing around us,we should need to be more aware of that the world running out all kind of sources particularly in nature.

14 Hi, everybody! I am Adina, an English teacher who lives in Constanta, a city on the Black Sea coast. As I mentioned in the school presentation, I am now a teacher in the same school where I was once an ordinary student... not that I am ordinary, or relaxed! No, I am an extremely active person who cannot live without working on something or planning something! I love my school, I love English and music and I am quite good with children: I have a little girl myself, her name is Amanda and she is 3 and 7 months old. I have some experience with international projects as I was involved in a Comenius project 5 years ago and right now our school is developing another on cultural exchange with 6 other countries. As a teacher I am quite familiar with students of all ages since I have taught all levels, including little kidergarten children, primary and secondary school students 6-15 years old, and adults in college too. I am interested in this project because I am worried about the future of my child and the human tendency to destroy in a pursuit of knowledge and happiness.Hope we can really make a difference!

15 Ian Ramsey School Ian Ramsey CE School is a Secondary school in Stockton-on-Tees in the Northeast of England. We are a Church School and a Language College. There are 1200 pupils at Ian Ramsey. We like to work with schools from all over the world and have projects with school in the Netherlands, Poland, Hungary, Germany, France, Spain and Greece. We are also raising money to help a school in Lesotho, Africa. You'll find out more about our school by looking at the work that our pupils do in this project.

16 Gheorghe Titeica School, Constanta, Romania Our school is really great, and I am not saying that because I teach here, but also because I used to study here, some years ago. It has a history of 35 years and many brilliant minds and tallented gymnasts and sportsmen passed here over time. There are about 800 students aged between 7 and 15, learning here now and 40 teachers and other types of personnel. We are involved in lots of activities and all teachers and students have a contribution to the good name of our school. Our school has a cultural Comenius project in development, as well as a series of partnership agreements with scientific, social and cultural institutions. As we live on the Black Sea Coast and in the neighbourhood of one of the biggest rives in Europe, we are interested in working together on a project regarding saving our planet and especially the marine world and protecting the endangered species. Our students are well organised and informed by dedicated teachers, some of them being: Dorina Foroglu( Science); Cici Iordache( biology); Emilia Cadar( computers and technology);Adina Netedu ( English). We have some experience in developing projects, but we are looking forward to working with you and making a difference!


18 Publiczne Gimnazjum im. Andrzeja Ruszkowskiego w Złoczewie
It's a lower-secondary state school in Złoczew in the centre of Poland. There are 359 students attending our school, aged between 13 and 16 years old. We have got no experience in running etwinning projects so far, but we will do our best to make this project successful.


20 Collège Pierre Darasse, France We are a secondary school in a small town called Caussade in the South West of France. We have 7OO pupils in Pierre Darasse School aged 11 to 15. Our pupils all study two foreign languages: they all take English and then they choose German or Spanish. We have been involved in successful school exchanges for a couple of years now with Spain, Germany and England and we are really glad to take part in this new type of project . It is a very interesting challenge and we will do our best to make it successful !

21 Scuola secondaria di primo grado "Ettore Romagnoli" Gela (Italy) Our school is situated in the south of Italy, in the region of Sicily, on the coast. It is a big school, hosting about 800 students aged from 11 to 14. They learn two foreign languages, that is English and French or Spanish. Some of them attend a special music course and they learn how to play some music instruments: all together they form our school orchestra, the Ensemble. We have experienced the Comenius project and have worked with many countries in Europe. Now I would like our students to get a new challenge to discover the importance of taking care of the environment.


23 MEHMETÇİK İLK ÖĞRETİM OKULU,TURKEY Our school is in the south part of Turkey, very close to the Mediterranean coast.We have 500 satudents in our school.Their ages range from 7 to 14.They learn only English as a second language.It is a kind of small local state school.We have no experience about these projects before.so,we would like to experience it and do our best to be successful in this project.


25 Here you will find the tasks for each half term
Here you will find the tasks for each half term. By clicking on the task you will be taken to the page where the pupils' work can be found. Task 1: Who are we? Pupils will create resources to introduce their classes and their teachers. Completion date: 19th October Task 2: How green is your school? Pupils will create resources to introduce their schools and tell one another how environmentally friendly their schools are. Completion date: 17th December Task 3: Our towns and the environment? What do our towns do to help the environment? Do they do enough? What more could they do? Completion date: 15th March 2009

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