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Materiały pochodzą z Platformy Edukacyjnej Portalu

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1 Materiały pochodzą z Platformy Edukacyjnej Portalu www.szkolnictwo.pl
Wszelkie treści i zasoby edukacyjne publikowane na łamach Portalu mogą być wykorzystywane przez jego Użytkowników wyłącznie w zakresie własnego użytku osobistego oraz do użytku w szkołach podczas zajęć dydaktycznych. Kopiowanie, wprowadzanie zmian, przesyłanie, publiczne odtwarzanie i wszelkie wykorzystywanie tych treści do celów komercyjnych jest niedozwolone. Plik można dowolnie modernizować na potrzeby własne oraz do wykorzystania w szkołach podczas zajęć dydaktycznych.

2 Free Time Present Simple

3 Climb the rocks Zdania twierdzące I, you climb the rocks
He, she, it climbs the rocks We, You, They climb the rocks

4 Ride a horse I, You ride a horse. He, she, it rides a horse.
We, You, they ride a horse.

5 Go for a walk Pytania i odpowiedzi Do I/you go for a walk?
Yes, I/you do. No, I/ you don’t. Does he, she, it go for a walk? Yes, he/she/it does. No, he/she/it doesn’t Do we/you/they go for a walk? Yes, we, you, they do No, we, you, they don’t

6 Drink cofee and read newspaper
Do I/you drink cofee and read a newspaper? yes, I/ You do. No, I/you don’t Does he/she/it drink coffee and read a newspaper? Yes, he/she/it does No, he/she/it doesn’t Do we/you/they drink coffee and read a newspaper? Yes, we/you/they do No, we/you/ they don’t

7 Take photos Zdania przeczące I/you don’t take photos.
He/she/it doesn’t take photos. We, you, they don’t take photos.

8 Make barbecue I/you don’t make barbecue
He/she/it doesn’t make barbecue We/you/they don’t make barbecue

9 Przyimki częstotliwości How often? Jak często?
always % zawsze Usually % zazwyczaj Often % często sometimes % czasami Seldom % rzadko Never % nigdy

10 Days of a week When? on Mondays onTuesdays on Wednesdays every day
onThursdays on Fridays on Saturdays at the weekend on Sundays

11 Times of a day when? In the morning At noon In the afternoon
In the evening At night

12 Seasons of the year when?
In spring In summer In autumn In winter

13 Play the computer games
You always play the computer games in the evening.

14 Play the guitar He seldom plays the guitar at noon.

15 Watch TV She never watches TV in the afternoon.

16 Meet friends in a pub They often meet friends in a pub at the weekend.

17 Sail They never sail in winter. They often sail in summer.

18 Play tennis He usually plays tennis in spring and summer.

19 Do shopping Szczegółowe pytania i odpowiedzi
Do you do shopping? Yes, I do When do you do shopping? I do shopping in the morning. How often do you do shopping in the morning? I always do shopping in the morning.

20 swim She swims in summer. She doesn’t swim in winter.
How often does she swim in summer? Every day

21 Play football Do you play football? Yes, I do.
When do you play football? I play football on Tuesdays and Thursdays. How often do you play football in autumn? I seldom play football in autumn.

22 Dance at the party They dance at the party. When do they dance?
They dance at the weekends at night. Do they dance on Fridays? Yes, they do. How often do they dance on Fridays? Sometimes

23 run They run in summer and spring. They don’t run in winter.
Do they run in the morning? Yes, they do. How often do they run in the morning? They often run in the morning. Do they run at noon? No, they don’t. They never run at noon.

24 cycle Do you cycle? Yes, I do I cycle in spring, summer and autumn.
How often do you cycle in summer? I always cycle in summer. How often do you cycle in autumn? I seldom cycle in autumn. When do you cycle? I cycle on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Do you cycle in the afternoon? No, I don’t. I never cycle in the afternoon. I usually cycle in the morning.

25 Ski in the mountains He skis in winter. Does he ski in summer?
No, he doesn’t When does he ski in winter? He skis at noon. How often does he ski at noon? He usually skis at noon.

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